
王谋 韦顺军 沈蓉 周梓晨 师君 张晓玲

王谋, 韦顺军, 沈蓉, 等. 基于自学习稀疏先验的三维SAR成像方法[J]. 雷达学报, 2023, 12(1): 36–52. doi: 10.12000/JR22101
引用本文: 王谋, 韦顺军, 沈蓉, 等. 基于自学习稀疏先验的三维SAR成像方法[J]. 雷达学报, 2023, 12(1): 36–52. doi: 10.12000/JR22101
WANG Mou, WEI Shunjun, SHEN Rong, et al. 3D SAR imaging method based on learned sparse prior[J]. Journal of Radars, 2023, 12(1): 36–52. doi: 10.12000/JR22101
Citation: WANG Mou, WEI Shunjun, SHEN Rong, et al. 3D SAR imaging method based on learned sparse prior[J]. Journal of Radars, 2023, 12(1): 36–52. doi: 10.12000/JR22101


DOI: 10.12000/JR22101
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61671113, 61501098),国家重点研发计划项目(2017-YFB0502700),国家留学基金(202106070063),高分对地观测青年基金(GFZX04061502)

    王 谋,博士生,主要研究方向为雷达信号处理、压缩感知、机器学习等


    沈 蓉,硕士生,主要研究方向为三维SAR成像


    师 君,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为雷达信号处理、SAR成像系统、SAR图像智能解译等



    韦顺军 weishunjun@uestc.edu.cn

  • 责任主编:仇晓兰 Corresponding Editor: QIU Xiaolan
  • 中图分类号: TN957.52

3D SAR Imaging Method Based on Learned Sparse Prior

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61671113, 61501098), The National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017-YFB0502700), The China Scholarship Council (202106070063), The High-Resolution Earth Observation Youth Foundation (GFZX04061502)
More Information
  • 摘要: 合成孔径雷达三维成像技术(3D SAR)能通过孔径维度扩展实现三维成像能力,但数据维度大、系统实现难、成像分辨率低。压缩感知稀疏重构技术在简化3D SAR系统、提升成像质量等方面展现出巨大潜力,但面临计算复杂度高、参数设置困难、弱稀疏场景适应差等新问题,制约了其实际应用。针对上述问题,该文结合卷积神经网络的特征学习及迭代算法的深度展开理论,提出了基于自学习稀疏先验的3D SAR成像方法。首先,探讨了常规3D SAR稀疏成像中矩阵向量线性表征模型的局限性,引入成像算子提升成像算法处理效率。其次,讨论了迭代算法映射网络的深度展开模型和实现方式,包括网络拓扑结构设计、算法参数的优化约束及网络的训练方法。最后,通过仿真数据和地面实验,证明了所提方法在提升成像精度的同时,其运行时间较传统稀疏成像算法降低一个数量级。


  • 图  1  三维SAR成像几何模型

    Figure  1.  3D SAR imaging geometry

    图  2  所提LSISTA网络结构示意图

    Figure  2.  The structure of the proposed LSISTA

    图  3  各算法在采样率分别为70%和30%时的重构结果

    Figure  3.  Reconstructions of different algorithms in cases of sampling rate being 70% and 30%, respectively

    图  4  各算法在SNR分别为10 dB和0 dB时的重构结果

    Figure  4.  Reconstructions of different algorithms in cases of SNR being 10 dB and 0 dB, respectively

    图  5  F16三维模型

    Figure  5.  3D F16 model

    图  6  各算法在采样率为50%和30%时的三维仿真成像结果

    Figure  6.  3D imaging results of different algorithms in cases of sampling rate being 50% and 30%

    图  7  各算法在信噪比分别为10 dB和0 dB时的三维仿真成像结果

    Figure  7.  3D imaging results of different algorithms in cases of SNR being 10 dB and 0 dB

    图  8  毫米波三维SAR验证平台及实验场景

    Figure  8.  3D mmW SAR imaging system and experimental scenarios

    图  9  各算法在采样率为50%和30%时钢片测试板的三维成像结果

    Figure  9.  3D imaging results of the testing steel chip by different algorithms when sampling rate are 50% and 30%

    图  10  各算法在采样率为50%和30%时隐匿刀具的成像结果

    Figure  10.  Imaging results of conceal knives by different algorithms when sampling rate are 50% and 30%

    图  11  各稀疏成像算法在不同目标点数时的成像结果

    Figure  11.  Imaging results of different algorithms in cases of the different number of scatterers

    算法1 基于核函数的ISTA稀疏成像算法
    Alg. 1 ISTA sparse imaging algorithm based on
    kernel functions
     输入:稀疏降采样回波E,相位传播矩阵P,迭代步长$\tau $,迭代
     输出:稀疏成像结果$ {{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( T \right)}} $
     初始化:$t = 1$, ${{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( 0 \right)}} = {\mathcal{M}^{\text{H}}}\left( {{\boldsymbol{E}},{{\bar {\boldsymbol{P}}}}} \right)$;
     (1) 更新迭代残差:$ {{\boldsymbol{V}}^{\left( t \right)}} = {\boldsymbol{E}} - \mathcal{M}\left( {{{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( {t - 1} \right)}},{\boldsymbol{\bar P}}} \right) $;
     (2) 梯度下降粗估计:$ {{\boldsymbol{R}}^{\left( t \right)}} = {{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( {t - 1} \right)}} + \tau {\mathcal{M}^{\text{H}}}\left( {{{\boldsymbol{V}}^{\left( t \right)}},{\boldsymbol{P}}} \right) $;
     (3) 软阈值收缩去噪: ${ {\boldsymbol{X} }^{\left( t \right)} } = {{\rm{soft}}} \left( { { {\boldsymbol{R} }^{\left( t \right)} },\lambda } \right)$, $t = t + 1$;
     (4) 迭代判定:若$t \le T$,则重复步骤(1)—步骤(4);否则,结束循环。
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    算法2 LSISTA网络稀疏成像算法
    Alg. 2 LSISTA network-based sparse imaging algorithm
     输出:稀疏成像结果$ {{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( T \right)}} $
     初始化:加载卷积核预训练权重,$ \left\{ {{w_1},{b_1},{w_2},{b_2}} \right\} $;
     (1) 根据式(14),由$ \left\{ {{w_1},{b_1},{w_2},{b_2}} \right\} $计算$ {\tau ^{\left( t \right)}} $和$ {\lambda ^{\left( t \right)}} $;
     (2) 更新迭代残差:$ {{\boldsymbol{V}}^{\left( t \right)}} = {\boldsymbol{E}} - \mathcal{M}\left( {{{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( {t - 1} \right)}},{\boldsymbol{\bar P}}} \right) $;
     (3) 梯度下降粗估计:$ {{\boldsymbol{R}}^{\left( t \right)}} = {{\boldsymbol{X}}^{\left( {t - 1} \right)}} + {\tau ^{\left( t \right)}}{\mathcal{M}^{\text{H}}}\left( {{{\boldsymbol{V}}^{\left( t \right)}},{\boldsymbol{P}}} \right) $;
     (4) 软阈值收缩去噪:
       ${ {\boldsymbol{X} }^{\left( t \right)} } = \tilde {\mathcal{T} }\left( {{\rm{soft}}} \left( {\mathcal{T}\left( { { {\boldsymbol{R} }^{\left( t \right)} } } \right),{\lambda ^{\left( t \right)} } } \right) \right)$, $t = t + 1$;
     (5) 迭代判定:若$t \le T$,则重复步骤(1)—步骤(5);否则,结束循环。
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    表  1  各算法在不同采样率情况下的MAE值

    Table  1.   MAEs of different algorithms in cases of sampling rate being 70% and 30%, respectively

    算法Profile #1Profile #2Profile #3
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    表  2  各算法在不同SNR情况下的MAE值

    Table  2.   MAEs of different algorithms in cases of SNR being 10 dB and 0 dB, respectively

    算法Profile #1Profile #2Profile #3
    10 dB0 dB10 dB0 dB10 dB0 dB
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    表  3  仿真和实测系统参数

    Table  3.   Parameters in simulations and real experiments

    采样间隔(mm)x : 7.8; z : 7.8x : 1; z : 2
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    表  4  三维SAR成像仿真在不同降采样率下各算法的图像熵评估

    Table  4.   Image entropy of different algorithms with different sampling rates in simulated 3D SAR imaging

    算法50%30%Time (s) (CPU/GPU)
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    表  5  三维SAR成像仿真在信噪比下各算法的图像熵评估

    Table  5.   Image entropy of different algorithms with different SNRs in simulated 3D SAR imaging

    算法10 dB0 dBTime (s) (CPU/GPU)
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    表  6  图9成像实验中各算法的图像熵评估

    Table  6.   Image entropy of different algorithms in the experiment of Fig. 9

    算法50%30%Time (s) (CPU/GPU)
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    表  7  图10成像实验中各算法的图像熵评估

    Table  7.   Image entropy of different algorithms in the experiment of Fig. 10

    算法50%30%Time (s) (CPU/GPU)
    RMIST-Net2.7192.1590.115/ 0.009
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    表  8  各算法计算复杂度

    Table  8.   Computational complexity of different algorithms

    RMA${N_y}{N_s}\left( {10{{\log }_2}{N_s} + 12} \right)$
    ISTA${N_{{\rm{iter}}} }{N_y}{N_s}\left( {10{ {\log }_2}{N_s} + 12} \right)$
    RMIST-Net$ T{N_y}{N_s}\left( {10{{\log }_2}{N_s} + 12} \right) $
    LSISTA$ T{N_s}\left( {{N_y}\left( {10{{\log }_2}{N_s} + 12} \right) + 2846} \right) $
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    表  9  各算法在不同目标点数时的MAE评估值

    Table  9.   MAEs in cases of the different number of target points

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