Active Blanket Jamming Suppression Method for Spaceborne SAR Images Based on Regional Feature Refinement Perceptual Learning
摘要: 星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)系统常受到强电磁干扰而导致成像质量下降,但现有基于图像域的干扰抑制方法易造成图像失真、纹理细节信息丢失等难题。针对上述问题,该文提出了一种基于区域特征细化感知学习的星载SAR图像有源压制干扰抑制方法。首先,建立了星载SAR图像域有源压制干扰信号和图像模型;其次,设计一种基于区域特征感知的高精度干扰识别网络,利用高效通道注意力机制,提取SAR图像有源压制干扰图样特征,可以有效识别SAR图像干扰区域;然后,构建一种基于SAR图像和压制干扰特征联合学习的多元区域特征细化干扰抑制网络,将SAR图像切分为多元区域,采用多模块协同处理多元区域上的压制干扰特征,实现复杂场景条件下SAR图像有源压制干扰的精细化抑制。最后,构建SAR图像有源压制干扰仿真数据集,且采用哨兵1号实测数据进行实验验证分析。实验结果表明所提方法能有效识别和抑制星载SAR图像多种典型有源压制干扰。Abstract: Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems are often subject to strong electromagnetic interference, resulting in imaging quality degradation. However, existing image domain-based interference suppression methods are prone to image distortion and loss of texture detail information, among other difficulties. To address these problems, this paper proposes a method for suppressing active suppression interferences inspaceborne SAR images based on perceptual learning of regional feature refinement. First, an active suppression interference signal and image model is established in the spaceborne SAR image domain. Second, a high-precision interference recognition network based on regional feature perception is designed to extract the active suppression interference pattern features of the involved SAR image using an efficient channel attention mechanism, consequently resulting in effective recognition of the interference region of the SAR image. Third, a multivariate regional feature refinement interference suppression network is constructed based on the joint learning of the SAR image and suppression interference features, which are combined to form the SAR image and suppression interference pattern. A feature refinement interference suppression network is then constructed based on the joint learning of the SAR image and suppression interference feature. The network slices the SAR image into multivariate regions, and adopts multi-module collaborative processing of suppression interference features on the multivariate regions to realize refined suppression of the active suppression interference of the SAR image under complex conditions. Finally, a simulation dataset of SAR image active suppression interference is constructed, and the evaluated Sentinel-1 data are used for experimental verification and analysis. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively recognize and suppress various typical active suppression interferences in spaceborne SAR images.
表 1 干扰参数设置
Table 1. Jamming parameters configuration
参数 移频干扰及噪声卷积调制干扰 射频噪声干扰 中心频率 4 GHz 10 GHz 采样率 120 MHz 120 MHz 脉冲持续时间 3 μs 10 μs 调频斜率 1.6655 $ \times $1013 Hz/s5$ \times $1013 Hz/s 脉冲重复频率 1000 Hz1000 Hz场景中心最近斜距 1136 m8485 m表 2 5种网络识别性能比较(%)
Table 2. Comparison of recognition performance of five networks (%)
测试集 方法 射频噪声干扰 卷积调制干扰 移频干扰 无干扰 OA
Test_1SpnasNet100 95.208 88.125 93.375 94.750 92.865 FBNetc100 97.750 83.750 94.620 97.083 93.301 ResNet18 82.604 73.750 80.067 81.625 79.512 MnasNet 96.250 92.500 95.625 97.060 95.359 IRRFPNet 99.806 99.628 99.760 99.905 99.775 Test_2 SpnasNet100 95.833 78.625 89.500 91.792 88.938 FBNetc100 96.235 84.375 94.125 93.958 92.173 ResNet18 81.460 72.165 77.250 82.500 78.344 MnasNet 98.750 91.875 96.250 95.625 96.625 IRRFPNet 99.875 99.792 99.840 99.925 99.858
Test_3SpnasNet100 92.315 82.583 96.250 89.255 90.101 FBNetc100 95.000 85.250 90.402 94.750 91.351 ResNet18 80.572 74.500 81.267 79.875 79.054 MnasNet 97.372 85.625 98.125 96.958 94.520 IRRFPNet 99.790 99.895 99.370 100.00 99.764
Test_4SpnasNet100 94.875 81.015 92.000 92.583 90.118 FBNetc100 93.750 80.625 91.535 95.000 90.228 ResNet18 79.708 72.250 78.375 80.917 77.813 MnasNet 98.125 87.500 97.500 97.002 95.032 IRRFPNet 99.885 99.680 99.792 99.950 99.827 表 3 不同方法仿真实验的IEN, ISH及ICO指标计算结果
Table 3. Calculation of IEN, ISH and ICO for simulation experiments with different methods
场景(图10) 方法 IEN ISH ICO 场景1 真值图像 5.2194 – 17.6613 3.0279 陷波滤波方法 5.3487 – 19.6172 4.2246 RESCAN 5.2284 – 14.7195 1.5356 DRDNet 5.2154 – 17.6395 3.0118 DRFRISNet 5.2195 – 17.6701 3.0127 场景2 真值图像 5.9682 – 15.2466 1.7486 陷波滤波方法 5.4960 – 19.9296 3.5259 RESCAN 5.9116 – 14.1725 1.3188 DRDNet 5.9688 – 15.2465 1.7455 DRFRISNet 5.9678 – 15.2465 1.7480 场景3 真值图像 6.9088 – 9.6839 1.1570 陷波滤波方法 6.6281 – 13.7598 1.7738 RESCAN 7.1879 – 8.9641 1.0095 DRDNet 7.0350 – 9.3704 1.2169 DRFRISNet 6.8098 – 9.7194 1.1240 场景4 真值图像 6.9806 – 10.5063 1.6968 陷波滤波方法 6.9089 – 12.4531 1.6764 RESCAN 7.0970 – 8.9138 1.2965 DRDNet 6.9258 – 10.1447 1.6503 DRFRISNet 6.9495 – 10.2587 1.6625 表 4 不同方法仿真实验的PSNR及SSIM指标计算结果
Table 4. Calculation of PSNR and SSIM for simulation experiments with different methods
场景(图10) 陷波滤波方法 RESCAN DRDNet DRFRISNet PSNR (dB) SSIM PSNR (dB) SSIM PSNR (dB) SSIM PSNR (dB) SSIM 场景1 16.3777 0.0386 27.7221 0.8847 31.2742 0.9459 37.9279 0.9889 场景2 16.2330 0.4063 29.2225 0.8790 33.7739 0.9582 38.4685 0.9905 场景3 13.8495 0.3880 26.3501 0.8551 30.8176 0.9351 33.5751 0.9818 场景4 15.0873 0.5388 26.6142 0.8661 31.9454 0.9405 34.2852 0.9872 表 5 不同方法实测实验的IEN, ISH及ICO指标计算结果
Table 5. Calculation of IEN, ISH and ICO for simulation experiments with different methods
场景(图14) 方法 IEN ISH ICO 场景(图14) 方法 IEN ISH ICO 场景5 真值图像 4.2833 – 15.9504 4.8074 场景8 真值图像 6.4156 – 12.9350 1.6968 陷波滤波方法 5.4302 – 16.9256 3.9217 陷波滤波方法 5.2377 – 22.1863 1.6764 RESCAN 2.0471 – 16.5179 4.7079 RESCAN 5.8306 – 14.1303 1.2965 DRDNet 2.1126 – 16.3571 4.9755 DRDNet 5.8738 – 14.5922 1.6503 DRFRISNet 4.5146 – 16.0021 4.8075 DRFRISNet 5.8820 – 12.8447 1.6625 场景6 真值图像 7.6337 – 6.8687 1.7486 场景9 真值图像 4.7258 – 13.1804 1.1027 陷波滤波方法 6.9500 – 12.0783 3.5259 陷波滤波方法 5.7357 – 18.7759 1.2968 RESCAN 7.5334 – 7.1883 1.3188 RESCAN 3.0881 – 16.2433 0.9492 DRDNet 7.5670 – 6.7022 1.7455 DRDNet 5.3006 – 13.4509 1.0238 DRFRISNet 7.6074 – 6.9875 1.7480 DRFRISNet 4.3446 – 13.0803 1.0785 场景7 真值图像 6.6716 – 10.5940 1.1570 场景10 真值图像 7.0936 – 9.2369 1.0057 陷波滤波方法 5.8949 – 18.3770 1.7738 陷波滤波方法 6.1757 – 16.8893 1.8313 RESCAN 6.3696 – 9.1933 1.0095 RESCAN 6.6451 – 11.9947 0.9725 DRDNet 6.3970 – 9.5748 1.2169 DRDNet 6.6612 – 10.5871 1.0673 DRFRISNet 6.4196 – 10.5294 1.1240 DRFRISNet 6.8497 – 10.0975 1.0162 表 6 不同方法实测实验的PSNR及SSIM指标计算结果
Table 6. Calculation of PSNR and SSIM for simulation experiments with different methods
场景(图14) 干扰图像 陷波滤波方法 RESCAN DRDNet DRFRISNet PSNR (dB) SSIM PSNR (dB) SSIM PSNR (dB) SSIM PSNR (dB) SSIM PSNR (dB) SSIM 场景5 30.4133 0.9762 23.7897 0.8769 29.8113 0.9709 30.4442 0.9777 33.8496 0.9895 场景6 17.0048 0.8226 10.8052 0.2450 19.7852 0.8897 22.0794 0.9336 24.2911 0.9615 场景7 17.4517 0.5136 11.2595 0.1435 23.8517 0.7756 24.4211 0.8170 25.1023 0.8409 场景8 20.6213 0.6646 14.5254 0.1686 22.9472 0.7413 24.4636 0.7874 26.4066 0.9075 场景9 20.1741 0.8653 15.3698 0.3536 22.1510 0.8895 30.3326 0.9860 31.6360 0.9910 场景10 16.5528 0.5407 11.5139 0.1652 18.8683 0.6463 20.3926 0.7298 30.9412 0.9693 表 7 对LLFE单元进行消融实验的PSNR及SSIM指标计算结果
Table 7. Calculation of PSNR and SSIM metrics for ablation experiments on LLFE-Moudle
场景(图16) 无LLFE单元 有LLFE单元 PSNR (dB) SSIM PSNR (dB) SSIM 场景11 23.7820 0.8988 30.5310 0.9815 场景12 19.0430 0.8691 24.1102 0.9586 场景13 24.3205 0.7932 25.2305 0.8490 场景14 21.5722 0.7218 26.7804 0.9118 -
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