
王明阳 刘旭旭 李裕霖 李溯琪 王佰录

王明阳, 刘旭旭, 李裕霖, 等. 基于标签多伯努利跟踪器的对手风险动态评估方法[J]. 雷达学报(中英文), 2024, 13(1): 270–282. doi: 10.12000/JR23207
引用本文: 王明阳, 刘旭旭, 李裕霖, 等. 基于标签多伯努利跟踪器的对手风险动态评估方法[J]. 雷达学报(中英文), 2024, 13(1): 270–282. doi: 10.12000/JR23207
WANG Mingyang, LIU Xuxu, LI Yulin, et al. Dynamic adversarial risk estimation based on labeled multi-Bernoulli tracker[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(1): 270–282. doi: 10.12000/JR23207
Citation: WANG Mingyang, LIU Xuxu, LI Yulin, et al. Dynamic adversarial risk estimation based on labeled multi-Bernoulli tracker[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(1): 270–282. doi: 10.12000/JR23207


DOI: 10.12000/JR23207
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62301091, 62371078),中国博士后面上基金(2022M710533, 2022M710535)







    李溯琪 lisuqi@cqu.edu.cn

  • 责任主编:李天成 Corresponding Editor: LI Tiancheng
  • 中图分类号: TN953

Dynamic Adversarial Risk Estimation Based on Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Tracker

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62301091, 62371078), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project (2022M710533, 2022M710535)
More Information
  • 摘要: 在诸多的军事和民用领域都存在对手目标蓄意入侵我方重要区域从事恶意伤害活动的场景。对手风险评估是基于我方传感器获取的量测数据,在线评估和预测对手行动对我方资产造成的潜在伤害和损失。为了评估随机且动态变化的对手风险,该文提出一种基于标签多伯努利(LMB)跟踪器的统计对手风险动态评估方法。首先,在LMB跟踪器的框架下,基于加性模型和乘性模型,分别推导了统计对手风险最小均方误差估计的表达式。其次,针对所涉及的非线性函数积分问题,结合混合高斯近似和抽样近似方法,提出统计对手风险最小均方误差估计的数值计算方法;最后,将统计对手风险估计方法与LMB跟踪器的迭代过程有机结合,可实现入侵的多目标对我方重要资产期望损失的动态在线评估。模拟多个具有杀伤能力的目标攻击我方雷达阵地的场景,利用雷达获取的实时点迹量测数据,验证了提出算法的有效性和性能优势。


  • 图  1  对手目标打击我方资产场景示意图

    Figure  1.  A schematic diagram of the scenario where the opponent’s targets attack own assets

    图  2  对手风险评估算法整体流程图

    Figure  2.  Overall flow chart of adversarial risk assessment algorithm

    图  3  雷达监视场景-3D视图多目标真实运动轨迹

    Figure  3.  Radar surveillance scene-3D view multi-target real movement trajectory

    图  4  杂波率${\lambda _{{c}}} = 25$,检测概率${P_{\mathrm{D}}} = 0.8$下,资产1的PHD-AR算法和LMB-AR算法的对手风险估计值随时间变化的曲线

    Figure  4.  Curves of the counterparty risk estimates of asset 1’s PHD-AR algorithm and LMB-AR algorithm changing over time under the clutter rate ${\lambda _{{c}}} = 25$ and detection probability ${P_{\mathrm{D}}} = 0.8$

    图  5  LMB-AR算法的全场景对手风险估计热力图

    Figure  5.  Heat map of full-scenario opponent risk estimation of LMB-AR algorithm

    图  6  固定杂波率${\lambda _{{c}}} = 25$,不同检测概率下,资产1的PHD-AR和LMB-AR的对手风险估计RMSE随时间变化的曲线

    Figure  6.  Curve of counterparty risk estimate RMSE of asset 1’s PHD-AR and LMB-AR changing over time under fixed clutter rate ${\lambda _{{c}}} = 25$ and different detection probabilities

    图  7  检测概率${P_{\mathrm{D}}} = 0.90$,不同杂波率下,资产1的PHD-AR和LMB-AR的对手风险估计RMSE随时间变化的曲线

    Figure  7.  Curve of the counterparty risk estimate RMSE of asset 1’s PHD-AR and LMB-AR changing over time under detection probability ${P_{\mathrm{D}}} = 0.90$ and different clutter rates

    表  1  不同目标的出生时刻和死亡时刻

    Table  1.   The birth and death moments of different targets

    目标 出生帧数 死亡帧数 目标初始位置
    (km, km, km)
    T1 1 360 (34,99,6.5) S1
    T2 50 360 (98,80,6) S1
    T3 50 360 (–30,90,6.5) S3
    T4 100 360 (–10,80,6) S2
    T5 100 360 (32,60,6.5)
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    表  2  杂波率${\boldsymbol{{\lambda _{{c}}} = 25}}$,不同检测概率下,加性模型PHD-AR算法和LMB-AR算法资产1对手风险估值的平均RMSE比较

    Table  2.   Comparison of average RMSE of asset 1 counterparty risk valuation of additive model PHD-AR algorithm and LMB-AR algorithm under fixed clutter rate ${\boldsymbol{{\lambda _{{c}}} = 25}}$ and different detection probabilities

    ${P_{\rm D}} = 0.95$ 3.5422 0.8065
    ${P_{\rm D}} = 0.90$ 3.5789 0.6440
    ${P_{\rm D}} = 0.85$ 4.4482 0.6436
    ${P_{\rm D}} = 0.80$ 5.9562 0.6747
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    表  3  杂波率${\boldsymbol{{\lambda _{{c}}}}} {\bf{= 25}}$,不同检测概率下,乘性模型PHD-AR算法和LMB-AR算法资产1对手风险估值的平均RMSE比较

    Table  3.   Comparison of average RMSE of asset 1 counterparty risk valuation of multiplicative model PHD-AR algorithm and LMB-AR algorithm under fixed clutter rate ${\boldsymbol{{\lambda _{{c}}} }}{\bf{= 25}}$ and different detection probabilities

    ${P_{\rm D}} = 0.95$ 2.4355 0.3405
    ${P_{\rm D}} = 0.90$ 2.6386 0.3539
    ${P_{\rm D}} = 0.85$ 2.9412 0.4587
    ${P_{\rm D}} = 0.80$ 3.3243 0.5771
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    表  4  检测概率${{\boldsymbol{P}}_{\bf{D}}} {\bf{= 0.90}}$,不同杂波率下,加性模型PHD-AR算法和LMB-AR算法资产1对手风险估值的平均RMSE比较

    Table  4.   Comparison of average RMSE of asset 1 counterparty risk valuation of additive model PHD-AR algorithm and LMB-AR algorithm under detection probability${{\boldsymbol{P}}_{\bf{D}}} {\bf{= 0.90}}$ and different clutter rates

    ${\lambda _c} = 10$ 3.3973 0.5588
    ${\lambda _c} = 25$ 3.5789 0.6440
    ${\lambda _c} = 50$ 3.9733 0.7970
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    表  5  检测概率${{\boldsymbol{P}}_{\bf{D}}} {\bf{= 0.90}}$,不同杂波率下,乘性模型PHD-AR算法和LMB-AR算法资产1对手风险估值的平均RMSE比较

    Table  5.   Comparison of average RMSE of asset 1 counterparty risk valuation of multiplicative model PHD-AR algorithm and LMB-AR algorithm under detection probability ${\boldsymbol{{P}}_{\bf{D}}} {\bf{= 0.90}}$ and different clutter rates

    ${\lambda _c} = 10$ 2.6345 0.2561
    ${\lambda _c} = 25$ 2.9412 0.3539
    ${\lambda _c} = 50$ 3.3478 0.4985
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