ResCalib: Joint LiDAR and Camera Calibration Based on Geometrically Supervised Deep Neural Networks
摘要: 激光雷达缺乏纹理色彩信息,相机缺乏深度信息,激光雷达和相机的信息具有高度的互补性,融合二者能获得丰富的观测数据,能提高环境感知的精准度和稳定性。而对两类传感器的外部参数进行精确的联合标定是数据融合的前提。目前,绝大多数的联合标定方法需要借助校准靶标物和人工选点的方式处理,导致其无法在动态的应用场景中使用。该文提出一种ResCalib深度神经网络模型用于解决激光雷达与相机的在线联合标定问题,该方法以激光雷达点云、单目图像和相机内参数矩阵作为输入以实现参数解算,而方法对外部特征物或靶标的依赖度低。ResCalib是一个几何监督深度神经网络,通过实施监督学习使输入图像和点云的几何及光度一致性最大化,利用单次迭代网络,自动估计激光雷达和相机之间的6自由度外参关系。实验表明该文方法能够纠正旋转±10°和平移±0.2 m的错误标定,标定解算结果的旋转分量的平均绝对误差为0.35°,平移分量为0.032 m,且单组标定所需时间为0.018 s,为实现动态环境下的自动化联合标定提供了技术支撑。Abstract: Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) systems lack texture and color information, while cameras lack depth information. Thus, the information obtained from LiDAR and cameras is highly complementary. Therefore, combining these two types of sensors can obtain rich observation data and improve the accuracy and stability of environmental perception. The accurate joint calibration of the external parameters of these two types of sensors is the premise of data fusion. At present, most joint calibration methods need to be processed through target calibration and manual point selection. This makes it impossible to use them in dynamic application scenarios. This paper presents a ResCalib deep neural network model, which can be used to solve the problem of the online joint calibration of LiDAR and a camera. The method uses LiDAR point clouds, monocular images, and in-camera parameter matrices as the input to achieve the external parameters solving of LiDAR and cameras; however, the method has low dependence on external features or targets. ResCalib is a geometrically supervised deep neural network that automatically estimates the six-degree-of-freedom external parameter relationship between LiDAR and cameras by implementing supervised learning to maximize the geometric and photometric consistencies of input images and point clouds. Experiments show that the proposed method can correct errors in calibrating rotation by ±10° and translation by ±0.2 m. The average absolute errors of the rotation and translation components of the calibration solution are 0.35° and 0.032 m, respectively, and the time required for single-group calibration is 0.018 s, which provides technical support for realizing automatic joint calibration in a dynamic environment.
表 1 标定前后旋转误差的数学统计(°)
Table 1. Mathematical statistics of rotation error before and after calibration (°)
数据类型 平均值 标准差 原有旋转误差 2.0820 1.8200 联合标定后旋转误差 0.3505 0.2655 表 2 标定前后平移误差的数学统计(m)
Table 2. Mathematical statistics of translation error before and after calibration (m)
数据类型 平均值 标准差 原有平移误差 0.0447 0.0284 联合标定后平移误差 0.0324 0.0195 表 3 不同场景下算法的标定效果比较(±0.2 m, ±10°)
Table 3. Comparison of the calibration effects of the algorithms in different scenarios (±0.2 m, ±10°)
场景 联合标定后
平移误差平均值(m)街道 0.35 0.03 小巷 0.32 0.04 草地 0.44 0.05 住宅区 0.37 0.04 草地(大雾) 0.44 0.05 表 4 多种深度学习网络标定效果对比
Table 4. Comparison of calibration effects of multiple deep learning networks
原始误标定范围 深度学习网络 标定后旋转绝对误差(°) 标定后平移绝对误差(cm) 俯仰 滚动 偏航 平均值 X Y Z 平均值 ±0.2 m, ±10° CalibNet[31] 0.15 0.90 0.18 0.41 4.20 1.60 7.22 4.34 ResCalib 0.14 0.72 0.19 0.35 4.35 1.69 3.68 3.24 ±0.2 m, ±2° NetCalib[30] 0.33 0.55 0.47 0.45 6.83 7.57 5.47 6.62 ResCalib 0.17 0.27 0.12 0.18 2.51 1.48 3.02 2.33 ±0.1 m, ±1° ResCalib 0.16 0.19 0.11 0.16 1.11 1.11 1.37 1.19 表 5 多种深度学习网络单次迭代时间对比
Table 5. Comparison of single iteration time of multiple deep learning networks
表 6 不同损失权重下的网络去扰动标定效果(±0.2 m, ±10°)
Table 6. Calibration effect of network de-perturbation under different loss weights (±0.2 m, ±10°)
损失权重 标定后旋转绝对
误差平均值(cm)1.0:1.0:1.0 0.351 3.24 0.5:1.0:1.5 0.350 3.26 0.5:1.5:1.0 0.513 5.03 1.0:0.5:1.5 0.911 4.99 1.0:1.5:0.5 0.614 5.09 1.5:1.0:0.5 0.453 5.06 1.5:0.5:1.0 0.612 5.10 -
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