
周群焰 王思然 戴俊彦 程强

周群焰, 王思然, 戴俊彦, 等. 基于时空编码数字超表面的雷达散射截面积缩减及波达角估计方法[J]. 雷达学报(中英文), 2024, 13(1): 150–159. doi: 10.12000/JR23216
引用本文: 周群焰, 王思然, 戴俊彦, 等. 基于时空编码数字超表面的雷达散射截面积缩减及波达角估计方法[J]. 雷达学报(中英文), 2024, 13(1): 150–159. doi: 10.12000/JR23216
ZHOU Qunyan, WANG Siran, DAI Junyan, et al. Simultaneous direction of arrival estimation and radar cross-section reduction based on space-time-coding digital metasurfaces[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(1): 150–159. doi: 10.12000/JR23216
Citation: ZHOU Qunyan, WANG Siran, DAI Junyan, et al. Simultaneous direction of arrival estimation and radar cross-section reduction based on space-time-coding digital metasurfaces[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(1): 150–159. doi: 10.12000/JR23216


DOI: 10.12000/JR23216
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2023YFB3811502, 2018YFA0701904),国家杰出青年科学基金项目(62225108),国家自然科学基金(62288101, 62201139),嵩山实验室项目纳入河南省重大科技专项管理体系)(221100211300-02, 221100211300-03),“111”项目(111-2-05),江苏省前沿引领技术基础研究专项(BK20212002),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2242022k6003),东南大学-中国移动研究院联合创新中心项目(R202111101112JZC02)




    程 强,博士,教授,主要研究方向为超材料设计理论及其应用


    戴俊彦 junyand@seu.edu.cn

    程强 qiangcheng@seu.edu.cn

  • 责任主编:李廉林 Corresponding Editor: LI Lianlin
  • 中图分类号: TN820

Simultaneous Direction of Arrival Estimation and Radar Cross-section Reduction Based on Space-time-coding Digital Metasurfaces

Funds: The National Key Research and Development Program of China (2023YFB3811502, 2018YFA0701904), The National Science Foundation (NSFC) for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (62225108), The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62288101, 62201139), The Program of Song Shan Laboratory (Included in the Management of Major Science and Technology Program of Henan Province) (221100211300-02, 221100211300-03), The 111 Project (111-2-05), The Jiangsu Province Frontier Leading Technology Basic Research Project (BK20212002), The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2242022k6003), and The Southeast University-China Mobile Research Institute Joint Innovation Center (R202111101112JZC02)
More Information
  • 摘要: 传统的波达角(DOA)估计方法的实现通常基于相控阵天线系统,而其高昂的硬件成本限制该技术在不同领域的应用和推广,此外相控阵天线普遍不具备隐身性能,其在工作频段内雷达散射截面积(RCS)普遍较高。为解决上述问题,该文在时空编码(STC)理论的基础上提出了一种基于超表面同时实现RCS缩减和DOA估计的方法,并利用一款毫米波超表面对算法进行了验证。实验结果表明,该方法实现的波达角估计误差在1°以内,同时RCS缩减大于10 dB,为DOA估计和RCS缩减功能的集成提供了全新的思路,具有高性能、低成本等特点。


  • 图  1  基于时空编码数字超表面同时实现RCS缩减和DOA估计方法的示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of DOA method based on STC digital metasurface with low RCS reduction

    图  2  周期为$ {T_0} $,占空比为50%的不同时空数字编码序列的时域信号和频谱分布

    Figure  2.  Time-domain signals and frequency spectrums of different STC sequences with a duty cycle of 50% and a period of $ {T_0} $

    图  3  时空编码数字超表面单元、实物阵面、仿真和测试结果

    Figure  3.  STC digital meta-atom, fabricated metasurface, simulated and measured results

    图  4  单元在不同斜入射角度情况下的仿真结果

    Figure  4.  The simulated results of the meta-atom under different oblique incident angles

    图  5  基于时空数字编码超表面同时实现RCS缩减和DOA估计的实验场景

    Figure  5.  Experimental scenario of DOA estimation method with low RCS based on STC digital metasurface

    图  6  DOA估计和RCS缩减测试结果

    Figure  6.  The measured results of DOA estimation and RCS reduction

    表  1  二极管等效串连电路参数

    Table  1.   Equivalent serial circuit parameters of the PIN diode

    状态 电流(mA) 电阻R (Ω) 电感L (nH) 电容C (pF)
    关断 0 6.5 0 0.063
    导通 15 4.6 0.204 0
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    表  2  不同基于超表面DOA估计方法的性能对比

    Table  2.   Performance comparison of metasurface-based DOA estimation in published works

    相关文献 阵面规模 角度范围(°) 最大误差(°) RCS缩减能力
    文献[38] 10×10 –60~60 3.00 ×
    文献[39] 7×7 –60~60 3.58 ×
    文献[40] 20×20 –34~34 1.00 ×
    文献[41] 5×5 –40~40 0.31 ×
    本工作 48×20 –60~60 1.00
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