Rotated Ship Detection Dataset in SAR Images    2022 No.1

Guest Editor: Xu Congan, Su Hang, Yan Wenjun

Rotated Ship Detection Dataset in SAR Images (RSDD-SAR) was built based on the domestic GF-3 satellite and the ESA TerraSAR-X satellite. This dataset consists of 84 scenes GF-3 data slices, 41 scenes TerraSAR-X data slices, and 2 scenes uncropped large images, includes 7,000 slices and 10,263 ship instances of multi-observing modes, multi-polarization modes and multi-resolutions, and has the characteristics of arbitrary rotation direction, large aspect ratio, high proportion of small targets and rich in scenarios. Figure.1 shows an example of the typical scenarios in RSDD-SAR.


Fig.1 Typical scenarios in RSDD-SAR

The size of slice in RSDD-SAR is unified to 512×512 pixels, the format of slice is a 3-channel, 24-bit, grayscale .JPG images, and the annotation of slice is a .XML format file. The annotation file records the polarization mode, resolution, rotated bounding box annotation and other information. The rotated bounding box annotation adopts the long-edge definition method, including the center point coordinate, long edge, short edge, and angle. For an example of the annotation file, see the ‘RSDD-SAR Dataset Instructions’. 2 scenes uncropped images and their annotations are the same as the slice.

For details of the dataset, you can see  “RSDD-SAR Dataset Instructions”.

Citation format: XU Congan, SU Hang, LI Jianwei, et al. RSDD-SAR: Rotated ship detection dataset in SAR images[J]. Journal of Radars, in press. doi: 10.12000/JR22007.

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