
李晓婉 梁兴东 张福博 刘云龙 李焱磊 郭其昌 万阳良 卜祥玺

李晓婉, 梁兴东, 张福博, 等. 基于几何约束移动最小二乘的TomoSAR山区点云高精度三维重建方法[J]. 雷达学报, 2022, 11(3): 363–375. doi: 10.12000/JR22049
引用本文: 李晓婉, 梁兴东, 张福博, 等. 基于几何约束移动最小二乘的TomoSAR山区点云高精度三维重建方法[J]. 雷达学报, 2022, 11(3): 363–375. doi: 10.12000/JR22049
LI Xiaowan, LIANG Xingdong, ZHANG Fubo, et al. A geometry constrained moving least squares-based high-precision 3D reconstruction method of mountains from TomoSAR point clouds[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(3): 363–375. doi: 10.12000/JR22049
Citation: LI Xiaowan, LIANG Xingdong, ZHANG Fubo, et al. A geometry constrained moving least squares-based high-precision 3D reconstruction method of mountains from TomoSAR point clouds[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(3): 363–375. doi: 10.12000/JR22049


DOI: 10.12000/JR22049
基金项目: 国家部委基金










    梁兴东 xdliang@mail.ie.ac.cn

  • 责任主编:廖明生 Corresponding Editor: LIAO Mingsheng
  • 中图分类号: TN959.3

A Geometry Constrained Moving Least Squares-based High-precision 3D Reconstruction Method of Mountains from TomoSAR Point Clouds

Funds: The National Ministries Foundation
More Information
  • 摘要: 层析合成孔径雷达(TomoSAR)是一种先进的山区三维重建技术手段。然而,TomoSAR点云存在着较强烈的高程向定位误差,给高精度的山区三维重建带来了挑战。针对这个问题,该文提出了一种基于几何约束移动最小二乘(MLS)的高精度TomoSAR山区点云三维重建方法。该方法不仅具有传统MLS基于局部子空间思想进行复杂曲面结构拟合的优势,还可以充分地利用TomoSAR点云高程随地距单调递增的特点进行重建误差修正。首先,将点云投影到新的方位-地距-高程坐标系。然后,使用所提的基于迭代求解的几何约束MLS进行高程向定位误差修正。最后,通过投影变换得到山区三维重建结果。仿真和实测的机载阵列TomoSAR山区数据以及AW3D30 DSM数据和1:10000 DEM数据,验证了该文方法的有效性,同时表明了机载阵列TomoSAR用于山区高精度三维重建等应用的可行性和优越性。


  • 图  1  TomoSAR山区观测几何示意图(yz分别表示地距向和高度向,rs分别表示斜距向和高程向)

    Figure  1.  Diagram of TomoSAR mountain observation geometry (y and z indicate the ground direction and the height direction, respectively, r and s indicate the range direction and the elevation direction, respectively)

    图  2  几何约束MLS方法流程图

    Figure  2.  Flowchart of the geometry constrained MLS method

    图  3  斜距-高程平面S形山区叠掩地形结构图

    Figure  3.  The S shaped layover mountainous terrain on the range-elevation plane

    图  4  两种典型地形驻点定位示意

    Figure  4.  Diagram of two typical terrain for stagnation point positioning

    图  5  投影变换示意

    Figure  5.  Diagram of projection transform

    图  6  LS, MLS和本文方法的仿真结果

    Figure  6.  Simulation results of LS, MLS and the proposed method

    图  7  基于数据1的不同方法的精度对比曲线

    Figure  7.  The precision comparison curves of different methods based on data 1

    图  8  本文方法对于切片5的主要中间结果

    Figure  8.  The main intermediate results of the proposed method for slice 5

    图  9  观测场景的SAR图像(颜色图表示归一化后的散射强度)

    Figure  9.  SAR image of the observation scene (the color map indicates the normalized scattering intensity)

    图  10  实测实验的处理结果

    Figure  10.  Results of the real experiment

    图  11  观测场景的光学图像

    Figure  11.  Optical image of the observation scene

    图  12  三维重建图像(颜色图表示归一化后的散射强度)

    Figure  12.  The three-dimensional reconstruction image (the color map indicates the normalized scattering intensity)

    表  1  几何约束MLS求解算法

    Table  1.   The solution algorithm of the geometry constrained MLS

     输入:投影变换点云${\rm{P} } = \left\{ { {p_i}\left( { {a_i},{y_i},{h_i} } \right)|{a_i} \in \left( { {A_1},{A_2}, \cdots ,{A_J} } \right),i = 1,2, \cdots ,{N_{{\rm{total}}} } } \right\}$,斜距r,以及MLS参数和单调递增修正参数${\rm{pwin}}$,
     1:步骤1 执行MLS,输出点云${\rm{P} }' = \left\{ { {p_i}\left( { {a_i},{y_i},h_i'} \right)|{a_i} \in \left( { {A_1},{A_2}, \cdots ,{A_J} } \right),i = 1,2, \cdots ,{N_{{\rm{total}}} } } \right\}$;
     2:步骤2 斜距修正:考虑到MLS拟合结果可能存在斜距误差,该步会使用原始斜距r对其修正,得点云
       ${\rm{P}}' = \left\{ { {p_i}\left( { {a_i},{r_i},h_i'} \right)|{a_i} \in \left( { {A_1},{A_2}, \cdots ,{A_J} } \right),i = 1,2, \cdots ,{N_{{\rm{total}}} } } \right\}$;
     3:步骤3 单调递增判断:
     4:  (i) 更新点云${\rm{P}}'$的地距:$y_i' = {r_i}\sin{\theta _i}$,其中$ {\theta _i} $可由式(3)求得;
     5:  (ii) 计算稀疏高程$h_i' \pm {\rm{dh}}$在子空间${\rm{pwin}}$内的权函数${\boldsymbol{v}} = \left\{ { {v_i}|i = 1,2, \cdots ,{N_{ {\rm{total} } } } } \right\}$;
     6:  (iii) 如果存在$ {v_i} = 1 $,进入步骤4,反之,输出结果。
     7:步骤4 单调递增修正:
     8:  (i) 逐方位向循环${\rm{P}}_j' = \left\{ { {p_i}\left( { {a_i},y_i',h_i'} \right)|{a_i} \in \left( { {A_1},{A_2}, \cdots ,{A_J} } \right),i = 1,2, \cdots ,{N_j} } \right\}$
     9:    * 更新地距,得到点${p_i}\left( { {a_i},y_i'',h_i'} \right)$,其中$y'' = {\rm{sort}}\left( {y'} \right)$
     10:    * 初始化:${\rm{Is}}\_{\rm{ite}} = 0,{\rm{de}} = 1,n = 1$
     11:    * 逐点修正:
     12:     ${\rm{while}}\;\;\;n < {N_j}$
     13:      计算稀疏高程$h_i' \pm {\rm{dh}}$在子空间${\rm{pwin}}$内的权函数$ {v_n} $
     14:      ${\rm{if}}\;\;{v_n}\;\;{\rm{and}}\;\;{\rm{de}} > {\rm{Te}}$
     15:       对该点执行MLS,得到${p_i}\left( { {a_i},y_i'',h_i'' } \right)$
     16:       更新${\rm{de}} = \left| {h_i{''} - h_i'} \right|$
     17:      else
     18:       更新$ n = n + 1 $
     19:       ${\rm{if}}\;\;{\rm{de}} < {\rm{Te}}$
     20:        提前终止该点修正,即${\rm{Is}}\_{\rm{ite}} = 1$
     21:       ${\rm{if}}\;\;n = {N_j}\;\;{\rm{and}}\;\;{\rm{Is}}\_{\rm{ite}} = 1$
     22:        开始新的一轮修正,即$ n = 1 $, ${\rm{Is}}\_{\rm{ite}} = 0$
     23:  (ii) 输出${\rm{P} }'' = \left\{ { {p_i}\left( { {a_i},y_i'',h_i'' } \right)|{a_i} \in \left( { {A_1},{A_2}, \cdots ,{A_J} } \right),i = 1,2, \cdots ,{N_{ {\rm{total} } } } } \right\}$
     24:  (iii) 更新${\rm{P}}' = {\rm{P}}''$,返回步骤2
     输出:点云${\rm{P}}' = \left\{ { {p_i}\left( { {a_i},{r_i},h_i'} \right)|{a_i} \in \left( { {A_1},{A_2}, \cdots ,{A_J} } \right),i = 1,2, \cdots ,{N_{{\rm{total}}} } } \right\}$
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    表  2  仿真结果精度(m)

    Table  2.   Precision of the simulated results (m)

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    表  3  主要实验参数

    Table  3.   Main experimental parameters

    飞行高度3.5 km
    带宽500 MHz
    基线长度2.0 m
    基线间隔0.2 m
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