DatasetinthePaper    2024 No.1

Data Editor in Chief: JIN Yan, QIU Xiaolan

The Multidimensional SAR Multi-band Fully Polarized Fine Classification Dataset (MPOLSAR-1.0) is aimed at multi-band fully polarized fine classification. Based on the national standard "Land Use Status Classification" (GB/T21010-2017) revised by the Ministry of Land and Resources in November 2017, combined with the actual situation of the multidimensional SAR image coverage area and the experience level of visual interpretation, a labeling scheme including 26 types of land use labels is formed as shown in Figure 1. The raw data of this dataset was obtained from multi-dimensional airborne SAR in the Hainan region, including five bands of P, L, S, C, and X. The scene includes many types of land features such as rural areas, towns, hills, and coasts, and includes a wealth of typical land features.

This dataset contains various formats of data such as TIFF, Dat, XML, PNG, JSON, etc. Among them, the suffix. tif data is SAR amplitude map, the suffix. dat data is L1A complex data, the suffix. ml data is auxiliary information file, the suffix. png data is annotation map, and the suffix. json data is annotation file.

The data usage can be found in the paper "MPOLSAR-1.0: Multidimensional SAR Multi band Fully Polarized Fine Classification Dataset.pdf"

The current data reference format is as follows:

[1] JIN Yan, QIU Xiaolan, PAN Jie, et al. MPOLSAR-1.0: multidimensional SAR multiband fully polarized fine classification dataset[J]. Journal of Radars,  in press. doi:  10.12000/JR24002

Data release time:2024-03-04

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