SAR Target Recognition Based on Multi-feature Multiple Representation Classifier Fusion
摘要: 针对合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)图像目标识别问题,该文提出了一种基于多特征-多表示学习分类器融合的识别算法。首先,该算法提取了SAR图像3种特征,包括主成分(Principle Component Analysis, PCA)特征,小波变换特征和2维切片Zernike矩(2-Dimension Slice Zernike Moments, 2DSZM)特征。然后,将测试样本的3类特征分别输入稀疏表示分类器和协同表示分类器进行预分类,得到6个预测标签。对6个预测标签进行分类器融合,得到最终的识别决策。实验中研究了3种不同的分类器融合算法,实验结果表明利用贝叶斯决策融合得到了最佳的识别性能。基于多特征-多表示学习分类器融合的方法集成了多特征的鉴别能力,也融合了稀疏和协同表示的分类性能,实现优势互补,有效提高了识别精度。基于Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and Recognition (MSTAR)公开发布的SAR目标数据库的实验验证了该方法的有效性。Abstract: In this paper, we present a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image target recognition algorithm based on multi-feature multiple representation learning classifier fusion. First, it extracts three features from the SAR images, namely principal component analysis, wavelet transform, and Two-Dimensional Slice Zernike Moments (2DSZM) features. Second, we harness the sparse representation classifier and the cooperative representation classifier with the above-mentioned features to get six predictive labels. Finally, we adopt classifier fusion to obtain the final recognition decision. We researched three different classifier fusion algorithms in our experiments, and the results demonstrate thatusing Bayesian decision fusion gives thebest recognition performance. The method based on multi-feature multiple representation learning classifier fusion integrates the discrimination of multi-features and combines the sparse and cooperative representation classification performance to gain complementary advantages and to improve recognition accuracy. The experiments are based on the Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and Recognition (MSTAR) database,and they demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
表 1 实验数据集的型号/数目
Table 1. The types and numbers of training and testing datasets
目标 训练(17°) 测试(15°) BMP2 sn-9563/233 sn-9563/195 sn-9566/232 sn-9566/196 sn-c21/233 sn-c21/196 BTR70 sn-c71/233 sn-c71/196 T72 sn-132/232 sn-132/196 sn-812/231 sn-812/195 sn-s7/228 sn-s7/191 表 2 3种算法随特征维数变化的识别率(%)
Table 2. Recognition rate of three algorithms with feature dimension (%)
特征维数 方法 SCBF SCMV SCAWF 120 99.09 99.03 99.09 240 99.60 99.20 99.20 360 99.54 90.03 98.92 480 99.54 98.86 99.15 600 97.44 97.72 97.78 表 3 3种算法随规则化参数 $ λ $的识别率(%)
Table 3. Recognition rates of three algorithms with regularized parameters $ λ $ (%)
$ λ $ 方法 MFSCF MV AWFA 10–3 99.20 98.52 98.69 10–2 99.15 98.52 98.75 10–1 99.15 98.52 98.52 1 99.15 98.46 99.03 5 99.32 98.80 99.20 10 99.32 98.46 99.09 表 4 SCBF随规则化参数 $ λ $的混淆矩阵
Table 4. Confusion matrix of SCBF with regularized parameters $ λ $
$ λ $ 识别结果 目标类型 BMP2 BTR70 T72 10–3 BMP2 580 4 3 BTR70 4 584 0 T72 3 0 579 10–2 BMP2 580 4 4 BTR70 4 584 0 T72 3 0 578 10–1 BMP2 581 5 3 BTR70 3 583 1 T72 3 0 578 1 BMP2 579 4 3 BTR70 5 584 0 T72 3 0 579 5 BMP2 579 3 1 BTR70 4 585 0 T72 4 0 581 10 BMP2 579 3 1 BTR70 4 585 0 T72 4 0 581 表 5 大俯仰角实验中使用的数据集
Table 5. Dataset used in large depression angle experiment
目标 Training set (17°) Testing set (30°) Testing set (45°) BRDM2 298 287 303 2S1 299 288 303 ZSU234 299 288 303 表 6 大俯仰角下不同分类方法的识别率(%)
Table 6. Recognition rate for different classification methods at large pitch angles (%)
俯仰角 (°) 分类方法 SRC (PCA) SRC (小波) SRC (2DSZM) CRC (PCA) CRC (小波) CRC (2DSZM) SCMV AFWF SCBF 30 86.91 33.49 87.60 84.13 32.79 88.30 86.56 90.38 94.79 45 63.37 36.63 44.44 59.96 33.33 45.32 43.78 46.86 68.65 -
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