SAR-Airport-1.0 2023 No.1

SAR-Airport-1.0Spaceborne SAR Airport Detection Dataset

Data Editor: Fan Zhang, Fei Ma, Yongsheng Zhou

The Spaceborne SAR Airport Detection Dataset (SAR-Airport-1.0) are collected from Sentinel 1B. It contains the SAR images with VH and VV polarization of multiple airports in various cities, so as to promote the research of the SAR target detection. The dataset was constructed by Fan Zhang, Fei Ma, and Yongsheng Zhou, from the Remote Sensing Technology Institute, Beijing University of Chemical Technology.

The dataset mainly consists of two parts, images and labels. The images folder contains a total of 624 images, including the training set and the test set; the labels folder contains all the annotation files corresponding to the images. The naming format of the files in both folders is "country_region_serial_number". Some images are shown in Figure 1. In the annotation files, each line represents a target, recording the target type (0:airport), the normalized airport center position (column and row number), the normalized airport target box width, and the normalized airport target box height, respectively. It meets the format requirements of mainstream detection networks such as Yolo series, PolarMask, SSD and Faster-RCNN.

Figure 1 Samples of images.

The ownership of the spaceborne SAR airport detection dataset belongs to the Remote Sensing Technology Institute, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, and the editorial office of Radar Journal has the right of editing and publishing, etc. Readers are free to use this dataset for teaching and learning.

Acknowledgments: Daocang Wang, Long Chen, and Yingbing Liu of Remote Sensing Technology Institute, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China, contributed to the production of this dataset.


The data usage can be found in the paper "Spaceborne SAR airport detection dataset usage Instructions.pdf

The current data reference format is as follows:

[1]  Fan Zhang, Fei Ma,  Yongsheng Zhou. A Benchmark Sentinel-1 SAR Dataset for Airport Detection (SAR-Airport-1.0)[OL]. Journal of Radars, 2024.

[2] D. Wang, F. Zhang, F. Ma, W. Hu, Y. Tang and Y. Zhou, A Benchmark Sentinel-1 SAR Dataset for Airport Detection[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 15, pp. 6671-6686, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2022.3192063.


Data release time:2024-03-04


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The data can be used free of charge for scientific research, teaching and so on, but the data source should be marked in the reference according to the citation format.

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