Journal of Radars Exhibited in 2019 Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR)

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Release Date: 2019-11-29 Visited: 

The 6th Asia-Pacific Synthetic Aperture Radar Conference (APSAR 2019) was held in Xiamen from November 27th to 29th, 2019. This is the return of APSAR to China after ten years. The conference was sponsored by the Chinese Institute of Electronics and co-organized by a number of organizations including IEEE. More than 400 representatives from home and abroad attended the conference.

Deputy Commissioner Wu Shun of the Radar Branch presided over the opening ceremony. Chairman of the Radar Branch-Wu Jianqi, Professor Yang Jianyu of the University of Electronic Science and Technology delivered a speech. Professor Wu Junjie of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and Professor Akira Hirose of Tokyo University presided over the report.

Professor Akira Hirose of the University of Tokyo, Professor Vito Pascazio of the Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope", Italy, Researcher Ding Chibiao of the Aerospace Insformation Research Institude, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor Avik Bhattacharya of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Researcher Lu Jiaguo of The 43rd Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Researcher Fumio Yamazaki of National Institute of Earth Sciences and Disaster Reduction, Japan, Professor Yang Jianyu from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China gave speeches at the conference.

Professor Akira Hirose of the University of Tokyo gave speech: Big SAR data processing: Topographic and vegetation/land-use discovery for SAR data structurization

Professor Vito Pascazio of the Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope", Italy gave speech: New Methods for Speckle Filtering from SAR Images from Non-Local Means Filter to Machine Learning

Researcher Ding Chibiao of the Aerospace Insformation Research Institude, Chinese Academy of Sciences gave speech: Synthetic Aperture Radar Three-Dimensional Imaging—From TomoSAR and Array InSAR to Microwave Vision

Associate Professor Avik Bhattacharya of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay gave speech: SAR for Agriculture: Towards an Operational Application in India

Researcher Lu Jiaguo(on behalf of Ge Peng) of The 43rd Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation gave speech: Antenna Array Microsystem in the Next-Generation Synthetic Aperture Radar

Researcher Fumio Yamazaki of National Institute of Earth Sciences and Disaster Reduction, Japan gave speech: Application of satellite and airborne SAR data in disaster response

Professor Yang Jianyu from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China gave speech: Bistatic/multistatic synthetic aperture radar: Development and Prospect

Professor Akira Hirose of the University of Tokyo, Professor Vito Pascazio of the Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope", Italy, Researcher Ding Chibiao of the Aerospace Insformation Research Institude, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor Avik Bhattacharya of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Researcher Lu Jiaguo of The 43rd Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Researcher Fumio Yamazaki of National Institute of Earth Sciences and Disaster Reduction, Professor Yang Jianyu from the University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong gave speeches at the conference.

Experts Sun Hongbo of Institute for Infocomm Research ,Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore. Reasearch Hongwen of Aerospace Information Reasearch Institude, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and other 9 scientists gave lectures.

Conference set up 35 branch venue report exchanges and thesis poster exchanges.

The Editorial Department of the Journal of Radars participated in the conference and provided relevant materials such as the special issue of "SAR 3D imaging technology" to the participants.

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Release Date: 2019-11-29 Visited: