
陈辉 边斌超 连峰 韩崇昭

陈辉, 边斌超, 连峰, 等. 基于Transformer复杂运动辨识的机动星凸形扩展目标跟踪方法[J]. 雷达学报(中英文), 2024, 13(3): 629–645. doi: 10.12000/JR24031
引用本文: 陈辉, 边斌超, 连峰, 等. 基于Transformer复杂运动辨识的机动星凸形扩展目标跟踪方法[J]. 雷达学报(中英文), 2024, 13(3): 629–645. doi: 10.12000/JR24031
CHEN Hui, BIAN Binchao, LIAN Feng, et al. A novel method for tracking complex maneuvering star convex extended targets using transformer network[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(3): 629–645. doi: 10.12000/JR24031
Citation: CHEN Hui, BIAN Binchao, LIAN Feng, et al. A novel method for tracking complex maneuvering star convex extended targets using transformer network[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(3): 629–645. doi: 10.12000/JR24031


DOI: 10.12000/JR24031
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62163023, 61873116, 62173266, 62366031),甘肃省教育厅产业支撑计划项目(2021CYZC-02),2023年甘肃省军民融合发展专项资金项目,2024年甘肃省重点人才项目资助

    陈 辉,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为数据融合、统计信号处理、机器学习和智能决策


    连 峰,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为多源信息融合、滤波与估计算法、气动融合算法



    陈辉 chenh@lut.edu.cn

    边斌超 bianbinchao@lut.edu.cn

  • 责任主编:李天成 Corresponding Editor: LI Tiancheng
  • 中图分类号: TP389.1

A Novel Method for Tracking Complex Maneuvering Star Convex Extended Targets Using Transformer Network

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62163023, 61873116, 62173266, 62366031), The Industrial Support Project of Education Department of Gansu Province (2021CYZC-02), The Special Funds Project for Civil-Military Integration Development of Gansu Province in 2023, The Key Talent Project of Gansu Province in 2024
More Information
  • 摘要: 针对复杂的机动扩展目标跟踪问题,利用Transformer网络设计了一种有效的星凸不规则形状机动扩展目标跟踪方法。首先,该文研究利用alpha-shape算法建立了星凸形状的变化模型,实现了静态场景下的星凸形扩展目标的形状估计。然后,通过对目标状态转移矩阵进行重新设计,结合Transformer网络对机动扩展目标运动状态转移矩阵进行实时估计,实现了对复杂机动目标运动过程的精准跟踪。进一步地,将估计得到的形状轮廓与运动状态进行融合,最终实现了对星凸形机动扩展目标的实时跟踪。最后,通过构造复杂的机动扩展目标跟踪场景,利用多重性能指标测试算法对形状和运动状态的综合估计性能,验证了算法的有效性。


  • 图  1  产生的目标量测点

    Figure  1.  Generated target measurements

    图  2  利用alpha-shape算法提取目标形状

    Figure  2.  Target shape extraction using alpha-shape algorithm

    图  3  静态场景下的轮廓估计

    Figure  3.  Contour estimation in static scenes

    图  4  神经网络模型整体结构

    Figure  4.  Overall structure of the neural network model

    图  5  一维特征信息提取

    Figure  5.  1-D feature information extraction

    图  6  特征信息提取结构

    Figure  6.  Feature information extraction structure

    图  7  全连接层结构

    Figure  7.  Full connect layer

    图  8  训练过程中损失值变化情况

    Figure  8.  Changes in loss values during training

    图  9  网络模型训练所用的数据集

    Figure  9.  Dataset used for network model training

    图  10  星凸形机动扩展目标跟踪方法

    Figure  10.  Star convex maneuvering extended target tracking

    图  11  算法可行性测试

    Figure  11.  Algorithm feasibility testing

    图  12  可行性测试的面积误差对比

    Figure  12.  Comparison of area errors in feasibility tests

    图  13  可行性测试的IOU对比

    Figure  13.  Comparison of IOU in feasibility tests

    图  14  可行性测试中的FDA对比

    Figure  14.  Comparison of FDA in feasibility tests

    图  15  形状自适应性测试结果

    Figure  15.  Shape adaptability test results

    图  16  形状自适应性测试的面积误差对比

    Figure  16.  Comparison of area errors for the shape adaptation tests

    图  17  形状自适应性测试的IOU对比

    Figure  17.  IOU comparison for shape adaptation tests

    图  18  形状自适应性测试的FDA对比

    Figure  18.  FDA comparison for shape adaptation tests

    图  19  不同算法的单步运行时间对比

    Figure  19.  Comparison of single-step running time for different algorithms

    图  20  鲁棒性测试

    Figure  20.  Robustness test

    1  结合Transformer的星凸形机动扩展目标跟踪部分伪代码

    1.   The pseudo-code of star convex maneuvering extended target tracking using Transformer algorithm

     输入:$ {A_1},{A_2},{x_0},{P_0},{W_k},{U_k},{Q_k},{R_k},P_0^{{\text{cap}}} $
      for k = 1: steps
       % 量测集处理与形状初步处理
        ${{\boldsymbol{\bar z}}_k} = \dfrac{1}{l}\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i = 1}^l {{{\boldsymbol{z}}_{k,l}}} $
        ${{\boldsymbol{\tilde Z}}_k} = \{ {{\boldsymbol{\tilde z}}_{k,l}}\} $
        ${{\boldsymbol{C}}_k} = {{\mathrm{as}}} (a,{{\boldsymbol{\tilde Z}}_k})$
        ${{\boldsymbol{Z}}^k} = {{\mathrm{s}}} ({{\boldsymbol{C}}_k})$
       % 静态形状预测
        $ \mathcal{X}_k^ - - {\bar{\mathcal{X}} _k} = {\boldsymbol{A}}(\mathcal{X}_{k - 1}^ - - {\bar {\mathcal{X}} _k}) $
        ${\boldsymbol{P}}_k^ - = {\boldsymbol{A}}{{\boldsymbol{P}}_k}{{\boldsymbol{A}}^{\text{T}}} + {{\boldsymbol{W}}_k}{\boldsymbol{W}}_k^{\text{T}}$
       % 运动状态预测
        $\hat \chi _{k - 1}^j = {\boldsymbol{F}}_k^i\chi _{k - 1}^j$
        $ {{\boldsymbol{x}}_{k|k - 1}} = \dfrac{1}{m}\displaystyle\sum\limits_{j = 1}^m {\chi _{k - 1}^j} $
       % 形态预测
        $\mathcal{X}_{k,s}^ - = \mathcal{X}_k^ - + {{\boldsymbol{x}}_{k|k - 1}}$
       for k = 1: steps
       % 静态形状更新
        ${{\boldsymbol{K}}_k} = {\boldsymbol{P}}_k^ - {{\boldsymbol{H}}^{\text{T}}}{({{\boldsymbol{S}}_k}{\boldsymbol{HP}}_k^ - {{\boldsymbol{H}}^{\text{T}}} + {\boldsymbol{I}})^{ - 1}}$
        ${\hat {\mathcal{X}}_k} = \mathcal{X}_k^ - + {{\boldsymbol{K}}_k}{{\boldsymbol{Z}}^k}$
        ${{\boldsymbol{P}}_k} = ({\boldsymbol{I}} - {{\boldsymbol{K}}_k}{{\boldsymbol{S}}_k}{\boldsymbol{H}}){\boldsymbol{P}}_k^ - $
       % 状态转移矩阵更新
        ${{\boldsymbol{F}}_k} = {\text{TFMETT}}({{\boldsymbol{\bar z}}_k})$
       % 运动状态更新
        ${{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}_k} = {{\boldsymbol{x}}_{k|k - 1}} + {\boldsymbol{K}}_k^{{\text{cap}}}({{\boldsymbol{\bar z}}_k} - {{\boldsymbol{z}}_{k|k - 1}})$
        ${\boldsymbol{P}}_k^{{\text{cap}}} = {\boldsymbol{P}}_{k|k - 1}^{{\text{cap}}} - {\boldsymbol{K}}_k^{{\text{cap}}}{\boldsymbol{S}}_k^{{\text{cap}}}{\left( {{\boldsymbol{K}}_k^{{\text{cap}}}} \right)^{\text{T}}}$
       % 形态更新
        ${\hat {\mathcal{X}}_{k,s}} = {\hat {\mathcal{X}}_k} + {{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}_k}$
     输出:${\hat {\mathcal{X}}_{k,s}}$
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    表  1  50次蒙特卡罗仿真测试中各种算法的平均单步运行时间

    Table  1.   Average single-step running time of various algorithms in 50 Monte Carlo simulation tests

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