The Third Editorial Board Founding Meeting of Journal of Radars was Held in Hohhot

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Release Date: 2019-08-15 Visited: 

The thirdeditorial board founding meeting of Journal of Radars was held in InnerMongolia University of Technology in Hohhot on August 14, 2019. About 40editorial board members from 20 institutions including National Defense Universityof Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, University of Science and Technologyof China and The Aerospace Information Research Institute under the ChineseAcademy of Sciences (CAS) have attended the meeting.

The Editorial Board Meeting

Academician Wu Yirong, Editor-in-Chiefof Journal of Radars delivered a speech

Academician Jin Yaqiu from FudanUniversity, the advisor of the journal delivered a speech

Academician Heyou from HainanAirlines, the advisor of the journal delivered a speech

ProfessorXia Xianggen of the University of Delaware, the International editorial boardmember of the Journal delivered a speech

Wu Yirong, Editor-in-Chiefof Journal of Radars issued the letter of appointment

For details please visit the following website in Chinese.

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Release Date: 2019-08-15 Visited: