
黄钟泠 姚西文 韩军伟

黄钟泠, 姚西文, 韩军伟. 面向SAR图像解译的物理可解释深度学习技术进展与探讨[J]. 雷达学报, 2022, 11(1): 107–125. doi: 10.12000/JR21165
引用本文: 黄钟泠, 姚西文, 韩军伟. 面向SAR图像解译的物理可解释深度学习技术进展与探讨[J]. 雷达学报, 2022, 11(1): 107–125. doi: 10.12000/JR21165
HUANG Zhongling, YAO Xiwen, and HAN Junwei. Progress and perspective on physically explainable deep learning for synthetic aperture radar image interpretation[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(1): 107–125. doi: 10.12000/JR21165
Citation: HUANG Zhongling, YAO Xiwen, and HAN Junwei. Progress and perspective on physically explainable deep learning for synthetic aperture radar image interpretation[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(1): 107–125. doi: 10.12000/JR21165


DOI: 10.12000/JR21165
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62101459),中国博士后科学基金(BX2021248),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(G2021KY05104)





    黄钟泠 huangzhongling@nwpu.edu.cn

  • 责任主编:计科峰 Corresponding Editor: JI Kefeng
  • 中图分类号: TN957.51

Progress and Perspective on Physically Explainable Deep Learning for Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Interpretation(in English)

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62101459), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (BX2021248), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (G2021KY05104)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    深度学习技术近年来在合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像解译领域发展迅速,但当前基于数据驱动的方法通常忽视了SAR潜在的物理特性,预测结果高度依赖训练数据,甚至违背了物理认知。深层次地整合理论驱动和数据驱动的方法在 SAR 图像解译领域尤为重要,数据驱动的方法擅长从大规模数据中自动挖掘新模式,对物理过程能起到有效的补充;反之,在数据驱动方法中加入可解释的物理模型能提升深度学习算法的透明度,并降低模型对标记样本的依赖。该文提出在SAR图像解译应用领域发展物理可解释的深度学习技术,从SAR信号、特性理解到图像语义和应用场景等多个维度开展研究,并结合物理机器学习提出了几种在SAR解译中融合物理模型和深度学习模型的研究思路,逐步发展可学习且可解释的智能化SAR图像解译新范式。在此基础上,该文回顾了近两三年在SAR图像解译相关领域中整合数据驱动深度学习和理论驱动物理模型的相关工作,主要聚焦信号特性理解和图像语义理解两大方向,并结合研究现状和其他领域的相关研究探讨了目前面临的挑战和未来可能的发展方向。


  • 图  1  Sentinel-1卫星在不同成像条件下拍摄的SAR图像[2]

    Figure  1.  The SAR images obtained by Sentinel-1 under different imaging conditions[2]

    图  2  物理可解释的深度学习 SAR 图像解译应从多个维度开展研究,充分结合数据驱动和知识驱动的模型,逐步发展可学习且可解释的智能化图像解译新范式

    Figure  2.  The PXDL for SAR image interpretation is supposed to be carried out from multiple aspects, that deeply integrates the data-driven and knowledge-driven models to develop the novel learnable and explainable intelligent paradigm

    图  3  SAR图像解译思路,①②③④⑤表示可以发展物理可解释深度学习方法的模块

    Figure  3.  The SAR image interpretation guideline, ①②③④⑤ are the potential modules to develop PXDL

    图  4  文献[50]给出的全极化SAR图像 ${\rm{H}}/\alpha $ 平面,以及选取的部分地物样本在其中的分布

    Figure  4.  The ${\rm{H}}/\alpha $ plane for full-polarized SAR data and the selected land-use and land-cover samples distributed in Ref. [50]

    图  5  基于时频分析和极化特征扩展时频分析模型的无监督学习方法在不同极化SAR图像上的结果比较[92]

    Figure  5.  The unsupervised learning results of different polarized SAR images based on TFA and pol-extended TFA models[92]

    图  6  物理引导与注入式学习

    Figure  6.  Physics guided and injected learning

    图  7  文献[11]所提的SAR图像分类框架Deep SAR-Net (DSN)

    Figure  7.  The SAR image classification framework Deep SAR-Net (DSN) in Ref. [11]

    图  8  无监督的物理引导学习与CNN监督分类学习在训练集与测试集数据上的特征可视化[100]

    Figure  8.  The feature visualization of the unsupervised physics guided learning and supervised CNN classification on training and test set[100]

    图  9  基于ASC模型初始化的复数卷积神经网络第一层卷积核幅度可视化[106]

    Figure  9.  The amplitude images of convolution kernels in the first layer of CV-CNN based on ASC model initialization[106]

    图  10  不同SAR图像建筑物分割数据集和算法示例[121,123]

    Figure  10.  The different SAR image building segmentation datasets and algorithms[121,123]

    图  1  The SAR images obtained by Sentinel-1 under different imaging conditions[2]

    图  2  The PXDL for SAR image interpretation is supposed to be carried out from multiple aspects, that deeply integrates the data-driven and knowledge-driven models to develop the novel learnable and explainable intelligent paradigm

    图  3  The SAR image interpretation guideline. ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ are the potential modules to develop PXDL

    图  4  The H/ $\alpha $ plane for full-polarized SAR data and the selected land-use and land-cover samples distributed in Ref. [50]

    图  5  The unsupervised learning results of different polarized SAR images based on TFA and pol-extended TFA models[92]

    图  6  Physics guided and injected learning

    图  7  The SAR image classification framework Deep SAR-Net (DSN)[11]

    图  8  The feature visualization of the unsupervised physics guided learning and supervised CNN classification on training and test set[100]

    图  9  The amplitude images of convolution kernels in the first layer of CV-CNN based on ASC model initialization[106]

    图  10  The different SAR image building segmentation datasets and algorithms[121,123]

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