Terahertz Radar Cross Section Measurements Based on Millimeter-wave Converter
摘要: 在220~330 GHz频段,采取自由空间场形式,采用扫频连续波信号进行目标雷达散射截面(RCS)测量。系统由矢量网络分析仪,毫米波混频器,馈源及目标支撑系统组成。多种散射测量技术将通过实验验证并应用于目标测量中。最终保证系统对–23.6 dBsm目标的测量精度达到±3 dB。
- 雷达散射截面(RCS) /
- 太赫兹 /
- 散射
Abstract: The measurement system has been built with Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave (SFCW) signal for Radar Cross Section (RCS) measurements in free-space at 220~330 GHz. The system consists of vector network analyzer, Millimeter-Wave Converters and target support structure. The measurement techniques which are used in scattering measurements are verified by RCS measurement data. The system measurement accuracy is control within about ±3 dB at –23.6 dBsm.-
Key words:
- Radar Cross Section (RCS) /
- Terahertz /
- Scattering
表 1 75 mm(直径)标准球测量误差统计
Table 1. 75 mm Calibration ball’s measurement error statistical result
频率(GHz) 最大上偏量(dB) 最大下偏量(dB) 均方根误差(dB) 225~255 1.66834 –1.20310 0.938 265~295 0.88109 –2.12946 1.052 302~328 1.97491 –1.79818 0.878 225~325 1.47898 –2.80198 0.994 -
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