Building Layout Tomography Method Based on Joint Multidomain Direct Wave Estimation
摘要: 在进入陌生建筑物之前掌握其内部结构信息,能够为反恐作战、灾害救援、监视管控等多种应用提供支持,具有重要的现实意义和研究价值。为实现建筑布局结构信息获取,该文开展了基于多域联合直达波估计的建筑布局层析成像方法研究。首先,建立了线性近似模型,实现了直达波信号传播时延与未知建筑布局图像之间的映射关系;在此模型基础上,分析了在层析成像模式下直达波信号与多径信号在快时间域、慢时间域与多普勒域中的分布特性,提出了一种基于多域联合的直达波估计算法,实现了多径干扰抑制与直达波信号精确估计;此外,提出了一种总变分约束的投影矩阵自适应修正代数重建算法,提升了有限数据下的建筑布局反演质量;最后,电磁仿真与实测实验结果证明了所提出的建筑布局层析成像方法的有效性,其重建结果的结构相似性指标分别可达到91.2%和81.7%,显著优于现有建筑布局层析成像方法。Abstract: Obtaining internal layout information before entering unfamiliar buildings is crucial for various applications, such as counter-terrorism operations, disaster relief, and surveillance, highlighting its great practical significance and research value. To enable the acquisition of the building layout information, this paper presents a building layout tomography method based on joint multidomain direct wave estimation. First, a linear approximation model is established to map the relationship between the propagation delay of direct wave signals and the layout of the unknown building. Using this model, the distribution characteristics of direct wave and multipath signals in the fast-time, slow-time, and Doppler domains are analyzed in the tomographic imaging mode. A joint multidomain direct wave estimation algorithm is then proposed to achieve the suppression of multipath interference and precise estimation of direct wave signals. Additionally, a projection matrix adaptive correction algebraic reconstruction algorithm with total variation constraints is proposed, which enhances building layout inversion quality under limited data scenarios. Finally, electromagnetic simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed building layout tomography method, with structural similarity indices of 91.2% and 81.7% for the reconstructed results, significantly outperforming existing building layout tomography methods.
1. PMAM-ART-TV algorithm flow
输入: P, A,初始化$ {\boldsymbol{O}}=0 $,外部停止标准${\varepsilon _o}$,内部停止标准
${\varepsilon _i}$,外部迭代次数$t = 0$,外部最大迭代次数$ {T_o} $,内部最大迭代
次数${T_i}$输出: $ \tilde{{\boldsymbol{O}}}={\boldsymbol{O}}^{t} $ repeat 1、代数重建迭代: $k = 0$ 求解式(16)、式(17)更新$ \Delta C_{}^{k + 1} $ 求解式(18)更新$ {{O}}_n^{k + 1} $ $ k = k + 1 $ 直到$k = {T_i}$或者$ \Vert {{\boldsymbol{O}}}^{k+1}-{{\boldsymbol{O}}}^{k}\Vert \le {\varepsilon }_{i} $,输出$ {{{\boldsymbol{O}}}_{{\mathrm{ART}}}} $ 2、总变分约束迭代: $k = 0$, $ {{\boldsymbol{O}}} = {{{\boldsymbol{O}}}_{{\mathrm{ART}}}} $, $ {{{\boldsymbol{u}}}^k} = 0 $ 求解式(23)更新$ {{{\boldsymbol{u}}}^{k + 1}} $ 求解式(24)更新${{\boldsymbol{b}}}_x^{k + 1}$, ${{\boldsymbol{b}}}_y^{k + 1}$ 求解式(25)更新$ {{\boldsymbol{d}}}_x^{k + 1} $, $ {{\boldsymbol{d}}}_y^{k + 1} $ $ {{\boldsymbol{O}}} = {{{\boldsymbol{u}}}^{k + 1}} $, $ k = k + 1 $ 直到$k = {T_i}$或者$ \Vert {{\boldsymbol{O}}}^{k+1}-{{\boldsymbol{O}}}^{k}\Vert \le {\varepsilon }_{i} $,输出O 3、更新投影矩阵 求解式(28)更新A, $ {{{\boldsymbol{O}}}^{t + 1}} $, $t = t + 1$ until直到$t = {T_o}$或者$ \Vert {{\boldsymbol{O}}}^{t+1}-{{\boldsymbol{O}}}^{t}\Vert \le {\varepsilon }_{o} $ 表 1 仿真参数
Table 1. Simulation parameters
类型 仿真参数 数值 信号参数 发射信号 步进频信号 中心频率 1.5 GHz 带宽 600 MHz 单频点持续时间 100 μs 扫描参数 采样路径长度 10 m 采样路径数目 4组 采样间隔 0.05 m 场景参数 场景尺寸 2 m×2 m 墙体厚度 0.20 m 相对介电常数 4 电导率 0.01 S/m 表 2 观测数据误差对比
Table 2. Comparison of observation data errors
表 3 仿真成像结果SSIM指标对比(%)
Table 3. Comparison of SSIM indicators in simulation imaging results (%)
方法 ART Tikhonov TV PMAM-ART-TV RSSI 30.8 28.7 48.9 68.5 MAE 34.1 51.4 72.8 86.2 MD-DE 40.6 58.9 88.9 91.2 表 4 雷达系统参数
Table 4. Radar system parameters
参数名称 数值 中心频率 1.9 GHz 带宽 600 MHz 频率步进 2 MHz 频点持续时间 100 μs 表 5 实测成像结果SSIM指标对比(%)
Table 5. Comparison of SSIM indicators in actual imaging results (%)
方法 ART Tikhonov TV PMAM-ART-TV RSSI 31.4 30.6 31.2 31.7 MAE 43.9 49.8 73.6 75.5 MD-DE 46.3 56.6 78.6 81.7 -
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