
发布日期: 2017-12-06 阅读次数:
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2018IET国际雷达会议(IET International Radar Conference 2018: IET IRC2018)将于20181017-19在中国南京召开。IET IRC2018 IET系列雷达会议的第四次国际会议,前三次会议分别于20094月、20134月、201510月在中国桂林、西安、杭州成功召开。本届会议旨在介绍雷达领域最新的技术发展和研究热点,为雷达专家、科技工作者和广大相关雷达相关专业师生提供一个分享思想和成果的学术平台,具体信息如下。


Dr. Zegang Ding

E-mail: admin@ietradar. org

Tel: +86 10 68918550

Fax: +86 10 68918550

Ms. TingtingLiu

E-mail: tliu@theiet. org

Tel: +86 10 65664687-222

Fax: +86 10 65664647


Important Dates

Paper Submission : 31 March 2018

Paper Acceptance Notification: 30 April 2018

Camera-ready Paper Submission: 31 May 2018

Conference Date: 17-19 October 2018


Technical Programme and Scope

The conference will consist of several parallel sessions to provide the program with breadth and depth by plenary talks, tutorials,oral and poster presentations, and commercial exhibitions, along with some special technical sessions. Contributions are encouraged from, but not limited to, the following topics:

Radar Systems

Airborne Radar

Spaceborne Radar

Low Frequency Radar

Naval and Coastal Surveillance Radar

Bi-static/Multi-static/Netted Radar

Distributed Radar/MIMO Radar

Weather Radar

Automotive Radar/Automatic Cruise Radar

Ground Penetrating/Thru-wall Detection Radar

Environment/Atmospheric/Geophysical Sensing Radar

Bio-medical Imaging Radar


Advanced RF and Antenna Technologies

T/R Module Technology

Antenna Design, Measurement and Calibration

EBG/PBG New Material

Ultra Wideband Antenna and System

Adaptive and Smart Antenna Array

Conformal Antenna Array

Radar Receiver/Transmitter

Frequency Synthesizer


Radar Signal and Data Processing

Waveform Design and Optimization

Digital Beamforming

Space Time Adaptive Processing

Target Detection and Tracking

Target Identification and Recognition

Data Fusion and Information Fusion

High-speed Real-time Signal Processing

Interference Suppression and Anti-Jamming

Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms

Machine Learning

Bigdata Processing in Microwave Remote Sensing



Spaceborne/Airborne SAR


Bi-static and Multi-static SAR/ISAR

Ground-based SAR/D-InSAR

SAR Polarimetry and Interferometry

SAR Instrument and Calibration

SAR/ISAR Modeling and Simulation

Ultra Wideband SAR


Multi-channel/Multi-frame SAR

Video SAR

SAR Ground Moving Target Indication/Change Detection

SAR/ISAR Information Extraction


Target and Environment Characteristics

Target RCS Simulation, Measurement and Analysis

Clutter Signature Modeling and Simulation



Ocean/Terrain/Building Scattering Modeling and Simulation

Ionosphere Propagation Effects


Emerging Technology

Laser Radar/Laser SAR

Cloud and Rain Radar

Geosynchronous Earth Orbit SAR/D-InSAR

Small Satellite Technology

Compressive Sensing Radar

GNSS-R Sensors

Tera-Hertz Technology

Cognitive Radar

Radar Vision

Education and Remote Sensing


会议历史资料可见 http://www.ietradar.org/2013 , http://www.ietradar.org/2015

所有收录在会议论文集的学术文章将入选IET InspecIEEE Xplore全文数据库,并可全部在Journal of Engineering期刊发表。同时将被EIScopus等数据库检索。优秀论文将被推荐至Science in China Series FInformation Sciences (Sci China F)等期刊发表。

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发布日期: 2017-12-06 阅读次数: