SAR-AIRcraft-1.0: High-resolution SAR Aircraft Detection and Recognition Dataset(in English)
摘要: 针对合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像中飞机散射点离散以及背景强干扰造成虚警的问题,该文提出了一种结合散射感知的SAR飞机检测识别方法。一方面,通过上下文引导的特征金字塔模块来增强全局信息,减弱复杂场景中强干扰的影响,提高检测识别的准确率。另一方面,利用散射关键点对目标进行定位,设计散射感知检测模块实现对回归框的细化校正,增强目标的定位精度。为了验证方法有效性、同时促进SAR飞机检测识别领域的研究发展,该文制作并公开了一个高分辨率SAR-AIRcraft-1.0数据集。该数据集图像来自高分三号卫星,包含4,368张图片和16,463个飞机目标实例,涵盖A220, A320/321, A330, ARJ21, Boeing737, Boeing787和other共7个类别。该文将提出的方法和常见深度学习算法在构建的数据集上进行实验,实验结果证明了散射感知方法的优异性能,并且形成了该数据集在SAR飞机检测、细粒度识别、检测识别一体化等不同任务中性能指标的基准。Abstract: This study proposes a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) aircraft detection and recognition method combined with scattering perception to address the problem of target discreteness and false alarms caused by strong background interference in SAR images. The global information is enhanced through a context-guided feature pyramid module, which suppresses strong disturbances in complex images and improves the accuracy of detection and recognition. Additionally, scatter key points are used to locate targets, and a scatter-aware detection module is designed to realize the fine correction of the regression boxes to improve target localization accuracy. This study generates and presents a high-resolution SAR-AIRcraft-1.0 dataset to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method and promote the research on SAR aircraft detection and recognition. The images in this dataset are obtained from the satellite Gaofen-3, which contains 4,368 images and 16,463 aircraft instances, covering seven aircraft categories, namely A220, A320/321, A330, ARJ21, Boeing737, Boeing787, and other. We apply the proposed method and common deep learning algorithms to the constructed dataset. The experimental results demonstrate the excellent effectiveness of our method combined with scattering perception. Furthermore, we establish benchmarks for the performance indicators of the dataset in different tasks such as SAR aircraft detection, recognition, and integrated detection and recognition.
表 1 SAR-AIRcraft-1.0数据集与其他SAR目标检测识别数据集的比较
Table 1. Comparison between the SAR-AIRcraft-1.0 dataset and other SAR object detection datasets
名称 类别 实例数量 图片数量 大小 发布年份 任务 MSTAR 10 5,950 5,950 128×128 1998 车辆识别 OpenSARShip 17 11,346 11,346 256×256 2017 舰船检测识别 SSDD 1 2,456 1,160 190~668 2017 舰船检测 SAR-Ship-Dataset 1 59,535 43,819 256×256 2019 舰船检测 AIR-SARShip-1.0 1 461 31 3000 ×3000 2019 舰船检测 HRSID 1 16,951 5,604 800×800 2020 舰船检测和实例分割 FUSAR-Ship 15 16,144 16,144 512×512 2020 舰船检测识别 SADD 1 7,835 2,966 224×224 2022 飞机检测 MSAR-1.0 4 60,396 28,449 256~2048 2022 飞机、油罐、桥梁、舰船检测 SAR-AIRcraft-1.0 7 16,463 4,368 800~ 1500 2023 飞机检测识别 表 2 不同方法的检测结果(%)
Table 2. The detection results of different methods (%)
检测方法 P R F1 AP0.5 AP0.75 Faster R-CNN 77.6 78.1 77.8 71.6 53.6 Cascade R-CNN 89.0 79.5 84.0 77.8 59.1 Reppoints 62.7 88.7 81.2 80.3 52.9 SKG-Net 57.6 88.8 69.9 79.8 51.0 SA-Net 87.5 82.2 84.8 80.4 61.4 表 3 不同类别实例目标的数量
Table 3. The number of instance targets of different categories
类别 训练集样本数量 测试集样本数量 总计 A330 278 31 309 A320/321 1719 52 1771 A220 3270 460 3730 ARJ21 825 362 1187 Boeing737 2007 550 2557 Boeing787 2191 454 2645 other 3223 1041 4264 总计 13513 2950 16463 表 4 细粒度识别结果(%)
Table 4. Fine-grained recognition results (%)
方法 Acc (top-1/top-3) A330 A320/321 A220 ARJ21 Boeing737 Boeing787 other ResNet-50 75.59/89.19 74.19 90.38 78.04 73.76 61.64 78.63 80.50 ResNet-101 78.58/90.37 93.55 98.08 76.96 73.76 71.82 74.67 84.82 ResNeXt-50 80.61/89.46 83.87 94.23 78.91 74.86 73.27 83.04 85.40 ResNeXt-101 82.20/91.83 87.10 100 80.87 79.83 71.09 83.92 87.70 Swin Transformer 81.29/92.51 77.42 100 80.87 74.59 73.82 86.12 84.82 表 5 基于深度学习算法的检测结果(IoU=0.5)
Table 5. The performance of the algorithms based on deep learning (IoU=0.5)
类别 Faster
R-CNNReppoints SKG-Net SA-Net A330 85.0 87.4 89.8 79.3 88.6 A320/321 97.2 97.5 97.9 78.2 94.3 A220 78.5 74.0 71.4 66.4 80.3 ARJ21 74.0 78.0 73.0 65.0 78.6 Boeing737 55.1 54.5 55.7 65.1 59.7 Boeing787 72.9 68.3 51.8 69.6 70.8 other 70.1 69.1 68.4 71.4 71.3 平均值(mAP) 76.1 75.7 72.6 70.7 77.7 表 6 基于深度学习算法的检测结果(IoU=0.75)
Table 6. The performance of the algorithms based on deep learning (IoU=0.75)
类别 Faster
R-CNNReppoints SKG-Net SA-Net A330 85.0 87.4 66.4 66.4 88.6 A320/321 87.7 73.9 84.9 49.6 86.6 A220 58.7 49.1 49.4 29.8 55.0 ARJ21 55.2 59.0 50.9 37.7 59.7 Boeing737 42.8 39.1 36.6 48.7 41.8 Boeing787 60.5 57.6 41.8 51.6 60.4 other 45.4 46.1 43.1 41.1 47.7 平均值(mAP) 62.2 58.9 53.3 46.4 62.8 表 7 所提方法中各个模块的影响(%)
Table 7. Influence of each component in the proposed method (%)
方法 P R F1 AP0.5 AP0.75 Baseline 88.1 81.2 84.5 79.6 60.7 Baseline+SA-Head 88.2 82.1 85.0 80.3 60.8 Baseline+CG-FPN 88.6 81.9 85.1 80.4 60.4 SA-Net 87.5 82.2 84.8 80.4 61.4 表 1 Comparison between the SAR-AIRcraft-1.0 dataset and other SAR object detection datasets
Dataset Category Instance Image Size Release year Task MSTAR 10 5,950 5,950 128×128 1998 Vehicle identification OpenSARShip 17 11,346 11,346 256×256 2017 Ship detection and recognition SSDD 1 2,456 1,160 190~668 2017 Ship detection SAR-Ship-Dataset 1 59,535 43,819 256×256 2019 Ship detection AIR-SARShip-1.0 1 461 31 3000 ×3000 2019 Ship detection HRSID 1 16,951 5,604 800×800 2020 Ship detection and segmentation FUSAR-Ship 15 16,144 16,144 512×512 2020 Ship detection and recognition SADD 1 7,835 2,966 224×224 2022 Aircraft detection MSAR-1.0 4 60,396 28,449 256~2048 2022 Aircraft, oil tanks, bridges, and ships detection SAR-AIRcraft-1.0 7 16,463 4,368 800~ 1500 2023 Aircraft detection and identification 表 2 Detection results of different methods (%)
Detection methods P R F1 AP 0.5 AP 0.75 Faster R-CNN 77.6 78.1 77.8 71.6 53.6 Cascade R-CNN 89.0 79.5 84.0 77.8 59.1 RepPoints 62.7 88.7 81.2 80.3 52.9 SKG-Net 57.6 88.8 69.9 79.8 51.0 SA-Net 87.5 82.2 84.8 80.4 61.4 表 3 The number of instance targets of different categories
Category Training set number Test set number Total A330 278 31 309 A320/321 1719 52 1771 A220 3270 460 3730 ARJ21 825 362 1187 Boeing737 2007 550 2557 Boeing787 2191 454 2645 other 3223 1041 4264 Total 13513 2950 16463 表 4 Fine-grained recognition results (%)
Methods Acc (top-1/top-3) A330 A320/321 A220 ARJ21 Boeing737 Boeing787 Other ResNet-50 75.59/89.19 74.19 90.38 78.04 73.76 61.64 78.63 80.50 ResNet-101 78.58/90.37 93.55 98.08 76.96 73.76 71.82 74.67 84.82 ResNeXt-50 80.61/89.46 83.87 94.23 78.91 74.86 73.27 83.04 85.40 ResNeXt-101 82.20/91.83 87.10 100 80.87 79.83 71.09 83.92 87.70 Swin Trarsformer 81.29/ 92.51 77.42 100 80.87 74.59 73.82 86.12 84.82 表 5 The performance of the algorithms based on deep learning (IoU=0.5)
Category Faster
R-CNNReppoints SKG-Net SA-Net A330 85.0 87.4 89.8 79.3 88.6 A320/321 97.2 97.5 97.9 78.2 94.3 A220 78.5 74.0 71.4 66.4 80.3 ARJ21 74.0 78.0 73.0 65.0 78.6 Boeing737 55.1 54.5 55.7 65.1 59.7 Boeing787 72.9 68.3 51.8 69.6 70.8 other 70.1 69.1 68.4 71.4 71.3 mAP 76.1 75.7 72.6 70.7 77.7 表 6 The performance of the algorithms based on deep learning (IoU=0.75)
Category Faster
R-CNNReppoints SKG-Net SA-Net A330 85.0 87.4 66.4 66.4 88.6 A320/321 87.7 73.9 84.9 49.6 86.6 A220 58.7 49.1 49.4 29.8 55.0 ARJ21 55.2 59.0 50.9 37.7 59.7 Boeing737 42.8 39.1 36.6 48.7 41.8 Boeing787 60.5 57.6 41.8 51.6 60.4 other 45.4 46.1 43.1 41.1 47.7 mAP 62.2 58.9 53.3 46.4 62.8 表 7 Influence of each component in the proposed method (%)
Methods P R F1 AP 0.5 AP 0.75 Baseline 88.1 81.2 84.5 79.6 60.7 Baseline+SA-Head 88.2 82.1 85.0 80.3 60.8 Baseline+CG-FPN 88.6 81.9 85.1 80.4 60.4 SA-Net 87.5 82.2 84.8 80.4 61.4 -
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