低过采样Staggered SAR图像方位模糊抑制

廖杏杏 刘喆 武俊杰

廖杏杏, 刘喆, 武俊杰. 低过采样Staggered SAR图像方位模糊抑制[J]. 雷达学报, 2021, 10(6): 874–884. doi: 10.12000/JR21106
引用本文: 廖杏杏, 刘喆, 武俊杰. 低过采样Staggered SAR图像方位模糊抑制[J]. 雷达学报, 2021, 10(6): 874–884. doi: 10.12000/JR21106
LIAO Xingxing, LIU Zhe, and WU Junjie. Azimuth unambiguity suppression for low-oversampled Staggered SAR images[J]. Journal of Radars, 2021, 10(6): 874–884. doi: 10.12000/JR21106
Citation: LIAO Xingxing, LIU Zhe, and WU Junjie. Azimuth unambiguity suppression for low-oversampled Staggered SAR images[J]. Journal of Radars, 2021, 10(6): 874–884. doi: 10.12000/JR21106

低过采样Staggered SAR图像方位模糊抑制

DOI: 10.12000/JR21106
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61922023, 61771113)


    刘 喆(1978–),女,博士,电子科技大学信息与通信工程学院副教授,主要研究方向为SAR成像及信号处理研究



    刘喆 liuzhe@uestc.edu.cn

  • 责任主编:张冰尘 Corresponding Editor: ZHANG Bingchen
  • 中图分类号: TN958

Azimuth Unambiguity Suppression for Low-oversampled Staggered SAR Images

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61922023, 61771113)
More Information
  • 摘要: 低过采样Staggered SAR利用变脉冲重复间隔技术有效分散盲区,可实现连续观测的高分宽幅成像,同时采用低过采样率可降低系统对数据存储的要求,因此具有重要的研究价值。然而,低过采样Staggered SAR存在的非均匀采样、回波丢失和非理想方位天线方向图(AAP)问题会导致成像结果中出现严重的方位模糊。该文提出了一种基于压缩感知的成像方法,可解决已有方法模糊抑制性能差和效率低的问题。首先,建立了准确描述低过采样Staggered SAR非均匀采样、回波丢失和距离徙动的创新性频域模型(IFDM),利用二维快速迭代收缩阈值算法对基于该IFDM构造的优化问题进行迭代求解可抑制非均匀采样和回波丢失造成的方位模糊;然后,利用选择滤波方法处理迭代结果可抑制非理想AAP造成的方位模糊。实验结果表明该文方法在成像性能和效率上均优于已有方法。


  • 图  1  Staggered SAR 天线方向图混叠示意图

    Figure  1.  Map of azimuth antenna pattern aliasing for Staggered SAR

    图  2  点目标成像结果方位剖面图

    Figure  2.  Azimuth profiles of reconstructed results for a point target

    图  3  覆盖范围为20 km×20.5 km场景的模拟回波数据处理结果

    Figure  3.  Imaging result of the simulated data of the 20 km×20.5 km scene

    图  4  20 km×20.5 km场景中“区域1”成像结果放大图及剖面图对比

    Figure  4.  Larger image of imaging result of “Zone 1” in the 20 km×20.5 km scene and comparison of azimuth profiles

    图  5  20 km×20.5 km场景中“区域2”成像结果放大图

    Figure  5.  Larger image of reconstructed result of “Zone 2” in the 20 km×20.5 km scene

    表  1  IFDM-FISTA-SF流程

    Table  1.   The process of IFDM-FISTA-S

     输入:距离压缩后的Staggered SAR回波数据${\boldsymbol{S}}$,稀疏算子$\Psi $
     输出:方位模糊被抑制的高质量成像结果${{\boldsymbol{X}}_{ {\text{final} } } }$
     初始化:${\lambda _1},\bar \lambda > 0$, $\beta \in \left( {0,1} \right)$, ${\sigma _0} = {\sigma _1} = 1$, $L > 0$, $l = 0$,
         ${{\boldsymbol{\varGamma}} ^{(0)} } = {{\boldsymbol{\varGamma}} ^{(1)} } = {\boldsymbol{0} }$
     IFDM-FISTA:当满足$l \le L$时,进行以下迭代
        步骤1 ${{\boldsymbol{Z}} ^{(l)} } = {{\boldsymbol{\varGamma}} ^{(l)} } + \left( { {\sigma _{l - 1} } - 1} \right)/{\sigma _l} \cdot \left( { {{\boldsymbol{\varGamma}} ^{(l)} } - {{\boldsymbol{\varGamma}} ^{(l - 1)} } } \right)$
        步骤2 ${\hat {\boldsymbol{X}}^{(l)} } = {\Psi ^{ - 1} }\left( { {{\boldsymbol{\varGamma}} ^{(l)} } } \right)$
        步骤3 ${\boldsymbol{E} } = {\boldsymbol{B} } \odot \left\{ { {\tilde {\boldsymbol F} }_{\text{t} }^{\text{H} }\left[ {\left( {({ {\boldsymbol{F} }_{\text{a} } }{\boldsymbol{X} }) \circ { { { {\tilde {\boldsymbol F} } } }_{\text{r} } } } \right) \odot {\boldsymbol{D} } } \right]{\boldsymbol{F} }_{{\tau } }^{\text{H} } } \right\} - {\boldsymbol{S} }$
        步骤4 $\nabla g\left( {\boldsymbol{\varGamma} } \right) = \Psi \left\{ { {\boldsymbol{F} }_{\text{a} }^{\text{H} }\left[ {\left( {\left( { { {\tilde {\boldsymbol{F}}}_{\text{t} } }{\boldsymbol{E}}{{\boldsymbol{F}}_{ {\tau } } } } \right) \odot {{\boldsymbol{D}}^*} } \right) \circ \tilde {\boldsymbol{F}}_{\text{r} }^{\text{H} } } \right]} \right\}$
        步骤5 ${ {\boldsymbol{U} }^{(l)} } = { {\boldsymbol{Z} }^{(l)} } - 1/{\ell _{\rm{f} } } \cdot \nabla g\left({ {\boldsymbol{\varGamma} } ^{(l)} }\right)$
        步骤6 ${ {\boldsymbol{\varGamma} } ^{(l + 1)} } = { {\rm{soft} } } \left( { { {\boldsymbol{U} }^{(l)} },{\lambda _l}/{\ell _{\rm{f}}} } \right)$
        步骤7 ${\sigma _{l + 1} } = \left(1 + \sqrt {4\sigma _l^2 + 1} \right)/2$
        步骤8 ${\lambda _{l + 1}} = \max \left( {\beta {\lambda _l},\bar \lambda } \right)$
        步骤9 $l = l + 1$
     SF:${{\boldsymbol{X}}_{ {\text{final} } } }{\text{ = SF} }\left( {\tilde {\boldsymbol{X}}} \right) = {\text{SF} }\left( { { {\hat {\boldsymbol{X}}}^{(L)} } } \right)$
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    表  2  低过采样Staggered SAR仿真参数

    Table  2.   Simulation parameters for low-oversampled Staggered SAR

    轨道高度(km)760最大PRI (s)1/1500
    平台速度(m/s)7473最小PRI (s)1/1800
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    表  3  不同方法对点目标模糊抑制性能的评估结果

    Table  3.   Evaluation results of the azimuth-ambiguity-removal performance for different methods

    MethodATR (dB)ISLR (dB)
    $\omega {\text{K}}$–18.04–7.20
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    表  4  各方法计算复杂度以及处理图3对应宽幅场景耗时

    Table  4.   Different methods’ computation complexity and time for the scene given by Fig. 3

    Method计算复杂度耗时 (min)
    $ \omega {\text{K}} $$ O\left( {MN{\text{lo}}{{\text{g}}_2}\left( {MN} \right)} \right) $1
    MIAA-MCR$O\left( {LMNM_{\text{d}}^2} \right)$273
    IFDM-FISTA by NUDFT$ O\left( {LMN\left( {M + N} \right)} \right) $1676
    IFDM-FISTA/IFDM-FISTA-SF$ O\left( {LMN{\text{lo}}{{\text{g}}_2}\left( {MN} \right)} \right) $47
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    表  5  图5(a)图5(d)中“区域 2”红色圈标注的AAP模糊相对真实目标的ATR结果

    Table  5.   ATR results corresponding to the AAP ambiguity in red circle of “Zone 2” in Fig. 5(a)Fig. 5(d)

    MethodATR (dB)
    $\omega {\text{K}}$–28.20
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