Waveform Selection Method of Cognitive Radar Target Tracking Based on Reinforcement Learning
摘要: 认知雷达通过不断与环境互动并从经验中学习,根据获得的知识不断调整其波形、参数和照射策略,以在复杂多变的场景中实现稳健的目标跟踪,其波形设计在提高跟踪性能方面一直备受关注。该文提出了一种用于跟踪高机动目标的认知雷达波形选择框架,该框架考虑了恒定速度(CV)、恒定加速度(CA)和协同转弯(CT)模型的组合,在该框架的基础上设计了基于准则优化(CBO)和熵奖励Q学习(ERQL)方法进行最优波形选择。该方法将雷达与目标集成到一个闭环中,发射波形随目标状态的变化实时更新,从而达到对目标的最佳跟踪性能。数值结果表明,与CBO方法相比,所提出的ERQL方法大大减少了获取最优波形的处理时间,并实现了与CBO相近的跟踪性能,相比于固定参数(Fixed-P)方法,极大地提高了机动目标的跟踪精度。
- 目标跟踪 /
- 认知雷达 /
- 波形挑选 /
- 基于准则优化(CBO) /
- 熵奖励Q学习(ERQL)
Abstract: Based on the obtained knowledge through ceaseless interaction with the environment and learning from the experience, cognitive radar continuously adjusts its waveform, parameters, and illumination strategies to achieve robust target tracking in complex and changing scenarios. Its waveform design has been receiving attention to improve tracking performance. In this paper, we propose a novel framework of cognitive radar waveform selection for the tracking of high-maneuvering targets. The framework considers the combination of Constant Velocity (CV), Constant Acceleration (CA), and Coordinate Turn (CT) motions. We also design Criterion-Based Optimization (CBO) and Entropy Reward Q-Learning (ERQL) methods to perform waveform selection based on this framework. To provide the optimum target tracking performance, it merges the radar and target into a closed loop, updating the broadcast waveform in real-time as the target state changes. The suggested ERQL technique achieves about the same tracking performance as the CBO while using much less processing time than the CBO, according to numerical results. The proposed ERQL method significantly increases the tracking accuracy of moving targets as compared to the fixed parameter approach. -
表 1 CBO/ERQL算法
Table 1. CBO/ERQL algorithm
输入:$k - 1$时刻的状态估计${\hat {\boldsymbol{x}}_{k - 1|k - 1} }$, ${{\boldsymbol{P}}_{k - 1|k - 1} }$,k时刻的量
测${{\boldsymbol{z}}_k}$。输出:最佳发射波形参数${{\boldsymbol{\theta}} _{k + 1} }$。 (1) 通过IMM滤波器中的交互输入和模型滤波过程,计算每个模
型在时间k的估计值$\hat {\boldsymbol{x}}_{k|k}^{{\rm{CV}}},{\text{ } }{\boldsymbol{P}}_{k|k}^{{\rm{CV}}}$\$\hat {\boldsymbol{x} }_{k|k}^{ {\rm{CA} }}$, ${\boldsymbol{P}}_{k|k}^{{\rm{CA}}}$\$\hat {\boldsymbol{x}}_{k|k}^{{\rm{CT}}},{\text{ } }{\boldsymbol{P}}_{k|k}^{{\rm{CT}}}$。(2) 通过式(8)、式(10)、式(11)、式(13)计算各模型的预测概率
$\bar c_k^{(i)}$和预测状态估计误差协方差${\boldsymbol{P}}_{k + 1|k + 1}^{(i)}$。(3) 通过式(37)的加权融合,得到${\overset{\lower0.5em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\smile}$} }{{\boldsymbol{P}}} _{k + 1|k + 1} }$。 (4) if (CBO) (5) 通过网格搜索找到式(30)或式(34)的最优波形参数${{\boldsymbol{\theta}} _{k + 1} }$。 (6) else (ERQL) (7) 根据式(38)和式(39)计算预测奖励${r_{k + 1}}$,通过式(35)更新每
Q表收敛。(8) 选择Q表中最大Q值所对应的策略作为$k + 1$时刻的波形选择
策略$ \pi _{k + 1}^{\text{*}}(s) $。(9) 根据波形选择策略$ \pi _{k + 1}^*(s) $选择波形参数${{\boldsymbol{\theta}} _{k + 1} }$。 (10) end if (11) 根据波形参数${{\boldsymbol{\theta}} _{k + 1} }$,发射最优波形。 表 2 不同方法的ARMSE对比结果
Table 2. ARMSE comparison results of different methods
方法 ${\bar X_{{\rm{pos}}} }$ ${\bar Y_{{\rm{pos}}} }$ ${\bar X_{{\rm{vel}}} }$ ${\bar Y_{{\rm{vel}}} }$ Fixed-P 18.05 m 20.47 m 2.88 m/s 4.10 m/s Min-MSE 13.83 m 15.55 m 1.50 m/s 1.93 m/s Max-MI 14.44 m 15.79 m 1.46 m/s 1.92 m/s ERQL-10 15.40 m 17.98 m 1.87 m/s 2.55 m/s ERQL-40 14.25 m 15.95 m 1.71 m/s 2.32 m/s 表 3 CBO和ERQL方法相比于Fixed-P方法的跟踪性能改善与CPU时间比较(%)
Table 3. CBO and ERQL methods compared with Fixed-P methods for improved tracking performance and CPU time (%)
方法 ${X_{{\rm{pos}}} }$ ${Y_{{\rm{pos}}} }$ ${X_{{\rm{vel}}} }$ ${Y_{{\rm{vel}}} }$ CPU time Min-MSE 23.38 24.04 47.92 52.93 8619 Max-MI 20.61 22.86 49.13 53.17 7893 ERQL-10 14.68 12.16 34.84 37.80 283 ERQL-20 16.01 16.76 37.28 40.73 545 ERQL-40 21.05 22.08 40.63 43.41 1081 ERQL-80 15.51 15.68 41.11 47.07 2016 -
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