Volume 13 Issue 2
Apr.  2024
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Article Contents
JIN Mingzhen, YANG Shen, WU Zhongjie, et al. Global scattering-center modeling based on RANSAC and 3D spectral peak analysis[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(2): 471–484. doi: 10.12000/JR23113
Citation: JIN Mingzhen, YANG Shen, WU Zhongjie, et al. Global scattering-center modeling based on RANSAC and 3D spectral peak analysis[J]. Journal of Radars, 2024, 13(2): 471–484. doi: 10.12000/JR23113

Global Scattering-center Modeling Based on RANSAC and 3D Spectral Peak Analysis

DOI: 10.12000/JR23113
Funds:  The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62201587, 62001486), Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation Youth Project Fund (2022JJ40562)
More Information
  • Corresponding author: WU Zhongjie, hit_wzj@163.com
  • Received Date: 2023-06-26
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-09-07
  • Available Online: 2023-09-11
  • Publish Date: 2023-09-19
  • The global scattering-center model is a high-performance electromagnetic scattering parametric model for complex targets in an optical region. The traditional methods for constructing global scattering models are usually based on candidate-point screening and clustering and are prone to producing false scattering centers and ignoring actual scattering centers. To address this issue, this study proposes a novel modeling method based on the spectral peak analysis of the target electromagnetic scattering intensity field. First, the three-dimensional (3D) electromagnetic scattering intensity field of the target is estimated based on the multiperspective, one-dimensional scattering-center parameters of the target using the RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) and Parzen window methods. Next, the positions of the global 3D scattering centers are determined through spectral peak analysis, scattering-center association, and multivision measurement fusion. Finally, the scattering coefficients and type parameters of the global scattering centers are estimated after the visibility of the global scattering center is corrected through binary image morphological processing. Simulation results demonstrate that the global scattering center model extracted using this method, which is highly consistent with the geometrical structure of the target, achieves higher expression accuracy while using fewer scattering centers than those used in traditional methods.


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