Radar Intelligent Detection Experimental System

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Release Date: 2020-12-03 Visited: 

Radar intelligent detection technology has been highly valued by all countries. In our country, Xidian University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Naval Aeronautical University, National University of Defense Technology, Beihang University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Air Force Engineering University, Institute of Aerospace Information Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Electronics Technology Group have also launched the corresponding research and experiment. Among them, Xidian University developed a feature detection test radar system for targets on the sea surface and low-altitude UAV. Harbin Institute of Technology proposed an ionospheric clutter suppression processing framework based on clutter classification and constructed a high-frequency radar clutter suppression adaptive decision-making and evaluation experimental demonstration system. Naval Aeronautical University built a marine target detection test system which is composed of 6 radars in the P, S, and X band. Using multiple detection methods of radar, photoelectric and AIS, they also developed a multi-sensor integrated sea surveillance system to achieve fusion detection. The construction of relevant test systems of these units strongly supports the research work of radar intelligent detection. 


 Fig. 1 Sea surface target feature detection test system developed by Xidian University     

 Fig. 2 Multi-band marine target detection and test system developed by Naval Aeronautical University

Fig. 3 Radar data acquisition and playback software developed by Naval Aeronautical University

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Release Date: 2020-12-03 Visited: