Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome Using Fusion of Micro-motion Signals from Millimeter-wave Radar and Pulse Wave Data
摘要: 睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(SAHS)是一种常见的慢性睡眠呼吸障碍疾病,严重影响患者的睡眠质量和身体健康。该文提出了一种基于多源信号融合的睡眠呼吸暂停与低通气检测框架,通过融合毫米波雷达微动信号与光电容积脉搏波(PPG)描记法的脉搏波数据,实现高可靠的轻接触式睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征的诊断,以解决传统医学上依赖多导睡眠图(PSG)进行睡眠监测时舒适度差、成本高等缺点。研究中,为兼顾睡眠呼吸异常事件检测的准确率和鲁棒性,该文提出了一种雷达、脉搏波数据预处理算法得到信号中的时频信息和人工特征,并设计了用于将两类信号融合的深度神经网络,以实现对睡眠呼吸暂停和低通气事件的精准识别,从而估算呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI),用于对患者的睡眠呼吸异常严重程度进行定量评估。基于上海交通大学医学院附属第六人民医院临床试验数据集的实验结果表明,该文所提方案估算的AHI与金标准PSG的相关系数达到了0.93,一致性良好,有潜力普及成为家用睡眠呼吸监护的工具,并起到睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征初步筛查的作用。Abstract: Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome (SAHS) is a common chronic sleep-related breathing disorder that affects individuals’ sleep quality and physical health. This article presents a sleep apnea and hypopnea detection framework based on multisource signal fusion. Integrating millimeter-wave radar micro-motion signals and pulse wave signals of PhotoPlethysmoGraphy (PPG) achieves a highly reliable and light-contact diagnosis of SAHS, addressing the drawbacks of traditional medical methods that rely on PolySomnoGraphy (PSG) for sleep monitoring, such as poor comfort and high costs. This study used a radar and pulse wave data preprocessing algorithm to extract time-frequency information and artificial features from the signals, balancing the accuracy and robustness of sleep-breathing abnormality event detection Additionally, a deep neural network was designed to fuse the two types of signals for precise identification of sleep apnea and hypopnea events, and to estimate the Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) for quantitative assessment of sleep-breathing abnormality severity. Experimental results of a clinical trial dataset at Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital demonstrated that the AHI estimated by the proposed approach correlates with the gold standard PSG with a coefficient of 0.93, indicating good consistency. This approach is a promiseing tool for home sleep-breathing monitoring and preliminary diagnosis of SAHS.
表 1 FMCW雷达基本参数
Table 1. Basic parameters of FMCW radar
参数 数值 起始频率$ {f_{\text{c}}} $ $ 60{\text{ GHz}} $ 线性调频带宽B $ {\text{3 GHz}} $ 扫频周期T $ {\text{2 ms}} $ 快时间实际采样点数N $ 256 $ 快时间采样频率$ {f_{\text{s}}} $ $ 1000{\text{ kHz}} $ 距离分辨率$ \Delta R $ $ {\text{5 cm}} $ 表 2 脉搏血氧仪基本参数
Table 2. Basic parameters of the pulse oximeter
参数 数值 红光波长 $ 660 \pm {\text{3 nm}} $ 红外光波长 $ {\text{905}} \pm {\text{10 nm}} $ 红光辐射功率 $ {\text{3}}{\text{.2}} \times 1{{\text{0}}^{{{ - 3}}}}{\text{ W}} $ 红外光辐射功率 $ {\text{2}}{\text{.4}} \times 1{{\text{0}}^{{{ - 3}}}}{\text{ W}} $ 采样频率 $ {\text{128 Hz}} $ 1 脉搏波间期提取算法
1. Pulse wave interval extraction algorithm
输入:脉搏波滤波信号$ {P_{\text{B}}}(t) $
输出:脉搏波间期$ R(t) $1.将信号取平方,得到对应点的能量信号$ {P_{\text{w}}}(t) $ 2.以脉搏波收缩波的平均持续时间$ {T_1} $为滑窗长度,对信号进行平
滑以凸显收缩波,得到信号$ {x_{{\text{peak}}}}(t) $。3.以脉搏波的平均持续时间$ {T_2} $为滑窗长度,对信号进行平滑以压
缩舒张波,得到信号$ {x_{{\text{beat}}}}(t) $。4.利用信号$ {x_{{\text{beat}}}}(t) $与能量信号$ {P_{\text{w}}}(t) $加权求和得各个时刻阈值
$ {x_{{\text{thr}}}}(t) $。5.比较信号$ {x_{{\text{peak}}}}(t) $和阈值$ {x_{{\text{thr}}}}(t) $,定位收缩波。 6.寻找收缩波时间段内的最大极值点作为收缩波的峰值点,从
而确定脉搏间期$ R(t) $。表 3 时序信号与谱图信号对比实验
Table 3. Comparison experiment between time-domain signals and spectrogram signals
信号 N A H pre rec F1 pre rec F1 pre rec F1 时序信号 0.859 0.975 0.913 0.863 0.508 0.639 0.616 0.361 0.455 谱图信号 0.928 0.945 0.936 0.731 0.848 0.785 0.558 0.586 0.572 时序信号+谱图信号 0.961 0.934 0.947 0.751 0.895 0.817 0.627 0.650 0.638 注:加粗项表示最优结果。 表 4 雷达与脉搏波对比实验
Table 4. Comparison experiment between radar signals and pulse wave signals
传感器 N A H pre rec F1 pre rec F1 pre rec F1 PPG 0.834 0.971 0.897 0.816 0.681 0.742 0.652 0.462 0.541 Radar 0.909 0.902 0.906 0.714 0.826 0.766 0.506 0.549 0.527 PPG+Radar 0.961 0.934 0.947 0.751 0.895 0.817 0.627 0.650 0.638 注:加粗项表示最优结果。 表 5 现有研究结果性能比较
Table 5. Comparative performance with existing research findings
方法 数据集人数 传感器 呼吸监测仪 Bland-Altman 线性拟合系数R Kang, 2020[18] (CFAR) 94 (23, 24, 14, 33) 6.5~8.0 GHz UWB PSG –2.8 (–21.7, +16.1) 0.96 Kwon, 2022[20] (CNN+LSTM) 36 (6, 9, 8, 11) 6.5~8.0 GHz UWB PSG –2.0 (–14.6, +10.7) 0.97 Hayano, 2020[42] (ACAT) 41 (11, 8, 16, 6) PPG PSG – 0.81 本文方法(雷达+脉搏波) 86 (27, 19, 14, 26) 60~63 GHz FMCW+PPG PSG 1.38 (–7.18, +9.94) 0.93 表 6 对照实验结果
Table 6. The results of control experiment
传感器 组内相关系数 诊断阈值(次/h) 敏感度(%) 特异度(%) 准确率(%) Kappa系数 PPG 0.89 5 74.07 89.83 84.88 0.6455 15 89.13 90.00 89.53 0.7901 30 95.00 80.77 90.69 0.7746 Radar 0.93 5 66.67 89.83 82.56 0.5825 15 91.30 92.50 91.86 0.8367 30 95.00 88.46 93.02 0.8346 Radar+PPG 0.98 5 96.29 93.22 94.19 0.8690 15 97.83 92.50 95.35 0.9062 30 96.67 96.15 96.51 0.9182 注:加粗项表示最优结果。 -
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