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LIU Shengheng, YAN He, LI Xingkang, et al. HRT-Net: a cell-free cooperative sensing method based on attention-weighted hierarchical network[J]. Journal of Radars, in press. doi: 10.12000/JR24227
Citation: LIU Shengheng, YAN He, LI Xingkang, et al. HRT-Net: a cell-free cooperative sensing method based on attention-weighted hierarchical network[J]. Journal of Radars, in press. doi: 10.12000/JR24227

HRT-Net: A Cell-Free Cooperative Sensing Method Based on Attention-Weighted Hierarchical Network

DOI: 10.12000/JR24227
Funds:  The National Science and Technology Major Project (2024ZD1300200), The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2242023R40005)
More Information
  • This paper proposes an intelligent framework based on a cell-free network architecture, called HRT-Net. HRT-Net is designed to enhance multi-station collaborative sensing problems for joint radar and communication systems, offering accurate and resource-efficient target location estimation. First, the sensing area is divided into sub-regions and a lightweight region selection network employing depthwise separable convolution; this approach coarsely identifies the target’s sub-region, reducing computational demands and enabling extensive area coverage. To tackle interstation data disparity, we propose a channel-wise unidimensional attention mechanism. This mechanism aggregates multi-station sensing data effectively, enhancing feature extraction and representation by generating attention weight maps that refine the original features. Finally, we design a target localization network featuring multi-scale and multi-residual connections. This network extracts comprehensive, deep features and achieves multi-level feature fusion, allowing for reliable mapping of data to the target coordinates. Extensive simulations and real-world experiments validate the effectiveness and robustness of our scheme. The results show that compared with the existing methods, HRT-Net achieves centimeter-level target localization with low computational complexity and minimal storage overhead.


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