Open access declaration

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Open access declaration

The Journal of Radars is an open-access journal and all articles will be read and downloaded free of charge immediately and permanently upon publication.

Peer review

Journal of radars for each paper designated a responsible editor, responsible editor after the first instance passed, and then by the same research direction of three experts peer review, review cycle is generally about 20 days. The innovation and application value of the thesis are important indicators to measure the academic quality of the thesis, including the following five aspects.

1. Is there an academic ethics issue with the paper? Does it fit the scope of the journal's coverage?

2. What is the significance of the paper's choice of topic? Is it cutting-edge, hot spot?

3. Are research papers innovative enough? Are the review papers broad, in-depth and forward-looking?

4. Are the arguments, experiments and references sufficient for the paper?

5. Is the structure, language and logic of the paper rigorous?

User benefits

The Journal of Radars uses creative Commons to allow third-party users to share by-signature (BY) - non-commercial use (NC) - ND (CC BY-NC-ND), which allows third parties to copy, distribute, exhibit, perform, show, broadcast, or disseminate to the public through information networks, but in these processes must retain the author's signature, for non-commercial purposes only, no deductive creation is permitted. At the same time, the author reserves other rights to the paper (including, but not limited to, the right to continue to use the paper in patent applications, academic reports and non-commercial academic exchanges). For more information, please visit

Author's rights

After the manuscript is hired, the author is required to enter into a "copyright transfer agreement" with the editorial department to transfer the copyright to Journal of radas, but has the right to allow third parties to share their articles (e.g. stored in the institutional knowledge base) under the knowledge-sharing license agreement, which can also be used for other academic purposes.

Publishing costs

To support open access to publishing, the Journal of Radars charges a publishing fee (publishing charge, APC) that needs to be paid for by the author or his institution, funded projects, etc. The fee is 300 RMB/page.

If the author does not have the subject funds to pay layout fees can apply for relief. Application: The author of the communication can be waived upon confirmation by sending an e-mail instruction to the official mailbox of the editorial department of the Journal of Radars.

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