A Sinusoidal Frequency Modulation Fourier-Bessel Transform and its Application to Micro-Doppler Feature Extraction
摘要: 针对微动目标特征提取问题,该文提出了一种正弦调频Fourier-Bessel变换(Sinusoidal Frequency Modulation Fourier-Bessel Transform, SFMFBT),并基于SFMFBT提出了一种雷达目标微动频率的精确提取方法。首先给出了SFMFBT的定义,分析了变换的相关性质,并通过频率提取误差分析给出了一种修正方法,最后讨论了离散信号处理中的若干问题。相比于傅里叶-贝塞尔变换,SFMFBT将k分辨率参数引入Bessel函数基,克服了其对应频率不可细分的缺陷,并且通过误差分析提高了信号分解精度,从而将Bessel函数基引入特征提取领域,拓展了其应用范围。仿真结果表明该方法同样适用于微动群目标频率提取与回波分离重构,且在SNR>0 dB条件下具有较好的鲁棒性。
- 微多普勒 /
- 特征提取 /
- 群目标 /
- 正弦调频Fourier-Bessel变换(SFMFBT)
Abstract: In this paper, a Sinusoidal Frequency Modulation Fourier-Bessel Transform (SFMFBT) is proposed for micro-Doppler (m-D) target feature extraction. Initially, the definition of SFMFBT is given, and then, some of its properties are analyzed. A method to reduce frequency extraction error is then introduced based on error analysis. Finally, some issues in the frequency extraction of discrete signals are discussed. After comparing with the values of Fourier-Bessel Transform (FBT), SFMFBT introduces the parameter k-resolution into the kernel function of FBT so that accuracy of the signal decomposition is distinctly improved. In addition, from the error analysis in SFMFBT, Bessel-based signal decomposition methods can be used for feature extraction, whose application scope is extended. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method for a group m-D target and also verifies its robustness when SNR>0 dB. -
表 1 微动频率提取结果
Table 1. The m-D frequency extraction result
目标 k分辨率 最大值项数 初始频率(Hz) 修正频率(Hz) 绝对误差(Hz) 目标1 1 11 2.6878 2.7398 0.2602 4 50 3.1094 3.0254 0.0254 10 124 3.0938 3.0088 0.0088 目标2 1 25 6.1876 6.2381 0.2619 4 106 6.6094 6.5234 0.0234 10 264 6.5938 6.5083 0.0083 目标3 1 40 9.9376 9.9881 0.2119 4 165 10.2969 10.2089 0.0089 10 412 10.2938 10.2078 0.0078 -
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