Simulation-assisted SAR Target Classification Based on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation and Model Interpretability Analysis
摘要: 卷积神经网络(CNN)在光学图像分类领域中得到广泛应用,然而,合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像样本标注难度大、成本高,难以获取满足CNN训练所需的样本数量。随着SAR仿真技术的发展,生成大量带标签的仿真SAR图像并不困难。然而仿真SAR图像样本与真实样本间难免存在差异,往往难以直接支撑实际样本的分类任务。为此,该文提出了一种基于无监督域适应的仿真辅助SAR目标分类方法,集成了多核最大均值差异(MK-MMD)和域对抗训练,以解决由仿真图像分类任务迁移到真实图像分类任务中的域偏移问题。进一步使用逐层相关性传播(LRP)和对比逐层相关性传播(CLRP)两种可解释性方法,对域适应前后的模型进行了解释分析。实验结果表明,该文方法通过修正模型对输入数据的关注区域,找到了域不变的分类特征,显著提升了模型在真实SAR数据上的分类准确率。
- 合成孔径雷达(SAR) /
- 目标分类 /
- 卷积神经网络(CNN) /
- 无监督域适应 /
- 可解释性
Abstract: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are widely used in optical image classification. In the case of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images, obtaining sufficient training examples for CNNs is challenging due to the difficulties in and high cost of data annotation. Meanwhile, with the advancement of SAR image simulation technology, generating a large number of simulated SAR images with annotation is not difficult. However, due to the inevitable difference between simulated and real SAR images, it is frequently difficult to directly support the real SAR image classification. As a result, this study proposes a simulation-assisted SAR target classification method based on unsupervised domain adaptation. The proposed method integrates Multi-Kernel Maximum Mean Distance (MK-MMD) with domain adversarial training to address the domain shift problem encountered during task transition from simulated to real-world SAR image classification. Furthermore, Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) and Contrastive Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (CLRP) are utilized to explore how the proposed method influences the model decision. The experimental results show that by modifying the focus areas of the model to obtain domain-invariant features for classification, the proposed method can significantly improve classification accuracy. -
表 1 数据集
Table 1. Dataset
数据集 目标类别 俯仰角 数量 源域(仿真)训练集 BMP2 17°, 15° 3462 BTR70 17°, 15° 3462 T72 17°, 15° 3462 源域(仿真)测试集 BMP2 17°, 15° 864 BTR70 17°, 15° 864 T72 17°, 15° 864 目标域(真实)训练集 BMP2 17° 233 BTR70 17° 233 T72 17° 233 目标域(真实)测试集
(SOC和EOC)BMP2 15°, 17° 1052 BTR70 15° 196 T72 15°, 17°, 30° 5906 表 2 SOC数据集
Table 2. SOC dataset
目标类别 目标型号 训练集 测试集 俯仰角 数量 俯仰角 数量 BMP2 9563 17° 233 15° 195 BTR70 C71 17° 233 15° 196 T72 132 17° 233 15° 196 表 3 EOC-1测试集(大俯仰角)
Table 3. EOC-1 test set (large depression variation)
目标类别 目标型号 俯仰角 数量 T72 A64 30° 288 表 4 EOC-2测试集(配置变化)
Table 4. EOC-2 test set (configuration variant)
目标类别 目标型号 俯仰角 数量 T72 S7 15°, 17° 419 A32 15°, 17° 572 A62 15°, 17° 573 A63 15°, 17° 573 A64 15°, 17° 573 表 5 EOC-3测试集(版本变化)
Table 5. EOC-3 test set (version variant)
目标类别 目标型号 俯仰角 数量 BMP2 9566 15°, 17° 428 C21 15°, 17° 429 812 15°, 17° 426 A04 15°, 17° 573 T72 A05 15°, 17° 573 A07 15°, 17° 573 A10 15°, 17° 567 表 6 网络训练过程中参数设置
Table 6. Parameters for the model training procedure
名称 参数值 batch size 32 优化器 SGD 初始学习率${\text{l}}{{\text{r}}_{\text{0}}}$ 0.01 GRL参数$\lambda $ 1 惩罚因子$\gamma $ 1 epoch 500 iteration/epoch 35 表 7 结合不同背景仿真SAR图像的消融实验结果
Table 7. Results of ablation experiments with simulation SAR images of different backgrounds
仿真背景 方法 准确率(%) MK-MMD 域对抗训练 ① × × 28.00±1.39 × √ 47.53±1.39 √ × 35.48±0.52 √ √ 43.44±2.22 ② × × 73.20±1.38 × √ 77.40±2.18 √ × 85.20±1.19 √ √ 87.03±1.29 ③ × × 65.07±0.52 × √ 65.19±2.89 √ × 73.57±0.62 √ √ 77.29±1.58 全部应用 × × 74.79±1.35 × √ 83.99±1.19 √ × 85.85±2.33 √ √ 90.43±0.95 表 8 使用不同仿真背景数据时,各方法在SOC测试集上的分类准确率对比
Table 8. Comparison of the classification accuracy on the SOC test set when using different methods with simulated data under different backgrounds
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