Aircraft Wake Vortex Observations in Hong Kong

Hon Kaikwong Chan Pakwai

韩启光, 陈栢纬. 香港国际机场的飞机尾涡观测[J]. 雷达学报, 2017, 6(6): 709-718. doi: 10.12000/JR17072
引用本文: 韩启光, 陈栢纬. 香港国际机场的飞机尾涡观测[J]. 雷达学报, 2017, 6(6): 709-718. doi: 10.12000/JR17072
Hon Kaikwong, Chan Pakwai. Aircraft Wake Vortex Observations in Hong Kong[J]. Journal of Radars, 2017, 6(6): 709-718. doi: 10.12000/JR17072
Citation: Hon Kaikwong, Chan Pakwai. Aircraft Wake Vortex Observations in Hong Kong[J]. Journal of Radars, 2017, 6(6): 709-718. doi: 10.12000/JR17072

Aircraft Wake Vortex Observations in Hong Kong

DOI: 10.12000/JR17072
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    Author Bio:

    Mr. K. K. Hon is a scientific officer of the Hong Kong Observatory. He is involved in aviation weather services including detection of low-level windshear and turbulence using long- and short-range LIDAR, fine-resolution numerical weather prediction for the Hong Kong International Airport, and also aircraft wake vortex detection. E-mail:

    Mr. P. W. Chan is a senior scientific officer of the Hong Kong Observatory. He has been working on aviation weather services for nearly 20 years. He has contributed to the developments of the various low level wind shear and turbulence alerting algorithms of the Hong Kong International Airport. Recently he has been involved in a wake vortex detection programme at the airport. He has published various papers on meteorological applications. E-mail:

    Corresponding author: HON Kaikwong
  • 摘要: 香港国际机场是世界上其中一个最繁忙的机场,其总航班升降量在2016年已超越400,000次。香港天文台除为香港国际机场提供航空气象服务外,近年亦开始利用短程激光雷达作飞机尾涡观测,并取得了初步的成果。该文介绍天文台在2014至2016年间的观测计划及初步数据分析结果,亦讨论香港国际机场飞机尾涡监测和预报技术的发展动向。


  • Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the terrain (contoured at 100 m separation) and major meteorological instruments surrounding the Hong Kong International Airport

    Figure  2.  The temporary unit of short-range LIDAR overlooking the arrival glide path of corridor 25RA at HKIA during the 2014 field campaign

    Figure  3.  Scanning strategies employed during the short-range LIDAR field campaign in summer 2014

    Figure  4.  Sample sequence of wake vortex evolution (highlighted) captured by a short-range LIDAR over 25RA during the 2014 field campaign

    Figure  5.  Scatterplot of estimated advection speed of identified wake vortices during the 2014 field campaign (vertical axis) against background wind speed from a nearby anemometer (horizontal axis). Please refer to the main text for more detailed descriptions

    Figure  6.  Scanning strategy employed for departure-corridor wake vortex observations during the SRL field campaign in 2015

    Figure  7.  Sample snapshot of a pair of wake vortices (highlighted) observed over corridor 25LD during the SRL field campaign in 2015

    Figure  8.  Sample normalised spectral intensities obtained from the permanent SRL unit of HKO during late 2016. The sharp jump near the middle of the plot corresponds to rough occurrence location of the observed wake vortices

    Figure  9.  Sample sequence of short-range LIDAR fixed-elevation scans (3° elevation; each planar scan completed in 20–30 seconds) during a suspected case of low-level windshear encounter related to remnant wake vortices. The trailing arrival aircraft would report an encounter of significant low-level windshear

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-08-04
  • 修回日期:  2017-09-01
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