
刘柳 梁兴东 李焱磊 曾致远 唐海波

刘柳, 梁兴东, 李焱磊, 等. 一种基于分布式孔径的雷达通信一体化波形设计方法[J]. 雷达学报, 2023, 12(2): 297–311. doi: 10.12000/JR23019
引用本文: 刘柳, 梁兴东, 李焱磊, 等. 一种基于分布式孔径的雷达通信一体化波形设计方法[J]. 雷达学报, 2023, 12(2): 297–311. doi: 10.12000/JR23019
LIU Liu, LIANG Xingdong, LI Yanlei, et al. A novel joint radar-communication waveform design method based on distributed aperture[J]. Journal of Radars, 2023, 12(2): 297–311. doi: 10.12000/JR23019
Citation: LIU Liu, LIANG Xingdong, LI Yanlei, et al. A novel joint radar-communication waveform design method based on distributed aperture[J]. Journal of Radars, 2023, 12(2): 297–311. doi: 10.12000/JR23019


DOI: 10.12000/JR23019
基金项目: 国家部委基金

    刘 柳,博士生,主要研究方向为多功能一体化信号设计






    梁兴东 xdliang@mail.ie.ac.cn

  • 责任主编:廖桂生 Corresponding Editor: LIAO Guisheng
  • 中图分类号: TN95

A Novel Joint Radar-communication Waveform Design Method Based on Distributed Aperture

Funds: The National Ministries Foundation
More Information
  • 摘要: 雷达通信一体化波形设计是近年来的研究热点。基于紧凑式阵列的一体化波形支持多方向目标探测和多用户通信,但面对主瓣内同方向不同距离的干扰和窃听行为时,存在抗主瓣干扰能力差、通信信息泄露等问题。因此,该文提出了一种基于分布式孔径的雷达通信一体化波形设计方法以操控波形在三维空间的分布。首先,根据近场信号传播模型建立波形合成约束,在指定位置合成所需的雷达和通信波形。然后,对各个子孔径增加恒模约束,构建以最小化发射功率为准则的一体化波形优化模型。由于模型的非凸性,采用交替投影算法进行迭代求解。仿真结果表明,该文所提方法在雷达目标和通信目标位置同时合成了期望波形,实现了三维空间波形操控。


  • 图  1  远场波束形成

    Figure  1.  Far-field beamforming

    图  2  基于紧凑式阵列的一体化波形空间能量和波形分布示意图

    Figure  2.  Space energy and waveform distribution of the integrated waveform based on collocated antenna

    图  3  近场“波胞形成”

    Figure  3.  Near-field “wave cell”

    图  4  分布式孔径与波胞的几何关系

    Figure  4.  Geometric relationship between distributed aperture and wave cell

    图  5  算法收敛曲线

    Figure  5.  Convergence comparison of different scenarios

    图  6  场景1中空间能量分布情况

    Figure  6.  Spatial energy distribution in the first scenario

    图  7  场景1中波胞几何示意图

    Figure  7.  Schematic diagram of wave cell in the first scenario

    图  8  场景1中雷达合成波形的空间分布情况

    Figure  8.  Spatial distribution of radar synthetic waveform in the first scenario

    图  9  场景1中雷达目标周围合成波形的时域表现

    Figure  9.  Time domain representation of synthetic waveforms around radar target in the first scenario

    图  10  场景1中通信合成波形的空间分布情况

    Figure  10.  Spatial distribution of communication synthetic waveform in the first scenario

    图  11  场景1中通信目标周围合成波形表现

    Figure  11.  Performance of synthetic waveforms around communication user in the first scenario

    图  12  场景2中空间能量分布情况

    Figure  12.  Spatial energy distribution in the second scenario

    图  13  场景2中波胞几何示意图

    Figure  13.  Schematic diagram of wave cell in the second scenario

    图  14  场景2中雷达合成波形的空间分布情况

    Figure  14.  Spatial distribution of radar synthetic waveforms in the second scenario

    图  15  场景2中雷达目标周围合成波形的时域表现

    Figure  15.  Time domain representation of synthetic waveforms around radar target in the second scenario

    图  16  场景2中通信合成波形的空间分布情况

    Figure  16.  Spatial distribution of radar synthetic waveform in the second scenario

    图  17  场景2中通信目标周围合成波形表现

    Figure  17.  Performance of synthetic waveforms around communication user in the second scenario

    图  18  场景3中空间能量分布情况

    Figure  18.  Spatial energy distribution in the third scenario

    图  19  场景3中波胞几何示意图

    Figure  19.  Schematic diagram of wave cell in the third scenario

    图  20  场景3中雷达合成波形的空间分布情况

    Figure  20.  Spatial distribution of radar synthetic waveforms in the third scenario

    图  21  场景3中雷达目标周围合成波形的时域表现

    Figure  21.  Time domain representation of synthetic waveforms around radar target in the third scenario

    图  22  场景3中通信合成波形的空间分布情况

    Figure  22.  Spatial distribution of radar synthetic waveform in the third scenario

    图  23  场景3中通信目标周围合成波形表现

    Figure  23.  Performance of synthetic waveforms around communication user in the third scenario

    1  基于“波胞形成”的一体化波形优化模型求解算法流程

    1.   Integrated waveform optimization model solving algorithm based on “wave cell”

     1. 输入:A, S, I, $ {\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }}$
     2. 初始化:计算${{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( 0 \right)}}$(根据式(12))
     3. for $i = 1,2, \cdots ,I$执行
     4.  计算$ {{\boldsymbol{\tilde X}}^{\left( i \right)}} $(根据式(18))
     5.  for $ {m_{\text{N}}} = 1,2, \cdots ,{M_{\text{N}}} $
     6.   计算$ {\sigma _{{m_{\text{N}}}}} $(根据式(21))
     7.   计算${ {\boldsymbol{X} }^{\left( i \right)} }\left( {\left( { {m_{\text{N} } } - 1} \right){M_{\text{M} } } + 1:{m_{\text{N} } }{M_{\text{M} } },}: \right)$(根据
     8.  end for(当$ {m_{\text{N}}} = {M_{\text{N}}} $时)
     9.  计算迭代误差$ \Delta {\boldsymbol{X}} = {{{{{\left\| {{{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( i \right)}} - {{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( {i - 1} \right)}}} \right\|}_{\text{F}}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{{\left\| {{{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( i \right)}} - {{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( {i - 1} \right)}}} \right\|}_{\text{F}}}} {\left\| {{{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( {i - 1} \right)}}} \right\|}}} \right. } {\left\| {{{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( {i - 1} \right)}}} \right\|}}_{\text{F}}} $
     10. end for(当$\Delta {\boldsymbol{X} } \le {{\varepsilon} }$或$i = I$时)
     11. 输出:${{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( i \right)}}$
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    表  1  仿真参数

    Table  1.   Simulation parameters

    期望波形间功率差(dB)$ \Delta {P_{{\text{rc}}}} $3
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    表  2  场景1中波胞尺寸分析

    Table  2.   Wave cell size analysis in the first scenario

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    表  3  场景1中空间合成波形雷达性能表现

    Table  3.   Radar performance of spatial synthetic waveform in the first scenario

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    表  4  场景2中波胞尺寸分析

    Table  4.   Wave cell size analysis in the second scenario

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    表  5  场景2中空间合成波形雷达性能表现

    Table  5.   Radar performance of spatial synthetic waveform in the second scenario

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    表  6  场景3中波胞尺寸分析

    Table  6.   Wave cell size analysis in the third scenario

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    表  7  场景3中空间合成波形雷达性能表现

    Table  7.   Radar performance of spatial synthetic waveform in the third scenario

    $\left( {600,800} \right)$60.21–13.30–9.73
    $\left( {580,800} \right)$44.59–13.30–9.67
    $\left( {560,800} \right)$22.96–12.870.16
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