Analysis of the Influence of Distributed Interrupted-sampling Repeating Signals on Airborne Interferometer Parameter Measurements
摘要: 针对反机载干涉仪侦察场景,该文提出一种基于间歇采样转发技术生成分布式信号对干涉仪参数测量施加干扰的方法。辐射源与转发干扰机分布部署构成干扰系统,转发干扰机对辐射源脉冲信号进行间歇采样并向干涉仪转发,转发信号与辐射源信号准同步到达干涉仪,实现对干涉仪空域参数和时域参数的同时干扰。对于机载干涉仪运动过程中与干扰系统发生的位置关系变化,给出信号准同步约束并构建分布式信号叠加模型。然后针对干涉仪体制对脉冲空域和时域参数的测量机理,分析分布式信号实施干扰的原理,并分析信号参数对干扰效果的影响,进而提出分布式信号设计原则。仿真实验和暗室实验结果表明,该文所提出分布式波形可有效扰乱干涉仪对信号到达方位角、脉宽和脉冲重复周期等空时域参数的正确测量。Abstract: In the context of counter-reconnaissance against airborne interferometers, this study proposes a jamming method designed to disrupt the parameter measurement capabilities of interferometers by generating distributed signals based on an interrupted-sampling repeating technique. An emitter and a transmitting jammer are combined to form a distributed jamming system. The transmitting jammer samples the emitter signal and transmits the repeating signal to an interferometer. A quasi-synchronization constraint is established according to the change in the positional relation between the airborne interferometer and the jamming system. Additionally, a model for the superposition of distributed signals is provided. Then, the mathematical principle underlying distributed signal jamming is expounded according to the pulse spatial and temporal parameter measurement using the interferometer system. Moreover, the influence of various signal parameters on the jamming effect is analyzed to propose a principle for distributed signal design. Simulation and darkroom experiments show that the proposed method can effectively disrupt the accurate measurement of the pulse spatial domain and time domain parameters, such as azimuth-of-arrival, pulse width, and repetition interval.
表 1 辐射源参数
Table 1. Parameters of the radiation source
参数 数值 发射功率(kW) 200 工作频率(GHz) 10 码片宽度(μs) 0.1 码片个数 64 脉宽(μs) 6.4 重复周期(μs) 32 表 2 转发干扰机参数
Table 2. Parameters of the transmitter
参数 数值 发射功率(kW) 150 采样长度(μs) 0.8 重复转发次数 2 采样次数 4 表 3 干涉仪对不同信号测量结果
Table 3. Results of different signals measured by the interferometer
信号 幅度(dBm) 到达方位角(°) 脉宽(μs) 单脉冲 统计值 单脉冲 统计值 单脉冲 统计值 仅辐射源信号 –76.4600 –75.7 39.5862 39.5 4.94691 5.0 – 76.0225 39.9849 4.94691 – 75.7725 39.8660 4.94691 – 75.7725 39.4743 5.06692 – 75.7725 39.2365 5.01358 仅转发信号 –72.4600 –72.5 – 22.5355 –22.5 9.96050 10.0 – 72.6475 – 22.6194 10.02720 –72.4600 – 22.5985 10.01380 –72.3350 – 23.0321 9.97383 –72.3350 – 22.6684 10.00050 合成信号1 – 68.6475 –68.7 29.1440 29.0 10.3472 10.0 – 68.6475 29.2559 10.2805 – 68.7725 29.2419 10.3205 – 68.6475 29.5427 10.2538 –68.8350 29.3608 10.0672 合成信号2 – 70.3975 –70.0 27.4095 27.0 10.4139 10.0 –70.3350 26.3464 10.1472 –70.2100 27.1926 10.1338 –70.3350 26.8919 10.0538 –69.9600 27.1507 10.0938 -
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