
齐萌 黄丽佳 仇晓兰 张问一 胡玉新 初庆伟

齐萌, 黄丽佳, 仇晓兰, 等. 一种结合稀疏重建和匹配滤波的距离模糊抑制方法[J]. 雷达学报, 2022, 11(1): 95–106. doi: 10.12000/JR21181
引用本文: 齐萌, 黄丽佳, 仇晓兰, 等. 一种结合稀疏重建和匹配滤波的距离模糊抑制方法[J]. 雷达学报, 2022, 11(1): 95–106. doi: 10.12000/JR21181
QI Meng, HUANG Lijia, QIU Xiaolan, et al. Method of range ambiguity suppression combining sparse reconstruction and matched filtering[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(1): 95–106. doi: 10.12000/JR21181
Citation: QI Meng, HUANG Lijia, QIU Xiaolan, et al. Method of range ambiguity suppression combining sparse reconstruction and matched filtering[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(1): 95–106. doi: 10.12000/JR21181


DOI: 10.12000/JR21181
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1407200)

    齐 萌(1997–),女,山东潍坊人,中国科学院空天信息创新研究院硕士研究生,研究方向为合成孔径雷达信号处理与图像分析







    黄丽佳 iecas8huanglijia@163.com

  • 责任主编:王岩 Corresponding Editor: WANG Yan
  • 中图分类号: TN958; TP391

Method of Range Ambiguity Suppression Combining Sparse Reconstruction and Matched Filtering

Funds: National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFC1407200)
More Information
  • 摘要: 由于SAR天线旁瓣特性和脉冲工作体制,SAR图像在一定程度上受到距离模糊的影响。距离模糊抑制工作分别聚焦在SAR系统设计和SAR信号处理两个方面。前者通过天线赋形、正交编码等方式减小距离模糊能量接收,后者利用信号处理技术在回波域和图像域消除距离模糊能量。该文提出了一种结合稀疏重建和匹配滤波技术的距离模糊抑制方法。该方法对模糊区进行稀疏重建,利用模糊区图像和重建矩阵估计模糊区信号,从回波信号中将其分离得到模糊抑制后的主像信号,后续利用匹配滤波技术获得主像图像。该方法利用稀疏重建技术保证了模糊区信号估计的精度,利用匹配滤波技术保证了成像处理的效率。仿真实验表明,该方法可以有效抑制距离模糊,抑制效果可达10 dB及以上,并且对主像弱目标和细节具有很好的保持能力。


  • 图  1  能量比1:1,匹配滤波的主像结果

    Figure  1.  Energy ratio 1:1, primary image results of matching filtering

    图  2  能量比1:1,本文方法的主像结果

    Figure  2.  Energy ratio 1:1, primary image results of the proposed method

    图  3  能量比100:1,匹配滤波的主像结果

    Figure  3.  Energy ratio 100:1, primary image results of matching filtering

    图  4  能量比100:1,本文方法的主像结果

    Figure  4.  Energy ratio 100:1, primary image results of the proposed method

    图  5  距离徙动差异对距离模糊抑制效果的影响

    Figure  5.  The effect of range migration difference on range ambiguity suppression

    图  6  主像区弱目标,匹配滤波的主像结果

    Figure  6.  Weak target in the main image area, primary image results of matching filtering

    图  7  主像区弱目标,经典稀疏重建的主像结果

    Figure  7.  Weak target in the main image area, primary image results of sparse reconstruction

    图  8  主像区弱目标,本文方法的主像结果

    Figure  8.  Weak target in the main image area, primary image results of the proposed method

    图  9  主像区面目标,匹配滤波的主像结果

    Figure  9.  Surface target in the main image area, primary image results of matching filtering

    图  10  主像区面目标,本文方法的主像结果

    Figure  10.  Surface target in the main image area, primary image results of the proposed method

    图  11  实际图像场景

    Figure  11.  Real image scene

    图  12  区域3主像、区域1模糊像,匹配滤波的主像结果

    Figure  12.  Primary image results of matching filtering, where region 3 is the main image, region 1 is the fuzzy image

    图  13  区域3主像、区域1模糊像,本文方法的主像结果

    Figure  13.  Primary image results of the proposed method, where region 3 is the main image, region 1 is the fuzzy image

    图  14  区域3主像、区域1模糊像,针对模糊区匹配滤波的成像结果

    Figure  14.  Fuzzy area image results of matching filtering, where region 3 is the main image, region 1 is the fuzzy image

    图  15  按照幅度大小排序后的主像(蓝色线)与模糊像(红色线)幅度曲线

    Figure  15.  Amplitude curves of main image (blue line) and fuzzy image (red line), sorted according to amplitude

    图  16  区域3主像、区域1模糊像,式(22)模糊像重建结果

    Figure  16.  Fuzzy reconstruction results using Eq. (22), where region 3 is the main image, region 1 is the fuzzy image

    图  17  区域3主像、区域1模糊像,式(18)模糊像重建结果

    Figure  17.  Fuzzy reconstruction results using Eq. (18), where region 3 is the main image, region 1 is the fuzzy image

    图  18  区域2主像、区域1模糊像,匹配滤波的主像结果

    Figure  18.  Primary image results of matching filtering, where region 2 is the main image, region 1 is the fuzzy image

    图  19  区域2主像、区域1模糊像,式(22)模糊抑制和主像结果

    Figure  19.  Fuzzy reconstruction results using Eq. (22), where region 2 is the main image, region 1 is the fuzzy image

    图  20  区域2主像、区域1模糊像,式(18)模糊抑制和主像结果

    Figure  20.  Fuzzy reconstruction results using Eq. (18), where region 2 is the main image, region 1 is the fuzzy image

    表  1  典型场景后向散射系数变化范围

    Table  1.   Variation range of backscattering coefficients in typical scenes

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    表  2  雷达仿真参数

    Table  2.   Radar simulation parameters

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    表  3  距离模糊抑制前后,模糊像和主像能量比

    Table  3.   Energy ratio before and after distance fuzzy suppression

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    表  4  成像前后弱目标能量对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of weak target energy before and after imaging

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    表  5  距离模糊抑制前后,模糊像和主像总能量比

    Table  5.   Total energy ratio of fuzzy image and main image before and after fuzzy suppression

    方法 能量和之
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