摘要: 无人机载雷达具有高机动灵活的特点,可解决传统非接触式生命体征感知中存在的探测范围小和探测场景受限等问题。该项研究工作将4D成像雷达搭载于多旋翼无人机上,提出一种基于点云配准的无人机载4D雷达生命体征感知方法。该方法通过对雷达点云进行配准和运动补偿,消除无人机在悬停状态时的运动误差干扰,进而对齐人体目标后实现生命体征信号的获取。仿真实验结果表明该方法能够对齐4D成像雷达点云序列,有效抑制无人机的运动干扰,从而准确提取人体目标的呼吸和心跳信号,为无人机载非接触式生命体征感知提供了一种新的技术途径。Abstract: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-borne radar technology can solve the problems associated with noncontact vital sign sensing, such as limited detection range, slow moving speed, and difficult access to certain areas. In this study, we mount a 4D imaging radar on a multirotor UAV and propose a UAV-borne radar-based method for sensing vital signs through point cloud registration. Through registration and motion compensation of the radar point cloud, the motion error interference of UAV hovering is eliminated; vital sign signals are then obtained after aligning the human target. Simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively align the 4D radar point cloud sequence and accurately extract the respiration and heartbeat signals of human targets, thereby providing a way to realize UAV-borne vital sign sensing.
Key words:
- Vital signs /
- 4D imaging radar /
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) /
- Point cloud /
- Registration
表 1 无人机载4D成像雷达主要参数
Table 1. Key parameters of the UAV-borne 4D radar prototype
参数 参数值 中心频率 67 GHz 信号带宽 1 GHz 发射功率 –10 dBm 帧率 30 Hz 阵元数量 20 Tx, 20 Rx 阵列尺寸 6 cm × 6 cm 表 2 六自由度估计误差统计
Table 2. Estimation error statistics of the 6DOF
指标 MEAN RMSE 垂直偏移(m) 0.0031 0.0140 水平偏移X (m) 0.0069 0.0261 水平偏移Y (m) 0.0071 0.0249 俯仰角(°) 0.0372 0.1108 偏航角(°) 0.0515 0.1932 翻滚角(°) 0.0355 0.1099 -
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