Volume 11 Issue 6
Dec.  2022
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LI Yachao, WANG Jiadong, ZHANG Tinghao, et al. Present situation and prospect of missile-borne radar imaging technology[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(6): 943–973. doi: 10.12000/JR22119
Citation: LI Yachao, WANG Jiadong, ZHANG Tinghao, et al. Present situation and prospect of missile-borne radar imaging technology[J]. Journal of Radars, 2022, 11(6): 943–973. doi: 10.12000/JR22119

Present Situation and Prospect of Missile-borne Radar Imaging Technology

DOI: 10.12000/JR22119
Funds:  The National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFB2202500), The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62171337, 62101396), The Key R&D Program of Shaanxi Province (2017KW-ZD-12), The Shaanxi Province Funds for Distinguished Young Youths (S2020-JC-JQ-0056), The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (XJS212205)
More Information
  • Corresponding author: LI Yachao, ycli@mail.xidian.edu.cn
  • Received Date: 2022-06-21
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-12-17
  • Available Online: 2022-12-19
  • Publish Date: 2022-12-25
  • The missile-borne SAR may create high-resolution two-dimensional images of the observation area to gather detailed geomorphological information and information on the size and shape of the target, thereby helping to choose the attack place and enhancing assault precision and effectiveness. Compared with conventional airborne and satellite-based SAR imaging systems, missile-borne SAR brings new problems to radar imaging technology due to its characteristics of long-range detection, large maneuver curve raid, and multiplatform cooperative operations. The missile attack stage is in two- or three-dimensional accelerated high-forward squint imaging mode. The flight trajectory differs from the general SAR imaging mode, resulting in the severe coupling of distance orientation and deteriorating imaging quality. The ballistic SAR will operate in a forward-looking mode during the attack flight stage, which will blur the images and reduce their clarity. The missile beam antenna will also be pointing directly toward the target area. With these issues in mind, this paper introduces the key technologies and development status of ballistic SAR imaging in terms of curved-track large oblique imaging, forward-looking imaging, and cooperative imaging based on military requirements and anticipates the future development trend of this technology.


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