
时晨光 董璟 周建江

时晨光, 董璟, 周建江. 频谱共存下面向多目标跟踪的组网雷达功率时间联合优化算法[J]. 雷达学报, 2023, 12(3): 590–601. doi: 10.12000/JR22146
引用本文: 时晨光, 董璟, 周建江. 频谱共存下面向多目标跟踪的组网雷达功率时间联合优化算法[J]. 雷达学报, 2023, 12(3): 590–601. doi: 10.12000/JR22146
SHI Chenguang, DONG Jing, and ZHOU Jianjiang. Joint transmit power and dwell time allocation for multitarget tracking in radar networks under spectral coexistence[J]. Journal of Radars, 2023, 12(3): 590–601. doi: 10.12000/JR22146
Citation: SHI Chenguang, DONG Jing, and ZHOU Jianjiang. Joint transmit power and dwell time allocation for multitarget tracking in radar networks under spectral coexistence[J]. Journal of Radars, 2023, 12(3): 590–601. doi: 10.12000/JR22146


DOI: 10.12000/JR22146
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62271247, 61801212),国家部委基金,航空科学基金(20200020052005, 20200020052002),南京航空航天大学前瞻布局科研专项资金


    董 璟,硕士生,主要研究方向为网络化雷达多目标跟踪与协同资源管理



    时晨光 scg_space@163.com

  • 责任主编:严俊坤 Corresponding Editor: YAN Junkun
  • 中图分类号: TN957

Joint Transmit Power and Dwell Time Allocation for Multitarget Tracking in Radar Networks under Spectral Coexistence

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62271247, 61801212), The National Ministries Foundation, The National Aerospace Science Foundation of China (20200020052005, 20200020052002), The Fund of Prospective Layout of Scientific Research for Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
More Information
  • 摘要: 该文针对频谱共存环境下多目标跟踪资源分配问题,提出了组网雷达功率时间联合优化算法。首先,推导了包含雷达节点选择、发射功率和驻留时间等射频辐射参数的预测贝叶斯克拉默-拉奥下界(BCRLB),以此作为多目标跟踪精度的衡量指标;在此基础上,以最小化多目标跟踪BCRLB为优化目标,以满足给定的组网雷达射频资源和预先设定的通信基站最大可容忍干扰能量阈值为约束条件,建立了频谱共存下面向多目标跟踪的组网雷达功率时间联合优化分配模型,对雷达节点选择、发射功率和驻留时间进行自适应联合优化配置;然后,针对上述优化问题,采用两步分解法将其分解为多个子凸问题,并结合半正定规划(SDP)算法和循环最小化算法进行求解。仿真结果表明,与现有算法相比,所提算法能够在保证通信基站正常工作的条件下,有效提高组网雷达的多目标跟踪精度。


  • 图  1  组网雷达布阵及多目标运动轨迹图

    Figure  1.  Deployment of radar networks and trajectories of multiple targets

    图  2  雷达节点选择与功率时间资源优化分配结果

    Figure  2.  Radar node selection and allocation results of power and dwell time resources

    图  3  RCS不变场景下ARMSE对比结果

    Figure  3.  Comparison results of ARMSE with same RCS

    图  4  各目标RCS数值

    Figure  4.  RCS values of each target

    图  5  RCS变化场景下雷达节点选择与功率时间资源优化分配结果

    Figure  5.  Radar node selection and allocation results of power and dwell time resources with various RCS

    图  6  RCS变化场景下ARMSE对比结果

    Figure  6.  Comparison results of ARMSE with various RCS

    图  7  ${E_{\max }} = 3{\text{ J}}$时雷达节点选择与功率时间资源优化分配结果

    Figure  7.  Radar node selection and allocation results of power and dwell time resources with ${E_{\max }} = 3{\text{ J}}$

    图  8  不同${E_{\max }}$条件下ARMSE对比结果

    Figure  8.  Comparison results of ARMSE under different ${E_{\max }}$ conditions

    算法 1 频谱共存下面向多目标跟踪的组网雷达功率时间
    Alg. 1 Solution flow of joint transmit power and dwell time allocation for multitarget tracking in radar networks
    under spectral coexistence
     初始化:$ \Im \left( 0 \right) $为给定常数,定义发射功率和驻留时间初始值
         $\hat P_{n,k}^q$, $\hat T_{n,k}^q$;
     步骤1 选定运动目标q,求解SDP问题(18),求出k时刻雷达权重
     矢量$ {\boldsymbol{\alpha }}_k^q $,获得$ \left( {{\partial _{\max }} - 1} \right) $种雷达节点选择备选方案。
     步骤2 对于 $s = 1,2, \cdots ,({\partial _{\max } } - 1 )$:
      1. 设定方案s选择的雷达节点权重系数$\bar \alpha _{n,k,s}^q = 1$,其余节点
      2.求解SDP问题(19),得到雷达节点选择$ {\boldsymbol{\alpha }}_{k,s}^q $、发射功率
        $ {\boldsymbol{P}}_{k,s}^q $、驻留时间$ {\boldsymbol{T}}_{k,s}^q $以及目标跟踪误差$ \Im _{k,s}^q $;
     步骤3 选取步骤2所有方案中的最小跟踪误差$ \Im _k^q $及其对应雷达节
      如果$\left| {\Im _k^q - \Im \left( 0 \right)} \right| \le \varepsilon $且$\Im _k^q < \Im \left( 0 \right)$:选取$ \Im _k^q $和其对应的雷达
      否则:$\Im \left( 0 \right) = \min \left( {\Im \left( 0 \right),\Im _k^q} \right)$,并保存其对应的雷达节点选
     步骤4 输出原问题(17)的最终雷达节点选择、发射功率、驻留时
     间结果$ {\boldsymbol{\alpha }}_k^q $, $ {\boldsymbol{P}}_k^q $, $ {\boldsymbol{T}}_k^q $,并确定下一个跟踪目标,跳转至步骤1,直
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    表  1  仿真参数设置

    Table  1.   Simulation parameter settings

    $ {G_{\text{t}}} $$ 36{\text{ dB}} $$ \beta $$ 1{\text{ MHz}} $
    $ {G_{\text{r}}} $$ 35{\text{ dB}} $$ {F_{\text{r}}} $$ 3{\text{ dB}} $
    $ {G_{{\text{RP}}}} $$ 45 $k$1.38 \times {10^{ - 23} }\;{ {\text{J} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom { {\text{J} } {\text{K} } } } \right. } {\text{K} } }$
    $ {P_{\min }} $$ 100{\text{ W}} $$ {P_{\max }} $$ 600{\text{ W}} $
    ${T_{ {\text{min} } } }$$ 0.01{\text{ s}} $$ {T_{\max }} $$ 0.08{\text{ s}} $
    $ {P_{{\text{total}}}} $$ 700{\text{ W}} $$ {T_{{\text{total}}}} $$ 0.1{\text{ s}} $
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