Evaluating the Impacts of Using Different Digital Surface Models to Estimate Forest Height with TanDEM-X Interferometric Coherence Data (in English)
DOI: 10.12000/JR20009
In our previous studies, we demonstrated the usefulness of TanDEM-X interferometric bistatic mode with single polarization to obtain forest heights for the purposes of large area mapping. A key feature of our approach has been the use of a simplified Random Volume Over Ground (RVOG) model that locally estimates forest height. The model takes TanDEM-X interferometric coherence amplitude as an input and uses an external Digital Surface Model (DSM) to account for local slope variations due to terrain topography in order to achieve accurate forest height estimation. The selection of DSM for use as a local slope reference is essential, as an inaccurate DSM will result in less accurate terrain-correction and forest height estimation. In this paper, we assessed TanDEM-X height estimates associated with scale variations in different DSMs used in the model over a remote sensing supersite in Petawawa, Canada. The DSMs used for assessments and comparisons included ASTER GDEM, ALOS GDSM, airborne DRAPE DSM, Canadian DSM and TanDEM-X DSM. Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data were used as reference for terrain slope and forest height comparisons. The results showed that, with the exception of the ASTER GDEM, all DSMs were sufficiently accurate for the simplified RVOG model to provide a satisfactory estimate of stand-level forest height. When compared to the ALS 95th height percentile, the modeled forest heights had R2 values greater than 80% and Root-Mean-Square Errors (RMSE) less than 2 m. For a close similarity in slope estimation with the ALS reference, coverage across Canada and open data access, the 0.75 arc-second (20 m) resolution Canadian DSM was selected as a preferred choice for the simplified RVOG model to provide TanDEM-X height estimation in Canada.
Key words:
- Interferometric COA /
- Digital surface model /
- Forest height
Table 1. kz differences when comparing to kz generated from 2012 ALS DSM
Diff of kz ASTER GDEM ALOS GDSM CDSM DRAPE DSM TanDEM-X DSM Max 0.1252 0.1296 0.1356 0.1389 0.1433 Mean 0.0435 0.0332 0.0097 0.0360 0.0204 Table 2. Height comparisons from 94 forest stands
Baseline DSM used in Eq. 2 Slope m Intercept c Adjusted R2 RMSE ALS P95 ASTER GDEM 0.64 10.38 0.759 1.69 ALOS GDSM 0.71 8.93 0.849 1.77 DRAPE DSM 0.75 8.14 0.842 1.92 CDSM 0.71 8.88 0.841 1.73 TanDEM-X DSM 0.66 9.72 0.806 1.70 ALS CDht ASTER GDEM 0.84 6.90 0.796 2.86 ALOS GDSM 0.92 5.14 0.885 3.18 DRAPE DSM 0.91 5.41 0.854 3.18 CDSM 0.92 5.14 0.873 3.12 TanDEM-X DSM 0.86 6.12 0.846 2.97 ALS Topht ASTER GDEM 1.00 3.17 0.791 3.20 ALOS GDSM 1.10 1.00 0.883 3.62 DRAPE DSM 1.09 1.26 0.855 3.62 CDSM 1.10 1.04 0.869 3.53 TanDEM-X DSM 1.03 2.28 0.841 3.35 -
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