Volume 10 Issue 3
Jun.  2021
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Article Contents
LIU Fan, YUAN Weijie, YUAN Jinhong, et al. Radar-communication spectrum sharing and integration: Overview and prospect[J]. Journal of Radars, 2021, 10(3): 467–484. doi: 10.12000/JR20113
Citation: LIU Fan, YUAN Weijie, YUAN Jinhong, et al. Radar-communication spectrum sharing and integration: Overview and prospect[J]. Journal of Radars, 2021, 10(3): 467–484. doi: 10.12000/JR20113

Radar-communication Spectrum Sharing and Integration: Overview and Prospect

DOI: 10.12000/JR20113
More Information
  • The need of extra wireless spectrum is on the rise, given the rapid development of global wireless communication industry. To this end, Radar and Communication Spectrum Sharing (RCSS) has gained considerable attentions recently from both industry and academia. In particular, RCSS aims not only at enabling the spectral cohabitation of radar and communication systems, but also at designing a novel joint system that is capable of both functionalities. In this paper, a systematic overview of RCSS by focusing on the two main research directions are provided, i.e., Radar-Communication Coexistence (RCC) and Dual-Functional Radar-Communication (DFRC). We commence by discussing the coexistence examples of radar and communication at various frequency bands, and then elaborate on the practical application scenarios of the DFRC techniques. As a further step, the state-of-the-art approaches of both RCC and DFRC are reviewed. Finally we conclude the paper by identifying a number of open problems in the research area of RCSS.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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