
李志远 郭嘉逸 张月婷 黄丽佳 李洁 吴一戎

李志远, 郭嘉逸, 张月婷, 等. 基于自适应动量估计优化器与空变最小熵准则的SAR图像船舶目标自聚焦算法[J]. 雷达学报, 2022, 11(1): 83–94. doi: 10.12000/JR21159
引用本文: 李志远, 郭嘉逸, 张月婷, 等. 基于自适应动量估计优化器与空变最小熵准则的SAR图像船舶目标自聚焦算法[J]. 雷达学报, 2022, 11(1): 83–94. doi: 10.12000/JR21159
LI Zhiyuan, GUO Jiayi, ZHANG Yueting, et al. A novel autofocus algorithm of ship target in SAR image based on the adaptive momentum estimation optimizer and space-variant minimum entropy criteria[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(1): 83–94. doi: 10.12000/JR21159
Citation: LI Zhiyuan, GUO Jiayi, ZHANG Yueting, et al. A novel autofocus algorithm of ship target in SAR image based on the adaptive momentum estimation optimizer and space-variant minimum entropy criteria[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(1): 83–94. doi: 10.12000/JR21159


DOI: 10.12000/JR21159
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61991421)





    李 洁(1996–),女,山东人,中国科学院空天信息创新研究院博士研究生,2019年获北京理工大学信息与电子学院学士学位。主要研究方向为微波成像理论与技术、稀疏信号处理等



    郭嘉逸 jyguo@mail.ie.ac.cn

  • 责任主编:杨淑媛 Corresponding Editor: YANG Shuyuan
  • 中图分类号: TN958; TP391

A Novel Autofocus Algorithm for Ship Targets in SAR Images Based on the Adaptive Momentum Estimation Optimizer and Space-variant Minimum Entropy Criteria

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61991421)
More Information
  • 摘要: 在SAR散焦船舶图像中,部分船舶目标的散焦现象具有沿距离向空变的特性。针对此类散焦船舶目标,该文提出了一种基于自适应动量估计优化器与空变最小熵准则的SAR图像船舶目标自聚焦算法,该算法直接对复图像进行处理,可以实现对任意阶次相位误差的补偿。在仿真数据和GF-3数据上的实验结果表明,所提算法可以有效地实现SAR图像空变散焦船舶目标自聚焦,聚焦后的船舶图像在图像熵与对比度上都有所改善,且算法聚焦速度有很大提升。


  • 图  1  添加不同阶次相位误差时方位回波信号压缩结果

    Figure  1.  The compression results of azimuth echo signal when adding different order phase error

    图  2  GF-3 空变散焦船舶目标

    Figure  2.  GF-3 space-variant defocused ship target

    图  3  算法流程图

    Figure  3.  Flowchart of the proposed algorithm

    图  4  空变散焦数据仿真算法流程图

    Figure  4.  Flowchart of space-variant defocused data simulation algorithm

    图  5  仿真空变散焦船舶图像

    Figure  5.  Simulated space-variant defocused ship images

    图  6  GF-3空变散焦船舶图像

    Figure  6.  GF-3 space-variant defocused ship images

    图  7  在仿真数据上的自聚焦结果(a1—d1:GF-3原始船舶图像,a2—d2:仿真的空变散焦船舶图像,a3—d3:算法1船舶图像聚焦结果,a4—d4:算法2船舶图像聚焦结果,a5—d5:算法3船舶图像聚焦结果,a6—d6:算法4船舶图像聚焦结果,a7—d7:算法5船舶图像聚焦结果)

    Figure  7.  Autofocus results on simulated data (a1—d1: the ground truth obtained in GF-3UFS mode, a2—d2: the simulated space-variant defocused ship images, a3—d3: the ship images refocused by algorithm 1, a4—d4: the ship images refocused by algorithm 2, a5—d5: the ship images refocused by algorithm 3, a6—d6: the ship images refocused by algorithm 4, a7—d7: the ship images refocused by algorithm 5)

    图  8  仿真数据自聚焦结果图像熵与对比度可视化

    Figure  8.  Visualization of image entropy and contrast of autofocus results on simulated data

    图  9  在GF-3数据上的自聚焦结果(a1—d1:GF-3超精细条带模式下获得的空变散焦船舶图像,a2—d2:算法1船舶图像聚焦结果,a3—d3:算法2船舶图像聚焦结果,a4—d4:算法3船舶图像聚焦结果,a5—d5:算法4船舶图像聚焦结果,a6—d6:算法5船舶图像聚焦结果)

    Figure  9.  Autofocus results on GF-3 data (a1—d1: the space-variant defocused ship images obtained in GF-3UFS mode, a2—d2: the ship images refocused by algorithm 1, a3—d3: the ship images refocused by algorithm 2, a4—d4: the ship images refocused by algorithm 3, a5—d5: the ship images refocused by algorithm 4, a6—d6: the ship images refocused by algorithm 5)

    图  10  GF-3数据自聚焦结果图像熵和对比度可视化

    Figure  10.  Visualization of image entropy and contrast of autofocus results on GF-3 data

    图  11  算法3中补偿的相位误差

    Figure  11.  The compensated phase error by algorithm 3

    表  1  使用Adam优化器估计相位误差系数伪代码

    Table  1.   Pseudo code for estimating phase error coefficients using Adam optimizer

     输出:自聚焦图像$ f\left( {\boldsymbol I, \boldsymbol \alpha } \right) $
     初始化:学习率$ \varepsilon $,矩估计的指数衰减速率$ {\gamma _{\text{1}}} $, $ {\gamma _{\text{2}}} $,相位误差系
         数$\boldsymbol \alpha = \left[ { {\alpha _{\text{1} } },{\alpha _{\text{2} } },\cdots,{\alpha _{{i} } } } \right]$,用于数值稳定的小常数$ \delta $,梯度
         1阶矩和2阶矩变量$ {\boldsymbol s}, {\boldsymbol r} $,迭代次数$ t $。
     While 图像熵未收敛 do
       计算图像熵梯度:$\boldsymbol g \leftarrow {\nabla _\alpha }L\left( {f\left( { {\boldsymbol I}, {\boldsymbol \alpha} } \right)} \right)$
       更新有偏1阶矩估计:$ {\boldsymbol s} \leftarrow {\gamma _1}{\boldsymbol s} + \left( {1 - {\gamma _1}} \right){\boldsymbol g} $
       更新有偏2阶矩估计:$ {\boldsymbol r} \leftarrow {\gamma _2}{\boldsymbol r} + \left( {1 - {\gamma _2}} \right){\boldsymbol g} \cdot {\boldsymbol g} $ (‘$ \cdot $’: 逐元素
       修正1阶矩偏差:$\hat {\boldsymbol s}{\rm{ = } }\displaystyle\frac{\boldsymbol s}{ {1 - \gamma _1^t} }$
       修正2阶矩偏差:$\hat {\boldsymbol r}{\rm{ = } }\displaystyle\frac{\boldsymbol r}{ {1 - \gamma _2^t} }$
       更新相位误差系数:${\boldsymbol \alpha} = {\boldsymbol \alpha} - \displaystyle\frac{\varepsilon }{ {\sqrt {\hat {\boldsymbol r} } + \delta } }\hat {\boldsymbol s}$
     end while
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    表  2  GF-3超精细条带图像参数

    Table  2.   The detailed information of GF-3 UFS SAR images

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    表  3  仿真数据上的算法速度对比

    Table  3.   Algorithm speed comparison on simulation data

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    表  4  GF-3数据上的算法速度对比

    Table  4.   Algorithm speed comparison on GF-3 data

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