Investigation on Processing Scheme for MIMO SAR with STSO Chirp Waveforms
摘要: 为了提升星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)的高分宽幅成像能力,该文提出一种基于短偏移正交(STSO)波形的多发多收合成孔径雷达(MIMO SAR)处理方案。基于俯仰向的多波束数字波束形成技术,混合回波信号中的STSO波形能够得到有效分离。根据对MIMO SAR成像几何模型和天线结构的分析,采用修正的方位向多通道重构矩阵对分离信号进行处理,得到的重构数据可利用传统SAR成像算法进行成像。仿真实验证明,该处理方案能够有效抑制短偏移正交波形之间的相互干扰,并具有较好的成像性能。Abstract: This study presents a novel processing scheme for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) system with Short-Term Shift-Orthogonal (STSO) chirp waveforms to enhance its high-resolution wide-swath mapping capability. Taking advantage of multi-beam digital beamforming techniques in elevation, the STSO chirp waveforms can be efficiently separated from mixed echo signals. According to the geometry model and the antenna architecture of MIMO SAR system, the modified multichannel reconstruction matrix is used to reconstruct the separated signals in azimuth. In addition, the reconstruction data can be imaged via conventional SAR algorithm. Simulation experiments are conducted on both point targets and distributed targets, the results of which indicate that the proposed scheme can effectively suppress the mutual interferences between the STSO waveforms and that it has good imaging performance.
表 1 MIMO SAR系统参数
Table 1. MIMO SAR system parameters
参数 数值 轨道高度(km) 500 卫星速度(m/s) 7612 载频(GHz) 9.65 视角范围(°) 22.3–38.3 测绘带宽(km) 200 信号带宽(MHz) 75 脉冲宽度(μs) 160 天线宽度(m) 3.2 俯仰向子孔径数目 39 天线长度(m) 12 方位向子孔径数目 3 多普勒带宽(Hz) 3806 脉冲重复频率(Hz) 890 表 2 点目标成像质量参数
Table 2. The imaging parameters of point targets
参数 目标2 目标5 目标8 距离向 PSLR (dB) –13.27 –13.26 –13.28 ISLR (dB) –10.68 –10.67 –10.68 分辨率(m) 1.81 1.79 1.80 方位向 PSLR (dB) –13.24 –13.25 –13.25 ISLR (dB) –10.68 –10.66 –10.67 分辨率(m) 1.79 1.80 1.81 -
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