SAR Microwave Vision 3D    2022 No.1

Guest Editor: Qiu Xiaolan

SAR Microwave Vision-based 3D Imaging Research Dataset-2.0 (SARMV3D-Imaging-2.0) contains the array interferometric SAR data of a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV-borne) SAR named  Microwave Vision 3D SAR verification system (MV3DSAR) acquired in the area of Lingang Business Building in Tianjin, and also contains the optical tilt photography data and the laser point cloud data. Among them, the small UAV-borne array interferometric SAR data includes: 8 azimuth direction observation SLC data and auxiliary data, each azimuth direction includes 4 interference channels of single look complex image data (SLC), amplitude image (tif) and corresponding auxiliary data. The data format is detailed in the documentation and provided matlab function. Optical tilting photography and laser-point cloud data are in general pcd format for easy reading and processing.

For details of parameters of MV3DSAR, please refer to this paper  "Key Technology and Preliminary Progress of Microwave Vision 3D SAR Experimental System" and "The instruction of Synthetic Aperture Radar Microwave Vision 3D Imaging Dataset".

The current data reference format is as follows:

[1] QIU Xiaolan, JIAO Zekun, YANG Zhenli, et al. Key technology and preliminary progress of microwave vision 3D SAR experimental system[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(1): 1–19. doi:  10.12000/JR22027

[2] QIU Xiaolan, JIAO Zekun, PENG Lingxiao, et al. SARMV3D-1.0: Synthetic Aperture Radar Microwave Vision 3D Imaging Dataset[J]. Journal of Radars, 2021, 10(4): 485–498. doi: 10.12000/JR21112

Release date: November 1, 2021

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