Dynamic Time Window Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm for the Phased Array Radar
摘要: 针对相控阵雷达任务调度问题,该文提出了一种基于动态时间窗的任务调度方法。该方法根据目标跟踪滤波中的残差和雷达对目标跟踪波门之间的约束关系以及搜索帧周期的约束,分别实现对跟踪任务和搜索任务的时间窗计算。最后将该方法与传统固定时间窗方法进行对比仿真,仿真结果证明了所提方法的有效性和优越性。Abstract: A task scheduling method based on dynamic time window is proposed that is aimed at resolving the task scheduling problem of phased array radars. Based on constraints between the residuals of target tracking filtering and radar target tracking gate and search frame cycle, the method calculates the time window of tracking task and the time window of the search task, respectively. Finally, we undertake a simulation of our method by comparing with the traditional time window design method. The simulation results prove the effectiveness and superiority of our method.
Key words:
- Phased array radar /
- Task scheduling /
- Time window /
- Tracking task /
- Search task
表 1 任务参数设置
Table 1. Parameters of tasks
任务 驻留参数( ${t_{\rm{x}}}$, ${t_{\rm{w}}}$, ${t_{\rm{r}}}$)(ms) 功率(kW) 提前时间窗(ms) 延迟时间窗(ms) 采样间隔(ms) 验证 1, 4, 1 5 30 30 – 跟踪 0.5, 3.0, 0.5 4 30 30 100 失跟处理 1, 4, 1 5 50 50 1000 搜索 1, 4, 1 5 100 100 10 -
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