
肖炯 唐波 王海

肖炯, 唐波, 王海. 互耦条件下基于稀疏重构的MIMO雷达角度估计[J]. 雷达学报(中英文), 2024, 13(5): 1123–1133. doi: 10.12000/JR24061
引用本文: 肖炯, 唐波, 王海. 互耦条件下基于稀疏重构的MIMO雷达角度估计[J]. 雷达学报(中英文), 2024, 13(5): 1123–1133. doi: 10.12000/JR24061
XIAO Jiong, TANG Bo, and WANG Hai. Sparse reconstruction-based direction of arrival estimation for MIMO radar in the presence of unknown mutual coupling[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(5): 1123–1133. doi: 10.12000/JR24061
Citation: XIAO Jiong, TANG Bo, and WANG Hai. Sparse reconstruction-based direction of arrival estimation for MIMO radar in the presence of unknown mutual coupling[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(5): 1123–1133. doi: 10.12000/JR24061


DOI: 10.12000/JR24061 CSTR: 32380.14.JR24061
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62171450),安徽省杰出青年科学基金(2108085J30),国防科技大学自主创新科学基金(23-ZZCX-JDZ-42)

    肖 炯,硕士生,主要研究方向为雷达信号处理

    唐 波,博士,教授。主要研究方向为雷达信号处理、通信信号处理和阵列信号处理等

    王 海,博士,教授。主要研究方向为雷达与雷达对抗等


    唐波 tangbo06@gmail.com

  • 责任主编:张弓 Corresponding Editor: ZHANG Gong
  • 中图分类号: TN959.1

Sparse Reconstruction-based Direction of Arrival Estimation for MIMO Radar in the Presence of Unknown Mutual Coupling

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62171450), The Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation (2108085J30), Research Plan of National University of Defense Technology (23-ZZCX-JDZ-42)
More Information
  • 摘要: 为了降低阵列互耦对多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达波达角度(DOA)估计性能的影响,实现少量快拍条件下的目标角度估计,该文提出了基于迭代最小化稀疏学习(SLIM)算法的互耦校正和目标角度估计算法。所提算法利用目标回波信号的空域稀疏性,通过迭代优化算法估计了MIMO雷达发射和接收阵列的阵元互耦系数,以及目标稀疏空间谱。该算法无需设置超参数,且具有良好的收敛特性。仿真结果表明,当MIMO雷达发射和接收阵列存在互耦时,如果目标角度间隔较小,所提算法能够在较高信噪比条件下基于少量快拍高精度地估计目标角度;如果目标角度间隔较大,则在较低信噪比和少量快拍条件下仍有较高的角度估计精度。


  • 图  1  集中式MIMO雷达示意图

    Figure  1.  Colocated MIMO radar

    图  2  SLIMMC算法流程图

    Figure  2.  Flow chart of the SLIMMC algorithm

    图  3  算法收敛曲线

    Figure  3.  Convergence analysis of the proposed algorithm

    图  4  SLIMMC与SLIMMC-RELAX算法RMSE随快拍数变化图(SNR=10 dB)

    Figure  4.  RMSEs of the SLIMMC and SLIMMC-RELAX algorithms versus the number of snapshots (SNR=10 dB)


    Figure  5.  RMSEs of the SLIMMC and SLIMMC-RELAX algorithms versus SNR (L=10)

    图  6  不同非零互耦系数时算法RMSE随SNR变化图

    Figure  6.  RMSEs of the proposed algorithm versus SNR for different numbers of nonzero mutual coupling coefficients

    图  7  不同互耦效应下的算法RMSE随快拍数变化图(SNR=10 dB)

    Figure  7.  RMSEs of the proposed algorithm versus the number of snapshots for different mutual coupling coefficients (SNR=10 dB)

    图  8  不同互耦效应下的算法RMSE随SNR变化图(L=10)

    Figure  8.  RMSEs of the proposed algorithm versus SNR for different mutual coupling coefficients (L=10)

    图  9  算法空间谱图(SNR=10 dB)

    Figure  9.  Spectrum for targets (SNR=10 dB)

    图  10  算法RMSE随SNR变化图

    Figure  10.  RMSEs versus SNR

    图  11  算法RMSE随快拍数变化图(SNR=10 dB)

    Figure  11.  RMSEs versus snapshots (SNR=10 dB)

    1  RELAX算法

    1.   RELAX algorithm

     输入:$\hat K$, ${\text{\{}}{\hat \theta _k}{\text{\} }}_{k = 1}^{\hat K}$, ${\text{\{}}{\hat x_{k,l}}{\text{\} }}_{k = 1,l = 1}^{\hat K,L}$
     输出:${\text{\{}}{\hat \theta _k}{\text{\} }}$
     $\hat K$:SLIMMC算法得到的目标个数
     ${\text{\{}}{\hat \theta _k}{\text{\} }}_{k = 1}^{\hat K}$:SLIMMC算法得到的目标角度
     ${\text{\{}}{\hat x_{k,l}}{\text{\} }}_{k = 1,l = 1}^{\hat K,L}$:SLIMMC算法得到的目标回波
     for k = 1, 2, ···, $\hat K$
      $ {{\boldsymbol{\tilde y}}_{k,l}} = {{\boldsymbol{y}}_l} - \displaystyle\sum\limits_{i = 1,i \ne k}^{\hat K} {{\boldsymbol{a}}{\text{(}}{{\hat \theta }_i}{\text{)}}} {\hat x_{i,l}}\;,\;\;\;\;l = 1,2, \cdots ,L $
      $ {\hat \theta _k} = \mathop {{\text{argmax}}}\limits_{{\theta _k}} \displaystyle\sum\limits_{l = 1}^L {\bigr|{\boldsymbol{a}}_{}^{\text{H}}{\text{(}}{\theta _k}{\text{)}}{{{\boldsymbol{\tilde y}}}_{k,l}}{\bigr|^2}} $
      $ {\hat x_{i,l}} = \dfrac{{{\boldsymbol{a}}_{}^{\text{H}}\left({{\hat \theta }_k}\right){{{\boldsymbol{\tilde y}}}_{k,l}}}}{{\left\|{\boldsymbol{a}}_{}^{\text{H}}\left({{\hat \theta }_k}\right) \right\|{^2}}}\;,\;\;\;\;l = 1,2, \cdots ,L $
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    表  1  非零互耦系数取值

    Table  1.   Nonzero mutual coupling coefficients setting

    Kt=Kr=2 [1, –0.4+0.002j] [1, 0.4+0.1121j]
    Kt=Kr=3 [1, –0.4+0.002j, –0.1046–0.0566j] [1, 0.4+0.1121j, 0.1383+0.0708j]
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    表  2  不同互耦效应下的非零互耦系数

    Table  2.   Different mutual coupling coefficients

    参数组 发射阵列非零互耦系数 接收阵列非零互耦系数
    1 [1, –0.1346–0.0566j] [1, 0.1683+0.0708j]
    2 [1, 0.1552+0.2875j] [1, –0.2637–0.1667j]
    3 [1, –0.45+0.002j] [1, 0.4+0.1121j]
    4 [1, 0.3742+0.5918j] [1, –0.6262–0.3679j]
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    表  3  SBLMC算法超参数

    Table  3.   Hyperparameters for the SBLMC algorithm

    算法 超参数
    SBLMC(1) a=b=c=d=e1=f1=e2=f2=10–2
    SBLMC(2) a=b=c=d=e1=f1=e2=f2=1
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    表  4  算法计算复杂度和运行时间

    Table  4.   Computational complexity and running time for the three algorithms

    算法 计算复杂度 运行时间(s)
    [–2°, 2°] [–10°, 10°]
    SLIMMC $ O{\text{(}}{J^3} + {N_{\text{t}}}{N_{\text{r}}}{J^2} + N_{\text{t}}^{\text{2}}N_{\text{r}}^{\text{2}}J + L{N_{\text{t}}}{N_{\text{r}}}J{\text{)}} $ 1.3744 1.2526
    SBLMC(1) $ O{\text{(}}{J^3} + L{N_{\text{t}}}{N_{\text{r}}}{J^2} + N_{\text{t}}^{\text{2}}N_{\text{r}}^{\text{2}}J{\text{)}} $ 105.1702 123.9081
    SBLMC(2) $ O{\text{(}}{J^3} + L{N_{\text{t}}}{N_{\text{r}}}{J^2} + N_{\text{t}}^{\text{2}}N_{\text{r}}^{\text{2}}J{\text{)}} $ 37.1674 37.4897
    ESPRIT-Like $ \begin{gathered} O{\text{((}}N'_{\text{t}} N'_{\text{r}} + {N_{\text{t}}}{N_{\text{r}}}{\text{)}}N'_{\text{t}} N'_{\text{r}} L + {{\text{(}}N'_{\text{t}} N'_{\text{r}} {\text{)}}^3} \\ + 2{P^2}{\text{[(}}N'_{\text{t}} - 1{\text{)}}N'_{\text{r}} + {\text{(}}N'_{\text{r}}- 1{\text{)}}N'_{\text{t}} {\text{]}} + 12{P^3}{\text{)}} \\ \end{gathered} $ 0.0551 0.0629
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