Geolocation Error Transfer Model and Trajectory Calibration Method for Airborne SAR Considering Motion Compensation Residual Error
摘要: 机载合成孔径雷达(SAR)定位误差不仅受载机位置/速度测量误差、系统时间误差等的影响,还与运动补偿残余误差有关。然而现有机载SAR定位模型很少考虑运动补偿误差的影响。该文针对实际中普遍存在的含运动误差和载机航迹测量误差的情况,结合运动补偿和频域成像算法,推导了机载SAR图像定位误差传递模型,阐明了运动补偿残余误差影响下航迹测量误差对定位偏差的影响方式,并基于该模型给出了载机航迹测量误差的标定方法。仿真实验验证了该定位误差传递模型的正确性,相比于不考虑运动补偿残余误差的定位模型,得到了更高精度的航迹测量误差标定结果,证明了该方法的优越性。Abstract: Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) location error is affected by the position/speed measurement error of the aircraft, system time error, etc., and also related to the residual error of motion compensation. However, the existing airborne SAR location model rarely considers the effect of residual motion error. Considering that motion and trajectory measurement errors are common in practice, this paper derives a location error transfer model of an airborne SAR image based on the motion compensation and frequency-domain imaging algorithms. The proposed model clarifies the influence of trajectory measurement error on location deviation when residual motion error exists and provides a method of error calibration measurement. The simulation experiments validate the correctness of the proposed location error transfer model. The present method obtains a more accurate error calibration measurement result than the location error model that does not consider the residual motion error, proving the superiority of the proposed model.
表 1 定位误差仿真参数
Table 1. Simulation parameters of location error
参数 数值 载波频率(${\rm{GHz}}$) $30$ 信号带宽(${\rm{MHz}}$) ${\rm{2}}00$ 脉冲持续时间(μs) $1$ 脉冲重复频率(${\rm{Hz}}$) $1000$ 方位向天线尺寸(${\rm{m}}$) ${\rm{2}}$ 平台速度(${\rm{m}}{\rm{/}}{\rm{s}}$) $70$ 斜视角(°) $0$ 目标点1坐标(${\rm{m}}$) $(330,0,0)$ 目标点2坐标(${\rm{m}}$) $(400,0,0)$ 目标点3坐标(${\rm{m}}$) $(470,0,0)$ 表 2
${\boldsymbol{y}} $ 方向定位误差Table 2. Location error in y direction
目标点 实际定位误差 公式算得误差 两误差的偏差 目标点1 (m) –4.5500 –4.5254 –0.0246 目标点2 (m) –1.6100 –1.6270 0.0170 目标点3 (m) 1.3300 1.3030 0.0270 表 3
${\boldsymbol{x}} $ 方向定位误差Table 3. Location error in x direction
目标点 实际定位误差 公式算得误差 两误差的偏差 目标点1 (m) 3.4980 3.4192 0.0788 目标点2 (m) 1.2034 1.0431 0.1603 目标点3 (m) –0.4437 –0.6014 0.1577 表 4 测量误差标定结果
Table 4. Calibration results of measurement error
方向 测量航迹 真实航迹 标定出的测量误差 标定航迹 x方向 ${\eta ^2} - 3\eta - 1$ ${\eta ^2}$ $ - 3.0161\eta - 0.6755$ ${\eta ^2} + 0.0161\eta - 0.3245$ z方向 ${\eta ^2} - 3\eta + 449$ ${\eta ^2} + 450$ $ - 3.0113\eta - 0.7585$ ${\eta ^2} + 0.0113\eta $$ + 449.7585$ 表 5 测量误差标定结果
Table 5. Calibration results of measurement error
方向 测量航迹 真实航迹 标定出的测量误差 标定航迹 x方向 ${\eta ^2} - 3\eta - 1$ ${\eta ^2}$ $ - 3.0161\eta - 0.{\rm{2751}}$ ${\eta ^2} + 0.0161\eta - 0.{\rm{7249}}$ z方向 ${\eta ^2} - 3\eta + 449$ ${\eta ^2} + 450$ $ - 3.0{\rm{222}}\eta - 0.{\rm{3882}}$ ${\eta ^2} + 0.0{\rm{222}}\eta $$ + 449.{\rm{3882}}$ -
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