
陈焱 王占领 庞晨 李永祯 王壮

陈焱, 王占领, 庞晨, 等. 基于极化时变调控表面的有源欺骗干扰辨识方法[J]. 雷达学报(中英文), 2024, 13(4): 929–940. doi: 10.12000/JR24028
引用本文: 陈焱, 王占领, 庞晨, 等. 基于极化时变调控表面的有源欺骗干扰辨识方法[J]. 雷达学报(中英文), 2024, 13(4): 929–940. doi: 10.12000/JR24028
CHEN Yan, WANG Zhanling, PANG Chen, et al. Radar active deception jamming recognition method based on the time-varying polarization-conversion metasurface[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(4): 929–940. doi: 10.12000/JR24028
Citation: CHEN Yan, WANG Zhanling, PANG Chen, et al. Radar active deception jamming recognition method based on the time-varying polarization-conversion metasurface[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(4): 929–940. doi: 10.12000/JR24028


DOI: 10.12000/JR24028
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61971429, 61921001, 62301580),博士后基金(2022M723917)

    陈 焱,博士生,主要研究方向为极化调控技术、雷达对抗技术


    庞 晨,博士,副研究员,主要研究方向为雷达极化信息处理、雷达抗干扰与识别技术


    王 壮,博士,教授,主要研究方向为雷达信息处理、空间目标监视、自动目标识别


    王占领 wangzhanling17@nudt.edu.cn

  • 责任主编:全英汇 Corresponding Editor: QUAN Yinghui
  • 中图分类号: TN957

Radar Active Deception Jamming Recognition Method Based on the Time-varying Polarization-conversion Metasurface

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61971429, 61921001, 62301580), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2022M723917)
More Information
  • 摘要: 聚焦雷达对抗中极化信息获取与利用的应用需求,该文研究了基于极化时变调控表面的有源欺骗干扰辨识方法。首先,设计了一套在9.6~10.1 GHz频带内支持3 bit相位量化的各向异性相位调制表面,通过优化相位调制编码序列,实现了极化态按需调控。然后,将极化调控表面加装在单极化雷达天线上,使天线发射和接收电磁波的极化态沿特定极化轨道变化,通过提取目标与有源欺骗干扰的极化域差异,实现两者辨识。仿真分析表明,在3种不同的极化轨道约束下,干扰与目标均具有显著的聚类效应,可获得稳定的干扰辨识效果。相较于依赖双极化或全极化雷达体制的干扰辨识方法,该文所提方法兼具低成本与高效性,在雷达抗干扰中具有很大的应用潜力。


  • 图  1  基于相位调制编码的极化时变调控超表面及极化调控原理示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of time-varying polarization-converting metasurface based on phase-modulated coding and its mechanism of polarization modulation

    图  2  不同相位量化位数及编码序列长度下,等效反射系数幅/相分布图

    Figure  2.  The amplitude-ratio and phase-difference distribution of the effective reflection coefficients with different coding bits and coding lengths

    图  3  各向异性相位调制表面单元的三维拓扑结构图及详细几何参数

    Figure  3.  3D topology expanded view of the anisotropy phase-modulated metasurface unit cell with the detailed geometricparameters

    图  4  相位调制表面各极化通道反射特性仿真分析

    Figure  4.  Simultated reflection characteristics of each polarization channel of the phase-modulated metasurface

    图  5  不同角度入射波照射下相位调制表面反射相位稳定性分析

    Figure  5.  Phase stability analysis of the metasurface for different incidence angles

    图  6  两种特定极化态对应的相位调制编码序列及偏置电压编码序列(入射波为45°线极化)

    Figure  6.  Coding sequence for the specific polarization states (with 45° linear polarization incidence)

    图  7  基于极化时变调控方法调控得到的3条极化轨道在Poincaré球上的分布

    Figure  7.  The distribution of three polarization trajectories on Poincaré sphere generated by the method proposed in this paper

    图  8  “大圆”轨道约束下的有源欺骗干扰与目标回波的极化域特征分布

    Figure  8.  Polarization domain characteristics of the target signal and the active detection jamming under the constraint of “great circle” trajectory

    图  9  “8”字轨道(过南北极)约束下的有源欺骗干扰与目标回波的极化域特征分布

    Figure  9.  Polarization domain characteristics of the target signal and the active detection jamming under the constraint of “8” likely trajectory through north and south poles

    图  10  “8”字轨道(未过南北极)约束下的有源欺骗干扰与目标回波的极化域特征分布

    Figure  10.  Polarization domain characteristics of the target signal and the active detection jamming under the constraint of “8” likely trajectory without north and south poles

    表  1  3 bit量化相位及偏置电压对应关系

    Table  1.   Corresponding relationship between 3 bit quantization phase and bias voltage

    水平极化 垂直极化
    VDC (V) $ \Delta \varphi $ (°) VDC (V) $ \Delta \varphi $ (°)
    0 0 0 0
    2.6 45 2.7 45
    3.2 89 3.5 90
    3.5 135 4.5 135
    3.9 180 4.6 179
    4.5 226 5.1 225
    6.0 270 7.0 270
    14.0 315 15.0 314
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