
祝迪 王福来 庞晨 李永祯

祝迪, 王福来, 庞晨, 等. 基于船用导航雷达的舰船与角反组合体极化调控鉴别方法[J]. 雷达学报(中英文), 2024, 13(6): 1252–1278. doi: 10.12000/JR24184
引用本文: 祝迪, 王福来, 庞晨, 等. 基于船用导航雷达的舰船与角反组合体极化调控鉴别方法[J]. 雷达学报(中英文), 2024, 13(6): 1252–1278. doi: 10.12000/JR24184
ZHU Di, WANG Fulai, PANG Chen, et al. An identification method of polarization modulation for ship and combined corner reflector based on civil marine radar[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(6): 1252–1278. doi: 10.12000/JR24184
Citation: ZHU Di, WANG Fulai, PANG Chen, et al. An identification method of polarization modulation for ship and combined corner reflector based on civil marine radar[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(6): 1252–1278. doi: 10.12000/JR24184


DOI: 10.12000/JR24184
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61921001, 62301580, 62401579)

    祝 迪,博士生,主要研究方向为雷达极化信息处理、雷达距离超分辨与抗干扰技术


    庞 晨,博士,副研究员,主要研究方向为极化信息处理、雷达抗干扰与识别技术



    王福来 wflmadman@outlook.com

  • 责任主编:崔国龙 Corresponding Editor: CUI Guolong
  • 中图分类号: TN958

An Identification Method of Polarization Modulation for Ship and Combined Corner Reflector Based on Civil Marine Radar

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61921001, 62301580, 62401579)
More Information
  • 摘要: 舰船与角反射器的鉴别问题是一项具有挑战性的任务。常用的鉴别方法包括一维距离像、极化分解、极化域变焦等,基本思想均是通过发射大带宽信号提高距离分辨能力,后两种方法利用极化提升了目标鉴别的稳健性。单载频脉冲因距离分辨率低、脉压增益小,鲜有利用该信号鉴别舰船与角反的有关研究。但得益于较低的硬件成本,这种信号仍广泛应用于船用导航雷达。该文提出了一种基于船用导航雷达的舰船与角反组合体鉴别的极化调控方法,旨在充分挖掘窄带信号联合极化调控技术的目标鉴别潜力,通过构造极化-距离二维像,利用舰船和角反极化散射特性的差异实现鉴别。通过计算各个极化像和距离像之间皮尔逊相关系数的平均值,作为相关特征参数,利用支持向量机实现了目标鉴别。电磁仿真数据表明,在现有导航雷达所需目标探测信噪比(15 dB)和采样率(100 MHz)的基础上,增大设备带宽至信号带宽(2 MHz)的2~6倍,综合鉴别率可达90.18%~92.31%。探究了训练集俯仰角、方位角数据缺失50%对鉴别率的影响,4种情况在信噪比15 dB以上时鉴别率均高于85%;同时,在同等的窄带观测条件下对比该方法与极化分解方法的鉴别性能表明,在信噪比为15 dB及以上和6倍设备带宽的情况下,该方法综合鉴别率的平均值提升22.67%,这都充分证明了所提方法的有效性。此外,利用二面角和三面角在暗室构造了极化散射特性存在差异的两种场景,5组实测数据表明,回波信噪比为8~12 dB时,实验结果具有良好的类内聚合性和类间可分性,可作为电磁仿真鉴别结果的有效支撑。


  • 图  1  两点目标回波示意图

    Figure  1.  Echo of two-point targets

    图  2  场景1的仿真结果

    Figure  2.  Simulation results of case 1

    图  3  场景2的仿真结果

    Figure  3.  Simulation results of case 2

    图  4  经带限设备滤波后两点目标回波各阶段的示意图

    Figure  4.  Echo of two-point targets after passing through the band-limited device

    图  5  典型角反射器模型

    Figure  5.  Typical models of corner reflectors

    图  6  舰船1和角反阵列1的全极化HRRP(俯仰角40°、方位角50°)

    Figure  6.  Full-polarization HRRPs of ship 1 and corner reflector array 1 (pitch angle 40°, azimuth angle 50°)

    图  7  舰船和角反阵列散射功率序列的阈值检测结果

    Figure  7.  Threshold detection results of span sequence of the ship and corner reflector array

    图  8  舰船的仿真结果(俯仰角40°、方位角50°)

    Figure  8.  Simulation results of the ship (pitch angle 40°, azimuth angle 50°)

    图  9  角反阵列的仿真结果(俯仰角40°、方位角50°)

    Figure  9.  Simulation results of the corner reflector array (pitch angle 40°, azimuth angle 50°)

    图  10  舰船的极化-距离二维像(SNR=30 dB)

    Figure  10.  Polarization-range 2D image of the ship (SNR=30 dB)

    图  11  角反阵列的极化-距离二维像(SNR=30 dB)

    Figure  11.  Polarization-range 2D image of the corner reflector array (SNR=30 dB)

    图  12  舰船的极化-距离二维像(${B_{\text{r}}} = 40\;{\text{MHz}}$)

    Figure  12.  Polarization-range 2D image of the ship (${B_{\text{r}}} = 40\;{\text{MHz}}$)

    图  13  角反阵列的极化-距离二维像(${B_{\text{r}}} = 40\;{\text{MHz}}$)

    Figure  13.  Polarization-range 2D image of the corner reflector array (${B_{\text{r}}} = 40\;{\text{MHz}}$)

    图  14  基于单载频脉冲的极化调控鉴别流程图

    Figure  14.  The identification flow chart of polarization modulation based on the single carrier pulse

    图  15  舰船和角反阵列的模型示意图

    Figure  15.  Models of the ships and corner reflector arrays

    图  16  舰船和角反相关特征参数的二维表征结果(理想情况)

    Figure  16.  2D characterization results of the ship and corner reflector correlation parameters (ideal condition)

    图  17  鉴别率随SNR的变化曲线(${B_{\text{r}}} = 40\;{\text{MHz}}$, ${f_{\text{s}}} = 1\;{\text{GHz}}$)

    Figure  17.  Curves of identification rate changes with SNR (${B_{\text{r}}} = 40\;{\text{MHz}}$, ${f_{\text{s}}} = 1\;{\text{GHz}}$)

    图  18  舰船和角反相关特征参数的二维表征结果(${B_{\text{r}}} = 40\;{\text{MHz}}$, ${f_{\text{s}}} = 1\;{\text{GHz}}$)

    Figure  18.  2D characterization results of the ship and corner reflector correlation parameters (${B_{\text{r}}} = 40\;{\text{MHz}}$, ${f_{\text{s}}} = 1\;{\text{GHz}}$)

    图  19  鉴别率随${B_{\text{r}}}$的变化曲线(SNR=15 dB, ${f_{\text{s}}} = 1\;{\text{GHz}}$)

    Figure  19.  Curves of identification rate changes with ${B_{\text{r}}}$ (SNR=15 dB, ${f_{\text{s}}} = 1\;{\text{GHz}}$)

    图  20  鉴别率随${f_{\text{s}}}$的变化曲线(SNR=15 dB)

    Figure  20.  Curves of identification rate changes with ${f_{\text{s}}}$ (SNR=15 dB)

    图  21  舰船和角反相关特征参数的二维表征结果(SNR=15 dB, ${f_{\text{s}}} = 100\;{\text{MHz}}$)

    Figure  21.  2D characterization results of the ship and corner reflector correlation parameters (SNR=15 dB, ${f_{\text{s}}} = 100\;{\text{MHz}}$)

    图  22  鉴别率随SNR的变化曲线(${f_{\text{s}}} = 100\;{\text{MHz}}$)

    Figure  22.  Curves of identification rate changes with SNR (${f_{\text{s}}} = 100\;{\text{MHz}}$)

    图  23  综合鉴别率随SNR的变化曲线(训练集不完备)

    Figure  23.  Curves of identification rate changes with SNR (the training set is incomplete)

    图  24  鉴别率随SNR的变化曲线(${f_{\text{s}}} = 100\;{\text{MHz}}$,方法比较)

    Figure  24.  Curves of identification rate changes with SNR (${f_{\text{s}}} = 100\;{\text{MHz}}$, comparison)

    图  25  舰船和角反相关特征参数的二维表征结果(SNR=15 dB,${f_{\text{s}}} = 100\;{\text{MHz}}$,极化分解方法)

    Figure  25.  2D characterization results of the ship and corner reflector correlation parameters (SNR=15 dB, ${f_{\text{s}}} = 100\;{\text{MHz}}$, polarimetric decomposition)

    图  26  实验场景与方案

    Figure  26.  Experimental scene and scheme

    图  27  场景1的实测结果(二面角+三面角)

    Figure  27.  Measured results of case 1 (dihedral+trihedral)

    图  28  场景2的实测结果(二面角+二面角)

    Figure  28.  Measured results of case 2 (dihedral+dihedral)

    图  29  两类场景暗室数据相关特征参数的二维表征结果(5组数据)

    Figure  29.  Correlation parameter 2D characterization results of two cases of the measured data (five sets of data)

    表  1  4种舰船模型的尺寸参数(m)

    Table  1.   Size of four ship models (m)

    种类 长度 宽度 高度
    舰船1 169.69 22.90 56.25
    舰船2 145.36 17.74 34.27
    舰船3 107.74 11.39 29.14
    舰船4 130.80 10.00 23.30
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    表  2  鉴别率随SNR的变化统计表(Br= 40 MHz, fs= 1 GHz)

    Table  2.   The table of identification rate changes with SNR (Br= 40 MHz, fs= 1 GHz)

    鉴别率 SNR=0 dB SNR=5 dB SNR=10 dB SNR=15 dB SNR=20 dB SNR=25 dB
    舰船鉴别率 69.38% 78.29% 88.37% 93.80% 94.19% 94.57%
    角反鉴别率 87.98% 87.21% 91.47% 92.25% 91.47% 91.09%
    综合鉴别率 78.68% 82.75% 89.92% 93.02% 92.83% 92.83%
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    表  3  鉴别率随Br的变化统计表(SNR=15 dB, fs = 1 GHz)

    Table  3.   The table of identification rate changes with Br (SNR=15 dB, fs = 1 GHz)

    鉴别率 Br=4 MHz
    Br=8 MHz
    Br=16 MHz
    Br=24 MHz
    Br=32 MHz
    Br=40 MHz
    舰船鉴别率 81.01% 90.31% 91.47% 93.41% 90.70% 93.80%
    角反鉴别率 88.37% 88.76% 90.70% 91.09% 91.86% 92.25%
    综合鉴别率 84.69% 89.53% 91.09% 92.25% 91.28% 93.02%
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    表  5  鉴别率随SNR的变化统计表(Br = 24 MHz, fs = 100 MHz)

    Table  5.   The table of identification rate changes with SNR (Br = 24 MHz, fs = 100 MHz)

    鉴别率 SNR=0 dB SNR=5 dB SNR=10 dB SNR=15 dB SNR=20 dB SNR=25 dB
    舰船鉴别率 67.44% 77.52% 87.98% 93.02% 94.19% 94.57%
    角反鉴别率 86.82% 84.88% 90.31% 91.47% 91.09% 89.53%
    综合鉴别率 77.13% 81.20% 89.15% 92.25% 92.64% 92.05%
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    表  6  鉴别率随SNR的变化统计表(Br = 8 MHz, fs = 100 MHz)

    Table  6.   The table of identification rate changes with SNR (Br = 8 MHz, fs = 100 MHz)

    鉴别率 SNR=0 dB SNR=5 dB SNR=10 dB SNR=15 dB SNR=20 dB SNR=25 dB
    舰船鉴别率 63.18% 74.42% 83.72% 91.09% 90.70% 90.70%
    角反鉴别率 86.05% 83.33% 87.60% 87.98% 89.92% 90.70%
    综合鉴别率 74.61% 78.88% 85.66% 89.53% 90.31% 90.70%
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    表  4  鉴别率随SNR的变化统计表(Br = 40 MHz, fs = 100 MHz)

    Table  4.   The table of identification rate changes with SNR (Br = 40 MHz, fs = 100 MHz)

    鉴别率 SNR=0 dB SNR=5 dB SNR=10 dB SNR=15 dB SNR=20 dB SNR=25 dB
    舰船鉴别率 70.93% 78.68% 88.76% 93.80% 94.57% 94.57%
    角反鉴别率 86.82% 87.21% 90.70% 92.25% 91.09% 90.70%
    综合鉴别率 78.88% 82.95% 89.73% 93.02% 92.83% 92.64%
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    表  7  鉴别率随SNR的变化统计表(Br = 4 MHz, fs = 100 MHz)

    Table  7.   The table of identification rate changes with SNR (Br = 4 MHz, fs = 100 MHz)

    鉴别率 SNR=0 dB SNR=5 dB SNR=10 dB SNR=15 dB SNR=20 dB SNR=25 dB
    舰船鉴别率 59.69% 68.60% 78.29% 80.62% 81.78% 82.17%
    角反鉴别率 84.50% 83.33% 87.21% 88.76% 89.15% 88.76%
    综合鉴别率 72.09% 75.97% 82.75% 84.69% 85.47% 85.47%
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    表  8  综合鉴别率随SNR的变化统计表(俯仰角或方位角数据不完备)

    Table  8.   The table of identification rate changes with SNR (pitch angle or azimuth data are incomplete)

    鉴别率 SNR=0 dB SNR=5 dB SNR=10 dB SNR=15 dB SNR=20 dB SNR=25 dB
    俯仰角20°~50° 71.90% 73.64% 86.05% 89.53% 90.31% 91.28%
    俯仰角60°~90° 78.49% 80.62% 85.27% 85.66% 86.82% 86.82%
    方位角0°~30° 77.13% 79.85% 86.63% 89.15% 90.12% 90.50%
    方位角40°~70° 78.68% 80.43% 86.63% 90.12% 88.95% 88.37%
    综合鉴别率(全角度) 77.13% 81.20% 89.15% 92.25% 92.64% 92.05%
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    表  9  鉴别率随SNR的变化统计表(Br = 24 MHz, fs = 100 MHz,方法比较)

    Table  9.   The table of identification rate changes with SNR (Br = 24 MHz, fs = 100 MHz, comparison)

    鉴别率 SNR=0 dB SNR=5 dB SNR=10 dB SNR=15 dB SNR=20 dB SNR=25 dB
    极化分解方法 67.44% 69.38% 69.77% 69.77% 69.96% 69.19%
    本文所提方法 77.13% 81.20% 89.15% 92.25% 92.64% 92.05%
    精度提升 9.69% 11.82% 19.38% 22.48% 22.68% 22.86%
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    表  10  鉴别率随SNR的变化统计表(Br = 4 MHz, fs = 100 MHz,方法比较)

    Table  10.   The table of identification rate changes with SNR (Br = 4 MHz, fs = 100 MHz, comparison)

    鉴别率 SNR=0 dB SNR=5 dB SNR=10 dB SNR=15 dB SNR=20 dB SNR=25 dB
    极化分解方法 66.09% 67.44% 70.16% 69.57% 69.19% 69.38%
    本文所提方法 72.09% 75.97% 82.75% 84.69% 85.47% 85.47%
    精度提升 6.00% 8.53% 12.59% 15.12% 16.28% 16.09%
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