摘要: 人体姿态估计在人机交互、动作捕捉和虚拟现实等领域具有广泛的应用前景,一直是人体感知研究的重要方向。然而,基于光学图像的姿态估计方法往往受限于光照条件和隐私问题。因此,利用可在各种光照遮挡下工作,且具有隐私保护性的无线信号进行人体姿态估计获得了更多关注。根据无线信号的工作频率,现有技术可分为高频方法和低频方法,且不同的信号频率对应硬件系统、信号特性、噪声处理和深度学习算法设计等方面均有所不同。该文将以毫米波雷达、穿墙雷达和WiFi信号为代表,回顾其在人体姿态重建研究中的进展和代表性工作,分析各类信号模式的优势与局限,并对潜在研究难点以及未来发展趋势进行了展望。Abstract: Human pose estimation holds tremendous potential in fields such as human-computer interaction, motion capture, and virtual reality, making it a focus in human perception research. However, optical image-based pose estimation methods are often limited by lighting conditions and privacy concerns. Therefore, the use of wireless signals that can operate under various lighting conditions and obstructions while ensuring privacy is gaining increasing attention for human pose estimation. Wireless signal-based pose estimation technologies can be categorized into high-frequency and low-frequency methods. These methods differ in their hardware systems, signal characteristics, noise processing, and deep learning algorithm design based on the signal frequency used. This paper highlights research advancements and notable works in human pose reconstruction using millimeter-wave radar, through-wall radar, and WiFi. It analyzes the advantages and limitations of each signal type and explores potential research challenges and future developments in the field.
Key words:
- Human pose estimation /
- Wireless sensing /
- Deep learning /
- Millimeter-wave radar /
- Through-Wall Radar (TWR) /
- WiFi
表 1 基于无线信号的人体姿态估计研究现状总结
Table 1. Summary of research status on pose estimation based on wireless signals
基于频率的分类 设备 雷达特征信息 代表性工作 基于高频无线信号的
(30~300 GHz)3D point cloud mmPose[29] Heatmap RPM[18] Heatmap RPM 2.0[14] Heatmap MobiRFPose[19] 基于低频无线信号的
(300 MHz~10 GHz)Heatmap RF-Pose[34] Heatmap RF-Pose3D[36] 单帧3D成像体素 MIMDSN[37] 多帧3D成像体素 ST2W-AP[38] Heatmap和3D成像体素 Dual-task Net[39] 多帧雷达回波 RadarFormer[40] WiFi
(2.400~5.825 GHz)Channel state information Person-in-WiFi[41] Channel state information Person-in-WiFi 3D[42] Channel state information DensePose From WiFi[43] 表 2 基于无线信号的人体姿态估计数据集对比
Table 2. Summary of dataset on pose estimation based on wireless signals
数据集 无线设备 真值采集设备 场景数量 行为种类 用户数量 总样本数(帧) UWB-HA4D-1.0 穿墙雷达 RGB 3 10 11 110280 HIBER 毫米波雷达 RGB 10 4 10 402380 RT-Pose 毫米波雷达 RGB
LiDAR40 6 10 72000 mRI 毫米波雷达 RGB-D
IMU1 12 20 160000 mmBody 毫米波雷达 RGB 100 7 20 >20万 HuPR 毫米波雷达 RGB 1 3 6 141000 -
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