An Ultra-high-resolution Microwave Photonic-based SAR Image Method Based on Space-variant Motion Error Analysis
摘要: 针对运动误差空变对实现微波光子雷达超高分辨SAR成像的影响,该文提出了一种基于空变运动误差分析的超高分辨成像方法。首先通过解析求解获得中心波束平面补偿下的剩余空变误差表达式,提出了运动误差空变影响判定准则。接着针对微波光子SAR系统条件的不同判定结果,提出相应的成像流程。最后对所提判定准则与成像方法进行点仿真验证,并对录取的车载10 GHz微波光子超高分辨SAR实测数据进行分析与成像处理,实验结果表明所提方法的有效性。Abstract: An ultrahigh-resolution microwave photonic-based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging method based on space-variant motion error analysis is proposed to solve the influence of space-variant motion error on microwave photonic-based SAR imaging. First, the judgment rules of the influence of space-variant motion error are proposed to analyze the residual space-variant motion error. Second, on the basis of the different judgment results of microwave photonic-based SAR system conditions, the corresponding imaging process is proposed. Finally, the proposed judgment rules and imaging method are verified by point simulation, and the measured data of the 10 GHz microwave photonic-based ultrahigh-resolution SAR are analyzed and imaged. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
表 1 载机飞行参数
Table 1. Flight parameters
参数 值 参数 值 飞行速度 100 m/s 飞行高度 3 km 中心斜距 10 km 运动误差 1 m 表 2 SAR成像参数
Table 2. SAR imaging parameters
参数 微波光子SAR 传统SAR 中心频率 35 GHz 9.6 GHz 带宽 10 GHz 500 MHz 采样频率 500 MHz 500 MHz 方位波束宽度 16° 3° 距离分辨率 1.5 cm 0.3 m 方位分辨率 1.5 cm 0.3 m 脉冲重复频率 8000 Hz 800 Hz 表 3 车载微波光子雷达系统参数
Table 3. SAR system parameters
参数 值 参数 值 中心频率 35 GHz 飞行速度 10 km/h 带宽 10 GHz 俯仰角 13° 采样频率 500 MHz 距离分辨率 1.5 cm 脉冲重复频率 666 Hz 方位波束宽度 13° 中心斜距 150 m 方位分辨率 1.5 cm -
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