Analysis of Crosstalk Impact on the Cloude-decomposition-based Scattering Characteristic
摘要: 串扰是极化SAR系统的主要误差源之一,也是用于衡量极化定标质量的参考指标。为研究系统串扰在具体地物分类应用中的影响,该文首先推导了串扰量作用于由Cloude分解获得的地物散射机制特征量的数学表达,并利用不同类型的实际Radarsat-2数据通过半物理仿真,验证理论分析结果。最后在实验数据上进行基于Cloude分解的H/a/Wishart非监督分类,从各类图像分类偏差比率随串扰的变化曲线中,获得满足应用需求的串扰量指标。
- 极化合成孔径雷达 /
- 定标模型 /
- 串扰影响 /
- H/a/Wishart非监督分类
Abstract: Crosstalk is not only one of the main error sources in the polarimetric SAR system, but is also an indicator for evaluating calibration performance. In this paper, to determine the impact of crosstalk on land cover classification, we first retrieve the mathematical relation expressions between crosstalk and the Cloude-decomposition-based scattering characteristic. Then, we verify our theoretical conclusions in a semi-physical simulation based on Radarsat-2 polarimetric data for different land covers. Finally, we perform H/a/Wishart classification on the experimental data. From the ratio curve of pixels labeled differently under changing crosstalk, we can determine the crosstalk requirement that will meet the needs of specific applications.-
Key words:
- Polarimetric SAR /
- Calibration model /
- Crosstalk /
- H/a/Wishart classification
图 3 不同串扰下的中心散射机制在H-$\alpha $平面上变化,红色代表城区图像,黄色代表农田图像,蓝色代表入海口图像,绿色代表丛林图像
Figure 3. The changing of scattering center on the H-$\alpha $ plane under different crosstalk, red represents the urban area, yellow represents the agricultural field, blue represents the estuary scene, and green represents the forest area
图 5 不同串扰下的 $H/\alpha /{\rm{Wishart}}$分类结果偏差比例变化曲线,红色代表城区图像,黄色代表农田图像,蓝色代表入海口图像,绿色代表丛林图像,黑色虚线表示分类偏差率5%指标
Figure 5. The bias of $H/\alpha /{\rm{Wishart}}$ classification results under different crosstalk, red represents the urban area, yellow represents the agricultural field, blue represents the estuary scene, and green represents the forest area, the black dashed line denotes the bias less than 5%
表 1 数据情况说明
Table 1. The description of datasets
图像编号 尺寸(像素) 距离向分辨率(m) 方位向分辨率(m) 中心视角(°) 场景 1 512×512 4.76655 4.73308 34.2372 城区 2 512×512 5.46646 4.73308 37.1864 农田 3 512×512 4.81696 4.73308 35.2785 入海口 4 512×512 4.81687 4.73308 35.2859 丛林 -
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