Joint Collaborative Radar Selection and Transmit Resource Allocation in Multiple Distributed Radar Networks with Imperfect Detection Performance
摘要: 该文针对分布式相控阵多雷达网络的多目标跟踪场景,研究非理想检测条件下的节点选择与辐射资源联合优化分配算法。首先,根据分布式相控阵多雷达网络构成、目标运动模型、雷达量测模型以及雷达节点检测情况,推导非理想检测下以雷达节点选择、辐射功率和信号带宽为变量的贝叶斯克拉默-拉奥下界(BCRLB)闭式解析表达式,并以此作为多目标跟踪精度衡量指标。在此基础上,以最小化系统各雷达节点对所有目标的总辐射功率为优化目标,以满足目标跟踪精度门限以及给定的系统射频辐射资源限制为约束条件,建立非理想检测条件下多雷达网络节点选择与辐射资源联合优化分配模型,对各时刻雷达节点选择、辐射功率和信号带宽等参数进行联合优化设计,以提升多雷达网络的射频隐身性能。最后,针对上述非线性、非凸优化问题,采用基于障碍函数法和循环最小化算法的4步分解算法进行求解。仿真结果表明,与现有算法相比,所提算法能在满足给定多目标跟踪精度的条件下有效降低分布式相控阵多雷达网络的总辐射功率,至少降低了约32.3%,从而提升其射频隐身性能。
- 雷达资源分配 /
- 分布式多雷达网络 /
- 多目标跟踪 /
- 非理想检测 /
- 贝叶斯克拉默-拉奥下界
Abstract: In this study, a collaborative radar selection and transmit resource allocation strategy is proposed for multitarget tracking applications in multiple distributed phased array radar networks with imperfect detection performance. The closed-form expression for the Bayesian Cramér-Rao Lower Bound (BCRLB) with imperfect detection performance is obtained and adopted as the criterion function to characterize the precision of target state estimates. The key concept of the developed strategy is to collaboratively adjust the radar node selection, transmitted power, and effective bandwidth allocation of multiple distributed phased array radar networks to minimize the total transmit power consumption in an imperfect detection environment. This will be achieved under the constraints of the predetermined tracking accuracy requirements of multiple targets and several illumination resource budgets to improve its radio frequency stealth performance. The results revealed that the formulated problem is a mixed-integer programming, nonlinear, and nonconvex optimization model. By incorporating the barrier function approach and cyclic minimization technique, an efficient four-step-based solution methodology is proposed to solve the resulting optimization problem. The numerical simulation examples demonstrate that the proposed strategy can effectively reduce the total power consumption of multiple distributed phased array radar networks by at least 32.3% and improve its radio frequency stealth performance while meeting the given multitarget tracking accuracy requirements compared with other existing algorithms. -
1 非理想检测下基于障碍函数法的雷达节点选择算法
1. Radar node selection algorithm based on barrier function method with imperfect detection
输入:令$ {g_1} = {\kern 1pt} \mathbb{F}\left( {{\boldsymbol{\mu }}_k^q,{\boldsymbol{\hat P}}_{{\text{t}},k}^q,{\boldsymbol{\hat \beta }}_k^q} \right) - {\eta ^q} $, $ {g_2} = {\kern 1pt} - \mu _{1,1,k}^q $,
$ {g_3} = {\kern 1pt} - \mu _{2,1,k}^q $, ···, $ {g_{{N_1} + 1}} = {\kern 1pt} - \mu _{{N_1},1,k}^q $, ···,
$ {g_{\sum\limits_{m = 1}^M {{N_m}} + 1}} = {\kern 1pt} - \mu _{{N_M},M,k}^q $, $ {g_{\sum\limits_{m = 1}^M {{N_m}} + 2}} = {\kern 1pt} \mu _{1,1,k}^q - 1 $,
$ {g_{\sum\limits_{m = 1}^M {{N_m}} + 3}} = {\kern 1pt} \mu _{2,1,k}^q - 1 $, ···, $ {g_{2\sum\limits_{m = 1}^M {{N_m}} + 1}} = {\kern 1pt} \mu _{{N_M},M,k}^q - 1 $,
设置迭代索引$ \varphi = 1 $;设置可行域$ D = \left\{ {\mu _{n,m,k}^q\left| {{g_a}\left( {\mu _{n,m,k}^q} \right) \le 0,a = 1,2, \cdots ,2\displaystyle\sum\limits_{m = 1}^M {{N_m}} + 1} \right.} \right\} $,
其中$ {g_a}\left( {\mu _{n,m,k}^q} \right) = {g_a} $;设置$ \varepsilon \gt 0 $为算法终止指标,$ {\xi ^{\left( \varphi \right)}} \gt 0 $,
$ e \ge 2 $。步骤1:取$ {\left( {\mu _{n,m,k}^q} \right)^{\left( {\varphi - 1} \right)}} \in D $为初始点; 步骤2:求解如下问题:
$\begin{gathered} \min {\kern 1pt} {\mathbb{G}_1} - {\xi ^{\left( \varphi \right)} }\left[ {\frac{1}{ { {g_1} } } + \frac{1}{ { {g_2} } } + \cdots + \frac{1}{ { {g_{2 \sum\limits_{m = 1}^M { {N_m} } + 1} } } } } \right], \\ {\text{s} }{\text{.t} }{\text{.} }{\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} \mu _{n,m,k}^q \in D. \\ \end{gathered}$式中,${\mathbb{G}_1}$表示优化模型(23)中的目标函数; 步骤3:令上述问题的极小值点为$ {\left( {\mu _{n,m,k}^q} \right)^{\left( \varphi \right)}} $; 步骤4:检验终止条件,若
$ - {\xi ^{\left( \varphi \right)}}\left[ {\dfrac{1}{{{g_1}}} + \dfrac{1}{{{g_2}}} + , \cdots , + \dfrac{1}{{{g_{2\sum\limits_{m = 1}^M {{N_m}} + 1}}}}} \right] \lt \varepsilon $,算法终止;若
未满足终止条件,令${\left( {\mu _{n,m,k}^q} \right)^{\left( {\varphi + 1} \right)} } \leftarrow \dfrac{ { { {\left( {\mu _{n,m,k}^q} \right)}^{\left( \varphi \right)} } } }{e}$,
$ \varphi \leftarrow \varphi + 1 $。输出:雷达节点最优选择结果。 -
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