
李毅 夏伟杰 周建江 楚咏焱

李毅, 夏伟杰, 周建江, 等. 基于多普勒域补偿的车载雷达距离角度联合成像算法[J]. 雷达学报, 2023, 12(5): 971–985. doi: 10.12000/JR23097
引用本文: 李毅, 夏伟杰, 周建江, 等. 基于多普勒域补偿的车载雷达距离角度联合成像算法[J]. 雷达学报, 2023, 12(5): 971–985. doi: 10.12000/JR23097
LI Yi, XIA Weijie, ZHOU Jianjiang, et al. A range-angle joint imaging algorithm for automotive radar systems based on Doppler domain compensation[J]. Journal of Radars, 2023, 12(5): 971–985. doi: 10.12000/JR23097
Citation: LI Yi, XIA Weijie, ZHOU Jianjiang, et al. A range-angle joint imaging algorithm for automotive radar systems based on Doppler domain compensation[J]. Journal of Radars, 2023, 12(5): 971–985. doi: 10.12000/JR23097


DOI: 10.12000/JR23097
基金项目: 江苏省科技成果转化专项基金(BA2021079)

    李 毅,博士生,主要研究方向为4D毫米波高分辨成像技术





    夏伟杰 nuaaxwj@nuaa.edu.cn

  • 责任主编:陈洪猛 Corresponding Editor: CHEN Hongmeng
  • 中图分类号: TN95

A Range-angle Joint Imaging Algorithm for Automotive Radar Systems Based on Doppler Domain Compensation

Funds: Special Funds for Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements in Jiangsu Province, China (BA2021079)
More Information
  • 摘要: 高性能、高分辨率单快拍前视成像技术是赋能车载雷达发展的关键,但距离/多普勒走动问题会限制相干积分的实施,同时系统分辨率也往往受限于硬件参数难以提高。根据车载毫米波雷达时分多输入多输出(TDM-MIMO)的前视成像体制,该文提出多普勒域补偿和点对点回波校正方法,完成多域信号解耦合,同时完成距离多普勒走动校正和多普勒解模糊。由于有限阵元数及强噪声干扰限制了传统单维度距离角度成像准确性,因此,该文提出一种基于改进贝叶斯匹配追踪方法(IBMP)的多域联合估计算法。该方法基于伯努利-高斯(BG)模型,在最大后验(MAP)准则约束下迭代更新估计参数和支撑域,实现了多维联合信号的高精度重构。仿真和实测结果表明该文方法能够有效解决距离走动问题,并提高雷达前视成像的角度分辨率,具有较强噪声鲁棒性。


  • 图  1  系统配置示意图

    Figure  1.  System configuration diagram

    图  2  基于多普勒补偿的多维联合估计算法流程图

    Figure  2.  The flowchart of joint estimation algorithm based on Doppler compensation

    图  3  基于树结构的搜索策略

    Figure  3.  Tree-search-based search strategy

    图  4  ${{\boldsymbol{c}}}_q$的迭代更新示意图

    Figure  4.  The iterative process of calculating $ {{\boldsymbol{c}}}_q $

    图  5  点目标仿真

    Figure  5.  Point target simulation

    图  6  仿真目标速度维剖面

    Figure  6.  The velocity profiles of simulation target

    图  7  多普勒通道补偿影响

    Figure  7.  Doppler channel compensation effect

    图  8  距离角度仿真点目标分布以及成像结果对比

    Figure  8.  Range-angle simulation point target distribution and comparison of imaging results

    图  9  距离角度估计的NMSE对比

    Figure  9.  NMSE comparison of range-angle estimation

    图  10  多普勒走动、多普勒模糊实测目标成像结果对比

    Figure  10.  Comparison of imaging results of measured targets under Doppler walking and Doppler ambiguity

    图  11  实测目标速度维剖面

    Figure  11.  The velocity profiles of measured target

    图  12  400帧实测数据点云成像结果对比(颜色表示速度)

    Figure  12.  Comparison of point cloud imaging results from 400 frames of measured data (the color indicates the velocity of the target)

    图  13  实测成像结果对比(颜色表示速度)

    Figure  13.  Measured imaging results comparison (the color indicates the velocity of the target)

    1  基于MAP的贝叶斯匹配追踪方法

    1.   The Bayesian Matching Pursuit (BMP) based on MAP

     $\partial \left( {\mathbf{0} } \right) = \left( { - M{\text{In} }\;\pi - M{\text{In} } \;{\sigma ^2} - \dfrac{1}{ { {\sigma ^2} } }\left\| { {\boldsymbol{Y} } } \right\|_2^2} \right) + Q{\text{In} }\left( {1 - {p_1} } \right)$
     ${ { {\boldsymbol{c} } }_q} = \dfrac{ { { { {\boldsymbol{a} } }_q} } }{ { {\sigma ^2} } },{\beta _q} = \sigma _1^2{\left( {1 + \sigma _1^2{ {\boldsymbol{a} } }_q^{\text{H} }{ { {\boldsymbol{c} } }_q} } \right)^{ - 1} }$
     ${\partial _q} = \partial \left( {\mathbf{0} } \right) + {\text{In} }\dfrac{ { {\beta _q} } }{ { \sigma _1^2} } + {\beta _q}\left\| {\left( { { { {\boldsymbol{Y} } }^{\text{H} } }{ { {\boldsymbol{c} } }_q} } \right)} \right\|_2^2 + {\text{In} }\left( {\dfrac{ { {p_1} } }{ {1 - {p_1} } } } \right)$
     $\varOmega = [\;],\;{ { {\boldsymbol{s} } }^{\left( 0 \right)} } = {\mathbf{0} }$
     ${q^*} = {{{\rm{max}}\_{\rm{index}}} }\left( { {\partial _q} } \right)$
     $\varOmega = \varOmega \cup {q^*},{ { {\boldsymbol{s} } }^{\left( { {d} } \right)} } = { { {\boldsymbol{s} } }^{\left( { { {d} } - 1} \right)} } + \delta \left[ { {q^*} } \right],{\partial ^{\left( d \right)} } = {\partial _{ {q^*} } }$
     ${ { {\boldsymbol{c} } }_q} = { { {\boldsymbol{c} } }_q} - {\beta _{ {q^*} } }{ { {\boldsymbol{c} } }_{ {q^*} } }({ {\boldsymbol{c} } }_{ {q} })^{\text{H} }{ { {\boldsymbol{a} } }_q}$
     ${\beta _q} = \sigma _1^2{\left( {1 + \sigma _1^2({ {\boldsymbol{a} } }_q)^{ {\rm{H} } }{ { {\boldsymbol{c} } }_q} } \right)^{ - 1} }$
     ${\partial _q} = {\partial ^{\left( d \right)} } + {\rm{In} }\dfrac{ { {\beta _q} } }{ {\sigma _\Delta ^2} } + {\beta _q}\left\| { { { {\boldsymbol{Y} } }^{\text{H} } }{ { {\boldsymbol{c} } }_q} } \right\|_2^2 + {\text{In} }\left( {\dfrac{ { {p_1} } }{ {1 - {p_1} } } } \right)$
     ${\hat { {\boldsymbol{x} } }_{ {\text{map} } } } = \sigma _1^2 \displaystyle\sum\limits_{i \in \varOmega } { {\delta _i}{ {\left( { {\boldsymbol{c} }_i^{} } \right)}^{\text{H} } }{ {\boldsymbol{Y} } } }$
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    表  1  仿真实验雷达参数

    Table  1.   Radar parameters for simulation experiment

    MIMO天线配置2T × 4R
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    表  2  AWR1642雷达关键参数

    Table  2.   Radar parameters of AWR1642

    MIMO天线配置2T × 4R
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