
程婷 恒思宇 李中柱

程婷, 恒思宇, 李中柱. 基于脉冲交错的分布式雷达组网系统波束驻留调度[J]. 雷达学报, 2023, 12(3): 616–628. doi: 10.12000/JR22211
引用本文: 程婷, 恒思宇, 李中柱. 基于脉冲交错的分布式雷达组网系统波束驻留调度[J]. 雷达学报, 2023, 12(3): 616–628. doi: 10.12000/JR22211
CHENG Ting, HENG Siyu, and LI Zhongzhu. Real-time dwell scheduling algorithm for distributed phased array radar network based on pulse interleaving[J]. Journal of Radars, 2023, 12(3): 616–628. doi: 10.12000/JR22211
Citation: CHENG Ting, HENG Siyu, and LI Zhongzhu. Real-time dwell scheduling algorithm for distributed phased array radar network based on pulse interleaving[J]. Journal of Radars, 2023, 12(3): 616–628. doi: 10.12000/JR22211


DOI: 10.12000/JR22211
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61771095, 62031007)

    程 婷,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为雷达资源管理、目标跟踪、信息融合等




    程婷 citrus@uestc.edu.cn

  • 责任主编:易伟 Corresponding Editor: YI Wei
  • 中图分类号: TN953+.6

Real-time Dwell Scheduling Algorithm for Distributed Phased Array Radar Network Based on Pulse Interleaving

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61771095, 62031007)
More Information
  • 摘要: 该文针对分布式雷达组网系统提出了一种基于脉冲交错的实时波束驻留调度算法。该算法引入时间指针向量,用于指示何时选择具有最高综合优先级的波束驻留任务,该任务被分配至交错时间利用程度最低的雷达节点,有效减少了调度过程中引入的时间空隙;同时,脉冲交错分析方法决定对于被分配的波束驻留任务是否可以在相应的雷达节点成功调度执行,其中,引入时隙占用矩阵和能量消耗矩阵来表征各个雷达节点的时间与能量资源使用情况,简化了交错分析过程,并实现了具有不同脉冲重复周期与个数的波束驻留任务之间的交错。此外,为了提高波束驻留调度的效率,所提算法还引入交错时间利用率门限自适应选择时间指针的滑动步长。仿真结果表明,该文所提算法能实现分布式雷达组网系统实时的波束驻留调度,并能获得较现有波束驻留调度算法更好的调度性能。


  • 图  1  分布式雷达组网系统波束驻留调度结构示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of dwell scheduling structure of distributed radar network system

    图  2  时隙占用矩阵S与相应的时间资源约束判断

    Figure  2.  Time slot occupation matrix S and corresponding time resource constraint judgment

    图  3  分布式雷达组网系统波束驻留调度算法示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of dwell scheduling algorithm for distributed radar network system

    图  4  不同交错时间利用率阈值下所提算法的性能对比

    Figure  4.  Performance comparison of the proposed algorithm under different interleaving time utilization thresholds

    图  5  本文提出算法在某一次仿真中的部分时序图

    Figure  5.  Partial task scheduling sequence obtained by proposed algorithm in a simulation

    图  6  本文所提算法与算法A、算法B的性能对比

    Figure  6.  Performance comparison between the proposed algorithm and algorithm A & B

    表  1  基于脉冲交错的分布式雷达组网系统波束驻留调度算法步骤

    Table  1.   The steps of the dwell scheduling algorithm for distributed radar network system based on pulse interleaving

     初始化${\bf{tp}} = [{t_0}{\text{ }}{t_0}{\text{ }} \cdots {\text{ }}{t_0}]$, ${\bf{tl} } = [{{\rm{tl}}_1}{\text{ t} }{ {\text{l} }_2}{\text{ } } \cdots {\text{ t} }{ {\text{l} }_M}] = [{t_0}{\text{ } }{t_0}{\text{ } } \cdots {\text{ } }{t_0}]$, $ S = {\bf{0}} $,根据式(18)初始化E
     While T不为空且$\min ({\bf{tp}}) < {t_0} + {t_{{\text{SI}}}}$
      选出任务请求队列T中满足$ {\text{d}}{{\text{t}}_i} + {l_i} < \min ({\bf{tp}}) $的任务,将它们从中删除,并将其存入任务删除队列;
      选出任务请求队列T中满足$ \max ({\bf{tp}}) \ge {\text{d}}{{\text{t}}_i} - {l_i} $的所有任务,假设选出任务有X个;
      if $ X > 0 $
       for $ {\text{itp}} $=1:X
        从排序后的队列中选取第$ {\text{itp}} $个任务,选出可用于调度执行${T_{{\text{itp}}}}$的雷达集合${{\boldsymbol{R}}_{ {\text{itp} } } }$,${{\boldsymbol{R}}_{ {\text{itp} } } }$中的雷达$ {R_j} $应满足
        ${\text{d} }{ {\text{t} }_{ {\text{itp} } } } - {l_{ {\text{itp} } } } \le {\text{t} }{ {\text{p} }_j} \le {\text{d} }{ {\text{t} }_{ {\text{itp} } } } + {l_{ {\text{itp} } } } \cap {\text{t} }{ {\text{p} }_j} + {\text{d} }{ {\text{w} }_{ {\text{itp} } } } \le {t_0} + {t_{ {\text{SI} } } },{R_j} \in {{\boldsymbol{R}}_{ {\text{itp} } } }$;
         If ${{\boldsymbol{R}}_{ {\text{itp} } } }$不为空
          根据式(24),选出在${{\boldsymbol{R}}_{ {\text{itp} } } }$中具有最小交错时间利用率的雷达$ {R_{j*}} $;
          根据3.1节分析${T_{{\text{itp}}}}$能否在$ {\text{t}}{{\text{p}}_{j*}} $时刻在$ {R_{j*}} $上交错执行;
          if 脉冲交错分析成功
           将${T_{{\text{itp}}}}$放入$ {R_{j*}} $的任务执行队列中,并把${T_{{\text{itp}}}}$从T中删除;
            更新${\boldsymbol{S}}(j*,:) = {\boldsymbol{S}}(j*,:){\bf{ + } }\Delta { {\boldsymbol{S} }_{j*} }$, ${\boldsymbol{E}}(j*,:) = {\boldsymbol{E}}(j*,:){\bf{ + } }\Delta {{\boldsymbol{E}}_{j*} }$;
            更新$ {\text{t}}{{\text{l}}_{j*}} = \max \left( {{\text{t}}{{\text{l}}_{j*}},{\text{t}}{{\text{p}}_{j*}} + {\text{pr}}{{\text{i}}_{{\text{itp}}}} \times \left( {{M_{{\text{itp}}}} - 1} \right) + \left( {{\text{t}}{{\text{x}}_{{\text{itp}}}} + {\text{t}}{{\text{w}}_{{\text{itp}}}} + {\text{t}}{{\text{r}}_{{\text{itp}}}}} \right)} \right) $;
           按照式(24)计算${{\rm{tu}}_{j*} }$,并根据式(27)更新${{\rm{tp}}_{j*} }$;
          if ${\rm{itp}} = = X$且${{\boldsymbol{R}}_{ {\text{itp} } } }$为空
           $ \min ({\bf{tp}}) = \min ({\bf{tp}}) + \Delta t $;
           ${\bf{tl}} = \max ({\bf{tp}},{\bf{tl}})$;
        $ \min ({\bf{tp}}) = \min ({\bf{tp}}) + \Delta t $;
         ${\bf{tl}} = \max ({\bf{tp}},{\bf{tl}})$
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    表  2  雷达波束驻留任务参数表

    Table  2.   The parameters of dwell tasks

    任务类型W驻留数目周期(ms)时间窗(ms)${\text{tx}}$/${\text{tw}}$/${\text{tr}}$ (ms)${\text{pri}}$ (ms)M
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